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Everything posted by ONEEYEDMIC

  1. I guess in the end FIREMAN just want to be COPS. LOL
  2. I think that it is great the CITY does this for their FALLEN OFFICERS. When I first began to read the story I started to think if my job would do the same thing for me and my family. I also started to think if the City or any other jobs just promoted a person because they were injured doing their duties. We are all trained to do the "JOB". I am not sure how I would take being promoted just because I was injured. I would also wonder what my co-workers would say behind my back. I am sure that other PO's have waited alot longer than 18months to be promoted. I don't want to sound bitter in anyway. These guys put there lives on the line and 1 was killed and 1 was injured. How many others has this happened to that weren't promoted?
  3. Timoshenko's partner, Herman Yan, 26, also was promoted to the rank of detective for his "courageous performance under fire," Kelly said There ya go.
  5. That is why he was promoted too boost his PENSION.
  6. I know that most good DEFENSE Attorneys are "ON THE DARK SIDE" and are also paid very well to get their clients off but don't they have conscience? I guess if I was in trouble I would want the best DEFENSE possible but the line has to be drawn somewhere. I think that this Country should have a PROFESSIONAL JURY SYSTEM. Jurors that are trained to be experts in certain aspects. IE: In a homicide most lawyers on both sides introduce DNA evidence I truly believe that most people on a JURY don't understand what anybody is talking about. It is hard for us who understand somewhat what is going on. How do we expect these ROCKET SCIENTISTS to figure it out. I know that if I was only getting paid $6 a day I would not be interested in what was going on in front of me.
  7. Mt Pleasant started and EXPLORER program a couple of months ago and it seems to be going very well. They came out on an ICE RESCUE drill that we were doing and I have seen them around helping out with the JULY 4th FIREWORKS at the DAM along with the EMPIRE STATE GAMES.
  8. I love all the BITTER FIREMAN on this topic. Don't be mad because LEO's can ride the train for free and maybe see a movie for free. I am sure that you guys aren't paying the FULL PRICE for stuff your getting for the FD. Also to all the FD guys. All LEO's don't take advantage of discounts. Don't put us all into one. There are good ones and bad ones just LIKE ALL YOU HONEST FIREMAN.
  9. The problem will always be that the VOLLIES don't want to give up their VAC's to paid people and the PAID companies don't want to merge because they will lose money. After seeing the EMS SYSTEM in SC I came back here and asked why is this place so backwards. Then I thought to myself that it must be WESTCHESTER. This was probably 8-10yrs ago. I can agrue till the cows come home about a COUNTY wide system or even a FULLY PAID MT PLEASANT system and it won't do any good. My blood pressure will just go up. How about all the VOLLIES on here be honest about how many times they couldn't get a crew out in a given year. Give the reasons and time of day that was. I know that I am going to figure it out on my end. Let's just see how bad it is.
  10. Remember, that was an AWESOME POST. I closed my eyes after reading it and was reliving most of my EMS nightmares.
  11. Are you kidding for $24 they are complaining What is this world coming too. This is why I hate people. You would think that an FD would be happy that their DEPT would show such respect for fallen comrades.
  12. That's a great story. I think that all CELEBRITIES and ATHELETE's should give $1,000,000 to charities of the people of 911 so that their children can have a life. Of course they won't. I know that some gave alot of money but when you make 187million dollars in your salary you can give more than $100,000. If I had the money I would surely donate it.
  13. Not everyone PO. I have never and will never show my ID at the movies. Personally I don't go to the movies. I think it is a rip off. I just wait for the DVD or to come out on CABLE and watch it in my home. There might be a liablitly lurking. If something happens in the MOVIE THEATER and you name is down on clipboard as being PD, somebody may come looking for you. I know that it is a stretch but it could happen. The train is the same way although I always show my ID on the train. It is nice when you are coming home from maybe a "LONG DAY" not to have to run to the ticket counter and just get on the train.
