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Posts posted by mricorp

  1. Ok so the next time someone is trapped in a confined space, you should jump in unequipped to save them (note 60% of those that do this have died)


    someone is trapped in an unshored trench, you should jump in to save them


    a sniper is taking shots in an open lot, instead of waiting for properly trained and equipped LEO's you should run into the kill zone because you are a human (but not likely after the shooting stops).


    a fully involved fire, no gear, no SCBA, because someone said my baby is in there (he was refering to his car or her cat.)

    I am not saying we should not go in harms way, but we have policies to improve the chances of both the victim and the rescuers.

    Without the training & equipment, your death does not help this victim or the next one. Some here have said we are no 1 and the victim is no 2, An instructor of mine many years ago said we were no 7.

    No 1. is the rescuer

    No 2. is his family (particularly his children)

    No 3. is his partner or crew (some say #2 & 3 should flip flop)

    No 4. is the dept. (which will be hurt by his death)

    No 5. is the municipality or communicty (which will have to pay for the loss or litigation and thus will reduce service to the next victim)

    No 6. is all the lawyers that will be litigating this case

    No 7. is the idiot who most likely put himself into this position (and if rescued,will probable try again next week [even if the rescuers are killed in this attempt]).

    How dare you speak for those hero's. They were well trained, well equipped, well staffed, following long established policies and the extremly well respected Operations officer (Ray Downey) stated shortly before the collapse and his death that the buildings would come down but he thought there was enough time to resuce many/most of the people inside and still pull out in time.

    This is not the same, do not use 9-1-1 to put down others, their is no comparison. thank you.

    The answer is yes to all of the above. I don't spend my life prioritizing whose life is worth more than another's.

    ....and yes, I do dare because not one of those guys gave a s%*t about policy. They were selfless and gave their lives trying to save ANY other human they could. They DID NOT prioritize.

    That is all I have to say about any of this.

  2. I would sit tight on this subject for another year or so. I know that at least a few of the emergency lighting companies are focusing on scene (or white) lighting and I think we will see tremendous strides in low current super bright scene lighting (fixed and portable) over the next few years.

  3. This appears to be an excellent, well thought out and designed rig, I especially like the front mounted pump. It is so easy to use. And, the layout for equipment appears to take advantage of every inch of space. Well done to the truck committee.

    We have had a similar unit in operation for quite a few years. However ours acts strictly as a water main and does not carry any equipment or tools. It's sole purpose is to get as close to the scene a possible, drop the 5" and run to the bay to draft.



    markmets415 likes this

  4. My oh my how the times they have a-changed. First thing, I personally want to give the original poster a pass (just my opinion) for the way this thing got broken out into a new topic. I admit he did overreact to what was done, but I personally understand his point. I also understand the moderators point, so lets let it go everybody? There's more important things going on right now than to bicker over how this became it's own thread.

    But now that it is, let's take a look at what happened. The chief in question, it's my understanding he wasn't the most popular of chiefs, but who ever is? He put basically his whole life into an organization of 10,000, and rose to the top. But because we are all so conditioned to think firefighting/policing/EMSing are SERVANT careers, it's done for free in so many places too, etc., it brings peoples' blood to boiling when they read something like this.

    Yet the payouts to the bankers who have made such a mess of the economy; nobody blinks when they see 50 million dollars, 20 million dollars to this or that executive of an investment bank. We are conditioned to accept the fact that bankers make huge money, but somehow firefighters should be "kept as servants."

    The pension costs are going up for the NYCP&FPS (different from the state) because of how many 9/11 ailments the Brothers are contracting. The FDNY does breathing tests. If you can't pass it, you're out. So, the city has to pay for the additional costs. and is that so much to ask for the sacrifices the FDNY members have made since 9/11? How many of you personally know a Brother with 9/11 related illness? I happen to know two.

    You know what Zadroga is about from an FDNY member's standpoint? It's about those sick members wanting to see to it that their wives continue to get their pensions if their ailments turn into cancer and they die.

    Think about that.

    Is that so greedy? Is it so greedy that a chief who served over 40 years of his life, probably had more than his fair share of risky moments during his career, probably saved a few lives along the way, which is more than you can say about the banker walking out the door with a 20 million dollar severance package, that he gets a quarter million a year?

    Why the outrage? Why have so many forgotten so quickly? In the aftermath of 9/11, there were the famous people out there talking about how the FDNY was going to get better pay and compensation going forward. You know what Rudy gave them in the two years after 9/11? ZERO and ZERO percent contract. Where did the talking heads go? They had their moment in the spotlight, on the deaths of hundreds of Brothers backs, and where did they go? What did they accomplish? Where are they now when the FDNY needs them badly?

    They want the Engine officers to start doling out tickets for car fires and accidents. They are going to be trained in A.I. They are going to wind up in courts in the middle of battles.

    And yet, the department readies plans to shutter and brown out companies at night.

    Where did the RESPECT go? Time.......leads people to forget. And then add in an anti-union rag like the NY POST, making a big deal about the chief, enraging people against the fire department. Nice job Mr. Murdoch, now please return to the Land Down Under from which you came and belong.

