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Everything posted by rfdu39

  1. They will go all the way
  2. Just wondering what everyones favorite OCC bike/bikes is/are. Mine are as follows 1. Fire bike 2. Yankess bike 3. Catapiller bike 4. Lance Armstrong Bike 5. Fantasy Bike 4
  3. Who do you think will win the NCAA mens championship?
  4. Looking at the pictiures it looks like the tender has jacks on it. Any reason for this?
  5. I Think that Yorktown's current ladder will still be in service as ladder 68. Can anyone from Yorktown confirm this?
  6. 16.5" in my backyard. (Like I said in my last post about this storm the blizzard of 06).
  7. Postponded until next Sunday due to weather.
  8. Is the dinner going to be postponded due to the weather?
  9. Hope it becomes the blizzard of 2006
  10. My deparment would be an all paid combination of the Rye, Port Chester and Rye Brook departments. There would be a commisioner a deputy chief and three battalions Battalion 1 Sta 1: Eng 1 (Eng 58), Lad 1 (Lad 25), Res 1 (Res 40) Sta 3: Eng 3 (Eng 191) Util 1 (Util 43) Sta 6: Eng 6 (Eng 60) Eng 10 (Eng 64) Battalion 2 Sta 2: Eng 2 (Eng 61) Twr 2 (Twr 2) Sta 4: Eng 4 (Eng 62) Util 2 (Util 65) Sta 8: Eng 8 (Eng 59) Lad 4 (Lad 30) Battalion 3 Sta 5: Eng 5 (eng 192) Lad 3 (Lad 31) Sta 7: Eng 7 (eng 14) Sta 9: Eng 9 (Eng 63)
  11. Hi I am Patrick. I am an explorer with the Port Chester and Rye firedeparments (the reason for my site name). I am 17 I will be 18 in March. I hope to join one of the Rye engine comanpies when I turn 18. I have all ways be into fire fighting becuasemy dad was an FDNY firefighter. I hope to one day be a paid firefighter in Rye.
  13. That is just crazy. She must have been sick for a week after that.
  14. :D The Steelers won the Super Bowl the score was 21-10
  15. I want the Steelers to win on a field goal in OT (Overtime).
  16. Today is the three year aniversery of the Columbia tragity. I found out about it when I turned on my TV and I felt very sad. How did you findout and what did you think?
  17. The Star Wars Movies or the Harry Potter Movies.
  18. Is it in service yet? Because there are not yet any pictures on Yorktowns site.
  19. Just thinking about it makes me want to hurl.
  20. Check out this other cool Lego fire deparment site. http://www.legotwpfire.com
  21. Is the student STUPID that stuf could kill you.