Tanker 10eng

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Everything posted by Tanker 10eng

  1. love the picture of the apparatus placement... very well thought out !!! what year is the third on from the right ??
  2. I can not comment anywhere else, but in Croton the normal rule of thumb is every 6 years.... a Chief's car is replaced under the supervision of the Village's Mechanic, who is incharge of the fleet.... he set up a program for replacements so that they are spaced out in a manner to best suit the taxpayers..... now if a vehicle is in good shape, as many have been, this time period maybe stretched out... but again that is under his advise... Our mechanic does it as a warranty vs man hour to repair thing, if the cars are under warranty, all he has to do is budget in man hour for service... not repairs... and for what the Village pays for them !!! wow... love state bids... and after the useful life of a chief's car, Croton usually uses the vehicles for local DPW service... I do question the town or Village's rule on just how far a vehicle can go for personal use... There are causes were this is abused, and that is a sad fact.... but lets face it, the abuse runs in paid personel postions were take home cars are used... from Town officials on down... just look at all the reports in the paper about all the take home cars in Yonkers ( I am not pointing at the FD ), and half the time you hear Yonkers crying for more money from NY.... aaaaaaaa As a taxpayer, I have not problem with the Chiefs cars, but I sure think there needs to be set limits that they respect...
  3. oh my god, OLD ???? I feel old...
  4. aaaaaaaaaaa no thanks !!!! sorry Art, I had to do it...
  5. chances are Chief, the load is being carried on the masonry block wall... then the insulation and sheetrock is furred out from the masonry wall with steel studs, a cost saving measure...
  6. the sad thing here, is that even if your doing the speed limit.... with the lights and sirens going, our big red machines, appear to the general public as speeding !!
  7. thank you, we know the feeling.... Metro North has a large repair shop in our town, we provide them with FD and EMS and yet we get nothing from them.... not even a used donated pickup or box truck !!!
  8. ok, are these State Colleges ???? county ? or private ?
  9. being one that has no clue of anything with this matter...... why are the properties tax exempt ??
  10. Our State / Country is in the position it is in now, for many reason, but the main reason is greed and people looking out for themselves. As seen by the banking industry and how bailouts were paid, even after the higher ups received thousands of dollars ( many thousand ) in bonuses... It seems that there are those here that will always put down someone else who tries to help out others, because the fear for their pockets.. This is life and there is nothing we can do about this... its just sad... As a member of the TRT for many years now, I have been training through NY State, the County and other private companies, in most of the fields required to be a tech member of the team. [ not to mention, by being trained by Barry Nechis, Bill Fitz, John Flynn, Dave Simions, Many members of the Capital District Team, and members of the FDNY ( those here today and those not ), each who brought to the table allot of great Knowledge and Skills ] I am a member, and can only express my own thoughts, and not those of the team leaders... The WCTRT is a Volunteer Team in only 1 respect... no one gets paid.... we offer our time and efforts to the County, but it is not open to just volunteer fire depts... its open to all that may want to join... The team has doctors, EMT's, Volunteer Fire, Career Fire, PD, contractors, electrical experts and more.... we are doing this to HELP OUT, the poeple of this County, our friends, family and who ever else may need it..... are we the best ? NO, but most of us are willing to drop what we are doing to help others out.. so why is that wrong ? if we are trained and experienced .... Maybe, the members of the Paid depts, who see this as a threat to them, ( why else would they complain so much ? ), should step up to the plate, with all their experience, and join the team .. Help out your county, your friends and famlies and make this team the best, " WE " can offer the People of Westchester County ... this way, if it was ever to be called into a paid dept, or any other County, they would know the help coming would be able to assist them... or are they only willing to help those in need when they are being paid for it ? I do not think, anyone of our members, joined this team, with the main goal to cause harm or steal anything from the Career teams... we did it to help those who need help ? We drill twice a month, the door is open ........
  11. I think we can say she is lucky she hit, or ran into, a backhoe instead of a truck or car traveling at the backhoe's speed... the hoe bucket was up and in the lucked travel position, when she ran into it, the arm was rocked and moved upward towards the operator, as the cable holds it up, thus absorbing the force of the 60 mph crash...It was a car, she would had a more direct hit, and transfered more force to the " slow " driver in front of her...
  12. From the picture, it seems the rafters are nothing more the 2x4's and then the metal roof is applied directly over with no horizontal sleepers... if the roof ladder is not wide enough to span over 2 rafters, you may put the ladder on 1 rafter and with the tin roof, the roof ladder will twist and could cause the FF to loose their balance... I would thing twice before going on this... the rust is not a good sign, so the panels may also be weaker, then they were when originally installed...
  13. we have been trying for over a year now, but John keeps coming back....
  14. wow 119,500.... what a number, my Dept. radio user number is 119 - 5 you can't make this stuff up
  15. I believe this is a great idea and the thoughts are in the right place, but the Airline's Insurance and the law suit to follow will more them cover the costs to providing this family with a new home... by having EHM rebuild their home, it may take the blame or responsiblity from the airlines.... are they not the ones who should make right to the family who suffered this loss ? I could see if the Airlines came away from this free and clear, then asking EHM to help them out is right, but this situation is totally different then the normal cases and may not apply.. in my opinion ( and not a lawyer or insurance dude ), this poor ( in loss only ) family will be well taken care of.... just my thoughts I will sign up...
  16. aaaaaaaaaaaa what building ?