    Listen guys and gals, the working class people in this country are under attack. I posted a link here recently showing the average payouts from the NYSP&FRS. It's NOWHERES near what this city chief is making. The State fund is 107 percent funded right now, the healthiest in the country. Good planning, now just watch your politicians don't go and screw with that, which is what they are trying to do.

    Whenever politicians see money sitting there, set aside and invested for the working people, they can't resist trying to get their greedy little hands on it. Well hands off the pension system, and you know what? New York city residents are going to have to PAY UP for the pensions that the Brothers need, especially the sick ones. It's the least they can do in the aftermath of our country's worst homeland attack in our history. and i'm sure Manhattan real estate is still going to rise past the average million dollars for 600 square feet. They'll survive. The chief gets to live good for his remaining years; why begrudge him? Why vilify him?

    NEVER FORGET, we all love to say it, wrap that Flag around our shoulders. Yet do we forget when we vilify some FDNY members because the NY POST says we should?

    Think about it.

    Thanks for your comments and your points are excellent and well put.

    I think the issue I was trying to point out is that while I agree that people can be outraged over private sector salaries, bonuses, etc. that is a free market and decided by free market factors. Are many of their actions disturbing, unethical or sometimes even criminal? Absolutely, but the point is that in a capitalist society you cannot limit what a person can make in a free market unless they cross the line of the law.

    A lot of people got very stupid over the last decade and there were many people who were able to capitalize on that stupidity. A lot of people, and governments, spent a lot of money they didn't have and that lead us to the mess we are in today.

    Which brings me to the point I was raising. When people talk about shuttering firehouses, etc I believe we need to look at all the sins of the past that brought us to that. Isn't this one example? While I understand he had a long career with the FDNY and took his fair share of risk, how is it that he ends up going out on a disability pension for $300k/ year tax free plus a $300k cash payout?

    Shouldn't a disability pension be reserved for those who have to leave because they are truly disabled and need the extra money because they are too injured to ever work again? Isn't it for those who have lost the ability to support themselves due to their injury and need the extra income to survive? Does this apply in this case?? If you know this person you know that it does not. He is not disabled in any way and will be free to live many years on a 3/4 pension playing golf and traveling around the world while the taxpayers pay for it and firehouses close because of it.

    Do you realize that if he lives another 30 years that is over $9,000,000?? Yes 9 MILLION DOLLARS!!! I don't know many bankers who walk away with that kind of coin.

    But whether you agree with it or not is not my point. My point is simply that there is no way a government, big or small, can sustain itself when it has to payout pensions of this magnitude and therefore can be PART of the reason that firehouses may have to close.

  5. It's their site, they make the rules. Number 2, if it was not in the context of the discussion, they had every right to move it and branch out into another thread. I have been on this site for something like 6 years and I have had my issues with the people that run it. I don't agree with a lot of stuff that goes on here, but this one they got right. You got beef?? Bring it up in private.

    If they do not like what I say then delete it entirely. They have no right to separate it out to another thread where it was not meant to be.

    I cannot take it up "in private" if the threat that is using my words in a way they weren't meant to be used is still up.

    While I understand this is their site, they put it out there and the purpose of forums such as this is supposed to be to discuss the issue from ALL perspectives. The fact that they delete, or move, everything they don't like or agree with is a disgrace. After all we live in the United States, not China.

  6. Instead of deleting my posts explaining what I said originally why not delete the entire thread so people don't continue to take what I said out of context.

    If you are going to continue to delete posts based on your own opinions at will you should not have any part in such a site and you probably should move to Iran or somewhere else that censors free speech.

    SRS131EMTFF likes this

  7. This post was in a thread on a different subject and split off as its own topic so as not to derail the original thread.

    I think I'm missing the connection between this and Zadroga too.

    This site continues to amaze me. I don't know how anyone has the right to remove my post and move it to its own thread where it is being taken completely out of context. The original post was in response FDNY budget cuts. It said nothing derogatory nor was offensive in any way. It simply asked a question that maybe this is another reason why there are fiscal problems in the city.

    I did not question if he deserved it or anything else. I just wonder how a government like NYC can survive when it is paying out disability pensions (and a $300k one time payout for unused sick time) of that magnitude for civil servants?

    It is not a bash on anyone or anything. I am simply asking a question and this post should have been left where it was.

    efdcapt115 likes this

  8. What you gain from the price, you lack in quality.

    ...............and jobs for other Americans.

    I find it completely amazing how many flag waving Americans (and Firefighters) can turn their backs on this country and its workers to save a couple of bucks.

    Whelen prides itself on Designing and MANUFACTURING all of its products in the United States of America. These other companies take Whelen's designs, knock them off in China, and export them here for a percentage of the price.

    Sure a Whelen product costs a few bucks more but the quality and performance is significantly better and you are keeping US workers at work supporting our country. Why is that so easy to forget??

    And also don't forget that a huge majority of workers at Whelen's facilities are volunteer Firefighters and EMS just like us, including all of the people who run the company. So BROTHERS, lets keep our fellow BROTHERS at work and remember to buy AMERICAN!!!!!

    helicopper and 64FFMJK like this

  9. The fleet demo day will be held at Playland on June 2, 2010

    Special features will be the new 2011 Chevy Caprice Police package and 2012 Crown Victoria

    I didn't know there was going to be a 2012 Crown Victoria? I thought 2011 was the last year.