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  1. x4093k liked a post in a topic by ex-commish in Today - End of the World   
    Now I have to buy my wife a Christmas present...was holding out...
  2. x4093k liked a post in a topic by ex-commish in Today - End of the World   
    Now I have to buy my wife a Christmas present...was holding out...
  3. ups2ooo liked a post in a topic by ex-commish in YFD Union Creates New Website (Yonkers CFR-D Program)   
    I am not affiliated with YFD or Empress nor do I live in Yonkers and I am in no way taking sides but I just want to say if and I mean if there is friction between the unions or between members of the unions than wouldn't it be better that the two entities hash this out among themselves rather than doing it on EMTBRAVO? JMHO.
  4. x4093k liked a post in a topic by ex-commish in Today - End of the World   
    Now I have to buy my wife a Christmas present...was holding out...
  5. x4093k liked a post in a topic by ex-commish in Today - End of the World   
    Now I have to buy my wife a Christmas present...was holding out...
  6. ex-commish liked a post in a topic by Bnechis in Today - End of the World   
  7. helicopper liked a post in a topic by ex-commish in Discussion - Newtown, CT - School Shooting - 12/14/12   

    No one should jump down your throat for your opinions and I hope you and all the other responders are holding up and know that all of us in the emergency services stand by you all. God Bless
  8. ex-commish liked a post in a topic by ltjay157 in Discussion - Newtown, CT - School Shooting - 12/14/12   
    I've held my tongue long enough. No one knows why the shooter did this. Let the police finish the investigation instead of coming up with theories.
    Society has changed. I don't know how/why it did. Things aren't like they used to be. I grew up playing cops & robbers, army & video games. I didn't turnout to be a sociopath.
    It is tragic that this had to happen. I feel that since the media sensationalize all these shootings, you get the copycats. The media are a bunch of vultures. All they care about is ratings. The families should be allowed to mourn in peace.
    Everyone that's screaming for gun control should look at the laws already in place. They just need to be enforced better. The shooter drove to the school. If we had banned cars, he never would have made it to the school (sarcasm). Anybody remember the Fast & Furious program the FEDERAL gov't implemented? The gov't wanted to track straw purchases of guns going to Mexico. It worked real well. The program got Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry killed on Dec 15, 2010. You expect the Feds to protect us with gun laws?!?! I conceal carry because the world is not full of rainbows & unicorns. The POTUS & elected officials get armed security details. Who is there to protect my family from the scum of society? That's right, me and my evil guns.
    Before you all jump down my throat, let me introduce myself. I'm Justin Lurix & the 2nd Ass't Chief of the Botsford Fire Dept in Newtown, CT. I also work for a neighboring police agency that responded to the school. These are my personal feelings & have no reflection on my agencies.
  9. ex-commish liked a post in a topic by AMR in Discussion - Newtown, CT - School Shooting - 12/14/12   
    I am a physician, a psychiatrist, active in emergency, wilderness and diving medicine. I think that love, compassion, easing suffering is what teachers, parents, First Responders do. That is what First Response is all about. That is what those who responded gave and what all of us hope to add to the world.
  10. JetPhoto liked a post in a topic by ex-commish in Discussion - Newtown, CT - School Shooting - 12/14/12   
    I agree...bothers the hell out of me that the media is interviewing these kids. Leave them alone.
  11. JetPhoto liked a post in a topic by ex-commish in Discussion - Newtown, CT - School Shooting - 12/14/12   
    I agree...bothers the hell out of me that the media is interviewing these kids. Leave them alone.
  12. BFD1054 liked a post in a topic by ex-commish in Discussion - Newtown, CT - School Shooting - 12/14/12   
    Ask yourself...did prohibition stop people from getting booze? No. Drugs are illegal...does that stop people from getting them? How long has the war on drugs been in effect? NY has one of the toughest gun laws in the country. I, as a retired law enforcement officer have to file for a permit like anyone else if I want to carry a gun with the process taking months. Yet there are still a large amount of shootings in NY with illegal guns. I understand the frustration of people when things like this happen but at the end of the day it is people who are the cause not the instrument itself.