  17. We tried them a couple of years ago, with removal of a DFF from a basement ( in the VA ), and found them great for sliding and moving the vic, but still to long and rigid for making your way up stairs... We also looked into getting the half sked, as it offered the patient packaging as the shed, just did not go past the waist, which allowed the Down Fire Fighter to be flexible around turns and stairwells... but I think it was cut out of the budget by the Chief, so we never got it... maybe one day soon.... 2083 is all for getting the right stuff...
  18. a question for you, above the pump panel there is a diamond plate, ..... tray or shelf.... what is that for ??
  19. Ground ladders are a good point, but they are nothing our FAST team brings with them... yes, we have some on the engine, but ladders along with a hose line are the only tools we think of using from our host department... ( we do not plan on using their hand or power tools, because when you really are going to need them, they will either be in use or low on some thing.. )
  20. sweet rig, when more pictures are available, let us see.... please !!! maybe some of the crew cab
  21. For the past week, each time I open the EMTBRAVO site, I see the picture of the officer coming down a ladder at what looks like a call… great shot and a nice action photo of the firefighter… BUT, each time I see it, one thing that drives me crazy is the Scott pack’s waist belt, which is loose and hanging down behind him… ( I know many guys, allot of my FDNY buddies, do not like to buckle that strap, for one reason of another… ) My question is WHY ???? It also appears that the waist strap has a holder for the regulator also, but I might be wrong… My BIG problem with this practice is, what if, while he is going down the ladder, the strap buckle gets caught up on the frame work of the ladder, and his forward motion is pulled back and he looses his balance and falls off the ladder… might never happen, BUT it could The white helmet shows he is an officer, shouldn’t he set an example to his men and wear it ??? Thoughts from others ?
  22. your right, I think this is going to be the way of the future... our new car 2082 will be the same way...
  23. Wow, if memorys serve me right, just last week we were all reminded to stop taken things personally... I never called out this officer, just the practice of not using the waist strap, and it is multipled by being on an aerial ladder... To the officer in question, I apologize if he or anyone thinking I am trying to make him look bad... I am not !!! a statement made from someone without an open mind.... your profile states your 21 -24, do you know anything about the people writing comments here.... I fought my first structure fire before you were born.... open your mind and see what I was pointing out, not putting down a " brother " of yours .... not sure about many others, but just about all of the NYS and County courses I have taken in the last 10 years have had classroom lessons were pictures ( power point presentations ) and videos are shown to the students... pictures which are used to make a point, to teach and to improve what we take from the class.... yes, when the lights go off, I am awake and watching and learning... if your statement is true, then maybe the designers who are creating our courses need to stop the practice of using photos... I signed up for this site to be able to discuss issues and to better myself.. not to put anyone down... maybe 4 - 5 years ago, a Yorktown Chief was ripped apart for not wearing gloves during overhaul operations, and his picture was posted here... points were made and we discussed it... whats the big deal... all sides were heard. so I guess your Department's safety officer is nothing more then a witch.... Yes, in my own department, we will address issues like this... as a senior member I will step forward and warn members when they are doing unsafe actions... is it not what we are supposed to do ? are we not supposed to look out for each others backs, and do what ever we can do to keep each other safe ? Or should we just shut our mouth and let things happen as they may.... if he fell off that ladder, and was put to an end... would everyone juts go home and say oh well ?, I should of said something to " LOUIE "?? would it bother anyone that they never stepped forward and said something ?? but I am sure everyone would find a way to place blame on the fire dept. for not providing proper safety equipment.. then who is responsible.... the safety officer, chiefs, and line officers... Maybe 2 months ago, or less, a question was put forth about what can be done to get more people to start posting, so I elected to step forward and start posting.... I see the reason why I did not post much in the first few years here, no matter what you say or state, someone out there is going to be upset and start whining... and you become the bad guy, which will only get people to just read and leave... if they even bother to come back, is that what EMTBRAVO is about ? To close, I did not attack the officer.... I do not care if he is a Career man or a Volunteer.... stop reading this as a personal attack on an individual... I care that this practice continues today, and hope no one every falls victem to it..
  24. I would not say safety police, just point out one thing that I feel is extremely dangers.... I did not point out about the coat, lack of hood, or gloves.... as I don not find that a major issue, and i have fallen to not being perfect either... I was mainly asking about the danger of a hanging waist strap and coming down an aerial ladder... yes it can be what " if " ed to death, but that one second, could lead to his death... I am NOT attacking that officer personally in any way shape or form, I do not know him and have no problems with him... I just stated the danger of not wearing the Scott pack's straps while doing any operations above the ground.... If the picture was of him standing in front giving orders, and the straps hung down, I would not of cared.... but he is on an aerial ladder, and maybe by pointing this out to the younger/ newer guys, on the forum, that may think its cool because the more senior guys do it...., may give them the break, or opportunity to see what can really happen if you do not do things as taught and trained... If one guy agrees with this thought and starts always wearing them, then something was gained by this post... well we should... If a manufacturer, Scott, tells the purchaser to wear the waist belts all the time, if your are trained to use them that way and it is written in the SOP ( or SOG's as some depts. have, do to legal reasons ) how you are to operate with a SCBA, and you fail to do this..... who's fault is it ? Just say he ( or any other firefighter ) were to fall off that aerial ladder, and a lawyer representing the Town ( city or Village ) in a legal suit, gets a hold of the picture, the fire fighter has no leg to stand on, as he was not using the equipment properly, he was not operating according to the SOP, and was not doing the job as he was trained.... the law suit may not favor well in his case.... So I brought this up, just to give people a heads up.. NOT TO PUT THIS OFFICER DOWN, OR NIT PICK