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Posts posted by irishfire2491

  1. Facebook has all the Attention of Fire Wire's now Its fast and everyone is always scanning Facebook. Kempter Fire Wire (KFW) has over 2750 members and growing everyday and cover serious incident in Westchester, Putnam , Rockland, Dutchess and National incidents. 98% of all the post is accurate post that is word for word of the radio transmission and at time Photos of the incident. The side is highly monitored and the BS Post and comments are removed and not encouraged to cause a pissing war.

    dwcfireman likes this

  2. Thanks for all the INFO, I will look in to the business. EFDCapt my dept does issue however the place we used to deal with went out of business (Webs World), So I was looking for place to go close enough for myself and new member to be able to be fitted with uniforms. I heard a Rumor that Rescue Stuff was doing uniforms but wasn't sure, Guess I will be stopping in, Seth and Greg make sure you get the LONG, LONG Body Tape Measure out for this BIG GUY! lol


    BFD1054 likes this

  3. LoHud Indian Point

    BUCHANAN — Indian Point must upgrade its automatic fire prevention systems to help workers respond more quickly to a blaze at the nuclear power plant, federal regulators ruled Wednesday.

    More sprinkler systems, physical barriers and detection equipment are necessary to ensure that fighting fires doesn’t rely on just plant workers, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission said — but there was no immediate safety concern.

    “Although the two (reactors) have some deficiencies in their defense-in-depth, they have extensive fire protection programs, including an on-site fire brigade trained to respond to and extinguish fires,” NRC official Michele G. Evans said. “In addition, each unit has established fire watches to monitor areas containing the deficiencies.”

    MoFire390 and FDNY 10-75 like this

  4. Just as I suspected. ok? You sleep deprived brother? You're making a counter argument on a different side to another statement you made.

    TMac- I am sleep Deprived, All Work No Sleep! I dont know what argument I am making anymore, but I do want to see a better EMS System NO MORE Half A** EMS. It is bad enough that if I call for an Ambulance at my house and hear it go M/A I have to drag my self across the Flood Gate to get an ambulance.

  5. Not next...

    This brings us back to Seth's original question, is this just putting a band-aid on a much larger issue? Was there no EMT available? Driver? Why should we just completely overlook the fact that they put in a system of one paid EMT/driver, and are STILL having the problem, when this was supposed to solve the issue. Was Croton out on another call that tied up manpower?(as in they couldn't muster up a just two more people?)

    Do you want an application CEMS You seem to be bashing this one agency. Hate to say it this is not the only agency with problems, As your agency has Paid people and go M/A as well. You just took your EMT Test this week so share stop spending all your time behind the computer and come be that EMT or that DRIVER.

  6. Leave the ambulance on the outside of the scene, (Stretchers are easy to go over the 5inch hose, ambluance on the other hand NOT so much) If your department has or can get access to a Rehab unit try to get that as close to the fire scene as possible, REHAB Doesnt work if you have to walk a distance to it. and leave it there until the last fire truck leaves the scene. If your ambulance has to transport and you are awaiting a second ambulance to the scene for the standby you at least still have the REHAB unit to allow you to be able treat another victim and or rehab your Firefighters.

  7. So why not take the berden off ur neighbors and speak with a paid service to supply 1 M/A BLS ambulance. I can think of one where there is always a unit 5min from the village

    LMAO Good Joke :lol:

    Cortlandt VAC currently has Care1EMS as their primary M/A ambulance...and has come in handy on a few calls already. was just a suggestion. if they are in the area might as well use them...

    A Few calls out of how many? Just listening to the radio I hear alot of tones and alot of beeping coming from my FD pager! :angry:

  8. So they're not using the other vacs at mutual aid ?

    garrison also has been used for the 9d area between foodtown and the bridge.

    Care 1 has been used M/A for Philipstown and They do have a contracted EMT in Garrison VAC Mon - Fri 0600-1600hrs, Putnam works on Muliti Agency Tone Out for M/A response, to my knowledge it comes down to who every is able to get a crew first takes the call. 9 times our of 10 calls are handled with the paid staff EMT/Driver and the Medic. Unless it is a second hit and no 2nd personal in the building, or an ALPHA level call and no medic dispatched. If it comes down to M/A Philipstown EMT will assist and offer to ride the call in with the other responding agency. Garrison District line is the Bridge at Dicks Castle rd on rt 9d which is less than a mile from foodtown. and BVAC Starts at the Tunnel on the other side of RT9d. Philipstown does cover a large area, so the response can be some time for say Garrison to respond from their HQ to the Northern End of Philipstown which happens to be right down the road from CARE 1 HQ.