    I fully understand the frustration when horrible things like this happen but to make gun laws tougher ( at times the current ones aren't even enforced)will not solve the problem. May God rest the souls of those taken...
  13. JetPhoto liked a post in a topic by ex-commish in Discussion - Newtown, CT - School Shooting - 12/14/12   
    I agree...bothers the hell out of me that the media is interviewing these kids. Leave them alone.
  14. JetPhoto liked a post in a topic by ex-commish in Discussion - Newtown, CT - School Shooting - 12/14/12   
    I agree...bothers the hell out of me that the media is interviewing these kids. Leave them alone.
  15. Westfield12 liked a post in a topic by ex-commish in 10 Year Old Fire Chief - A Great Story   
    As much as it is heartbreaking to see this or any child have to go through the pain and suffering of any disease...it is also good to see such outgoing support for this brave young man. Mark stay strong and God Bless!!!
  16. grumpyff liked a post in a topic by ex-commish in Discussion - Newtown, CT - School Shooting - 12/14/12   
    I keep asking why? Why again?? All these kids and teachers did was go to school. All I can say is my prayers go to all affected including the responders who had and will continue to deal with this tradegy. Hug your kids!!!
  17. grumpyff liked a post in a topic by ex-commish in Discussion - Newtown, CT - School Shooting - 12/14/12   
    I keep asking why? Why again?? All these kids and teachers did was go to school. All I can say is my prayers go to all affected including the responders who had and will continue to deal with this tradegy. Hug your kids!!!
  18. Westfield12 liked a post in a topic by ex-commish in 10 Year Old Fire Chief - A Great Story   
    As much as it is heartbreaking to see this or any child have to go through the pain and suffering of any disease...it is also good to see such outgoing support for this brave young man. Mark stay strong and God Bless!!!
  19. ex-commish liked a post in a topic by Just a guy in Study Claims Yonkers Is "Overpoliced"   
    Before I even attempted to read this garbage, I saw that these 2 windbags are from berkley and that was it for me.
    You can't figure out how a city needs to be policed using mathmatic equations, you figure it out by working an early tour in my precinct in the middle of the summer during a heatwave.
    There is no reason to give this report any creedence.
    I say print it out and toss it in the circular file.
  20. grumpyff liked a post in a topic by ex-commish in Study Claims Yonkers Is "Overpoliced"   
    The crime rate may be lower than other cities but the crime rate is still very high overall. Reduce the number of cops and the crime rate will go higher. Maybe the people who do these studies should spend a couple of weeks in a patrol car and see up front what goes on in Yonkers and not base their studies on text books and formulas. A similair study was done years ago about the corrections department that there were too many correction officers verse inmates. The suit and tie people that did the study had fancy titles but never worked a cellblock or dealt with violent offenders and they based thier formula on the over all amount of officers and not officers per shift.
  21. ex-commish liked a post in a topic by M' Ave in Chinese police, fire officials visit White Plains   
    Interesting story....
    It'd be incredibly interesting to be a part of the same experience in China. Why not? I'd like to see how the Beijing F.D. (As one example) operates. Ya never know what you might learn, or simply find interesting.
  22. tglass59 liked a post in a topic by ex-commish in 10 Westchester fire districts may exceed state's 2 percent tax cap   
    The tax cap was political grandstanding at it's worse. NY, for years could not pass a budget on time and they decided to tell local government entities how to do business. The biggest tax burden as always are the school systems where the public votes on the budget.
  23. x4093k liked a post in a topic by ex-commish in 10 Westchester fire districts may exceed state's 2 percent tax cap   
    Yeah just like Obama promised to cut the deficit in his first term....don't hold your breath!!!
  24. x4093k liked a post in a topic by ex-commish in 10 Westchester fire districts may exceed state's 2 percent tax cap   
    Yeah just like Obama promised to cut the deficit in his first term....don't hold your breath!!!
  25. x4093k liked a post in a topic by ex-commish in 10 Westchester fire districts may exceed state's 2 percent tax cap   
    Yeah just like Obama promised to cut the deficit in his first term....don't hold your breath!!!