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Everything posted by 20y2

  1. And it will take Westchester another 25 years to even put this on the table. Too many 'chiefs'(literally), not enough willing to be the indians.
  2. The municipality is usually relieved of liability if by the rules and regulations you are to disregard and do not do so.
  3. I believe he is stretching the 'origin of all fires' law to fit this question, which would be incorrect.
  4. Oneeye, why do you capitalize so many words? I notice that you do this for every post and am not bashing you, I'm just trying to figure out why you do it.
  5. Yes to all. I know that when working as either a police officer, paramedic or dispatcher I don't do things to 'CYA', I do things because they are the right thing to do and have never gotten into trouble as a result of it. Yes, every once in a while something will go awry, but as long as you can articulate your actions, you will never get into trouble. However, do not confuse this with cutting corners, because that is not what is meant. If we were to do everything 'CYA', it takes discretion and any kind of thought out of the process.
  6. I'm going to miss you Chris.
  7. On OOL and its visible as of 4:48 PM 1.17.08
  8. When will people learn, there is NO expectation of privacy in any work vehicle, ever. You are at work to work!
  9. Ding, dong, ERNIE IS DEAD!!!
  10. Certain things can be put in with just a landmark (Battalions, hospitals, precincts, etc), but none of the 'real' landmarks can be put in that way.
  11. WOW! I'm assuming you had to testify at the trial?
  12. Too many chiefs (literally), not enough indians.
  13. Depends on the organ. Some have a out of body 'life' of 3-4 hours (heart), some can go up to 12 hours (kidney), IIRC.
  14. Are we faulting the 999 Operator for telling the truth? An 'Amp Minor' as it is called in the NYC EMS system is a relatively low priority BLS call, in other words something that cam be driven to the hospital in a car with no other medical care besides VERY basic first aid. Would you have rather had the 'patient' wait 3 hours to wait for an ambulance come? There are a host of 'medical emergencies' that are not medical emergencies in 99 percent of the cases. Nosebleeds, broken fingers/toes/hands/wrists/arms/clavicles, headaches, nausea, vomitting, general malaise, abdominal pain, diarrhea and a host of other medical 'emergencies' that are usually dispatched with a paramedic first response are, in fact, no even something that needs to be seen at a hospital. Have we become so complacent in our jobs that we are not allowed to tell someone that they don't need an ambulance? Medical Control is there for purposes like this and I have used them many times to get a 'NO need for EMS' from them.
  15. I don't quite get why they would start a motorcycle unit AFTER it started to snow, but congrats?
  16. It was a MedicalExpress AmbuLETTE, not an ambulance. It's disturbing how often the news organizations get the lance/lette thing wrong.
  17. Well it probably a combination of 1.)FD not supporting Davis for reelection and 2.)the FDMV HQ fiasco that probably is causing this. He probably didn't have more than about a month to have the position anyway...
  18. Defend yourself, then retreat when it is safe to do so.
  19. I in no way aim to flame you, but who in the heck stays 48 hours at any job? There is no rule ANYWHERE in either any guide or operations manual authorizing anyone to be held over more than a maximum of 16 hours, relieved or not. YOUR health and safety is ALWAYS number one. You are doing no one a service if, after being at work for 20 hours, YOU crash or YOU give the wrond dose of a drug to someone. I really can't believe that you just took the 'deal with it' and went with it.
  20. That's mighty irresponsible and dangerous of you. If you were that tired when you got off, you should have slept in the parking lot before you left, there is no reason to endanger innocent peoples lives just so that you can get home earlier. Personal responsibility people, personal responsibility. If you know that you are working an overnight, get adequate rest before your tour. If you are 'dead tired' during the tour, tell your partner to drive or notify a supervisor. There is not a supervisor in the world that will tell you to just 'deal with it'. And definitely don't drive home 'dead tired', you might just end up that way permanantly.