  14. They do safety checks to make sure that there are enough LIFE PRESERVERS for everyone on the vessell and for the obvious other reasons. Because somebody gets an inspection sticker on their boat doesn't mean that they have all the necessary equipment. Your car gets inspected every year but sometimes in the course of the year your car could fail a normal inspection. Of course LE doens't stop every car to see if their inspection is done but when roadblocks are set up for SEAT BELTS you are also checking the REG and INSPECTION. I think it is great that these boater are getting stopped. Maybe if the different AGENCIES operated on 1 MARINE channell they could share the info of who they already stopped so that it wouldn't happen too many times. BWI happens very often and they could be checking that over the course of a NICE HOT DAY. I was watching this show on COURT TV. I think it was WILD ON THE WATER about boating stuff. Pretty good. Used to be on MON nights not sure where it is now.
  15. How about you put 2 EMT's in the fly car with 2 sets of gear like RPS does. That way when there is multiple calls going out the fly car could go to the other scene. I think you have to see how many times Mutual Aid goes out. How many times crews can't get out and so fourth. That is also a big area to cover with just one fly car. How about just merging all the Ambulance to one big CORP and centralizing it.
  16. Let's get one thing straight. In my post I was stating if HATZOLAH came through my town and were breaking the law I would give them a ticket. I wouldn't just give them a ticket BECAUSE THEY WERE JEWISH. And I never said OH VEAY or whatever it is. If you want to call me a racist them call me a racist. Don't hide behind a post. The fact is they, meaning HATZOLAH think they can get away with anything because they are in an ambulance. WELL THEY CAN"T. Sorry that your feelings were hurt with this topic. Maybe you need some sensitivity training.
  17. How about. OKAY LINE UP. Then stand around in the heat with nobody telling us what was going on. At least I had some laughs.
  18. I forgot to add that BOSTON PD had some of their WHEEL GUYS THERE yesterday as well. Although I can't STAND THE RED SOX, That was awesome. We passed them on the WHITESTONE in their SPECIAL OPERATIONS MOTORCYCLE UNIT TRAILER. Big shout all to all the PD's and some FD's that came out for support.
  19. I have seen it many times. Mostly after parades. NOt sure if the FD Driver was drinking, but I know that the crews were drinking. Have seen some PAID guys also with some HOLY WATER on their BREATH. Rumor has it YONKERS FD has it in their contract that they are allowed 1 BEER with dinner. Not sure if that is true or not. May have been OLD SCHOOL.
  20. They probabaly got ticketed because they think they can park wherever they want. I have always hated them. Lights and Sirens everywhere. I hope they come through my town. I would love to give them a ticket.
  21. SCott I have always been cranky, it's not because of old age. I will not disagree that I could go for socket shot though. HFD if you are in a fire are you more apt to listen to a Paid FF or someone that just goes to drills and maybe the occasional fire? That is my point. I know that it was a no brainer to have ALS. The thing is, the people on the COMMITTEE may not know about paid services and the way they work. I do, and that is why I would have loved to be asked my input. I am not saying that I can change anything but I do have some good input. Kelli I understand about the bad back. I just think that the stretcher is cumbersome whether it has a battery or not. I have seen time and time again more than two people attempt to work these new stretchers. Well here is a test. Leave MPPD, VVAC, HVAC, and PVAC and drive to the furthest point in MT Pleasant. I will not disagree that the odds of VVAC going all the way out there may be unheard of but not in an MCI. I know that we have water but it is probably 5+ miles to the TOWN BORDER.
  22. Your going to have to wait now. Going around work.
  23. Well maybe you know how to use the STERNO 1 man, but nobody I see can use it alone. I liked the old stretcher because I could put it back in the BUS BY MYSELF. There is one that is electric. That is for the super lazy I guess. I mean come on now. Does it really hurt to lift something using your muscles? I guess it may be OBVIOUS that I don't like too much change. I guess if it's not broke then don't fix it. EMS IS BROKE that is why I want it fixed. It respond to an earlier post about Scarsdale and Eastchester. Scarsdale had a paid MEDIC everyday for 12hr shifts. JOB was pretty easy except that sometimes and this is NO LIE you had to take the ambulance to a members house and pick them up before responding to a call. MEDIBART if you are out there you can attest to this. Happened to me all the time on SAT NIGHTS and MON MORNINGS. I hated that especially when the call was in opposite directions of where the VOLLIE lived. For the most part they always had a crew and they didn't really bust out b*lls. Of course you had to watch what you said around patients because they were mostly all SNOBS. Got in talked to about that once but I was in the right so I didn't care what they said. Not sure about Easchester but I think it runs the same way. Medic in building but in a fly car. I guess Harrison, Port Chester and MEMS and Larchmont are about the same also. I guess other people that work there can chime in.
  24. Just finished the book. Pretty good. I would love to do some of that stuff someday. They have lots of connections.
  25. Oneeye, First, unlike VACGUY I speak for myself and I am for a town wide ems system. Nuff said on that. Also, I was on the original ALS committee representing Hawthorne along with a few others and untill I resigned as chief had attended many ALS meetings so please tell me what the "real deal" is as you put it. I was and still am a big proponet of ALS in fact argued at length with some of the former powers to be about the necessity of ALS. How many PAID PROFESSIONALS were on the ALS COMMITTEE? How many have worked in a real busy system and understand how EMS should work? That is what I mean by the REAL DEAL. Let me start by saying to other people out there reading this that THERE IS NO PROBLEM WITH THE MT PLEASANT EMS SYSTEM. It is not falling apart by any means. I was simply trying to make a case for a TOWN WIDE PAID EMS SYSTEM. Just because the Town is 37. whatever square miles isn't the case. Mt Vernon is 4.4 Sq miles, White Plains 8.9 New Ro 10.3 and Yonkers 18.1. So we we have a greater land mass than the 4 major cities in the COUNTY. Maybe not Population but you didn't state that. The furthes point in Mt Pleasant is COUNTRY CLUB LN in BRIARCLIFF or what some consider POCANTICO. from PVAC going lights and sirens it could take probably 5 min to drive. Add that to the time it takes to page out the crew for them to respond to their building and get on the road it could 10-15min. When I worked in Northern Westchester it would take at least 10 min if not longer to get from NWHMC to NORTH SALEM. They list that as 12 miiles from the Hospital. Go and drive that one day. It takes FOREVER. Here is another problem that I have. We dispatch the MEDIC to every call. We don't EMD so I guess we have too but if I get on the scene I can't cancel the MEDIC although I HAVE MEDICAL TRAINING. That is BS. KEEP the MEDIC in service for the more serious stuff. Plus the MEDIC can go to North Castle which means prob WPHMC which is a further down time. That means that when MEDIC 2 isn't doing their BS CEDARWOOD HALL/19 Bradhurst/WC JAIL/SUBNSHINE COTTAGE they might be able to respond to the real TAXPAYERS that need it. Make the SYSTEM a DUAL SYSTEM LIKE ROCKLAND PARAMEDIC SERVICE. That was awesome being over there. You get another job you roll and meet up with your partner when you can. Talk about an area to cover, that place is huge. NY10570 I just reread your post and I am on board with you. It is not complicated at all but when you enter the POLITICS nobody want to budge. Worried about their next wet down or a PIECE OF EQUIPMENT That weighs 800lbs and works like crap. Why can't EMS go back to the orignal stretcher that 2 COMPETENT people could work. Now they have this BIG YELLOW thing that nobody can work and you need 8 people to lift. Plus it has a GENERATOR on it so you can land a plane or something. IF YOU CAN"T LIFT A PATIENT THEN DON"T GET INTO EMS. I am not your gopher and I am not your LACKEY to carry your bags. I did it all by myself for a long time. Up and down stairs with bags on my back. NO HELP FROM THE PD OR FD. I liked GPD's system but at times you were taking an officer off the road to drive to the ER. Some of the times that person had no EMS experience at all and although and you were doing everything yourself. KINDA LIKE WORKING WITH VOLLIES. Here's another thing that I noticed happened. Maybe not as much but it did. Crew can't get out so the only Crew Member asks if it is going to be ALS or BLS. If it is ALS then the MEDIC rides it in. If it is BLS then they just say tone out for MUTUAL AID. More time off the clock. This how VVAC gets called. We get the call either 911, regular phone, or Fire Control. "Can you dispatch VVAC to..." Tone out, wait 1-3 min, tone out again 1-3min, call for Mutual Aid. PVAC is dispatched VIA PPD so that is up to when they answer the phones and HVAC is by FIRE CONTROL. I guess I got off the point. Basically I don't care what PATCH YOU WEAR on your arm. In the END I wish that it would a MT PLEASANT EMS PATCH with PAID EMT's and MEDIC's.