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Everything posted by Bunkers

  1. If you chose to add the Merchant Marines: Non-Licensed: Ordinary Seaman (OS) Able Bodied Seaman (AB) Boatswain (Bosun) DECK SIDE: 3rd Mate 2nd Mate Chief Mate Master ENGINE SIDE: 3rd Asst. Engineer 2nd Asst. Enginer 1st Asst. Engineer Chief Engineer
  2. Since there are so many, it may be easier to just have E-1,E-2.. O-1, O-2 etc... rather than the actual titles.
  3. Gpd, I agree with you when talking about the FF from a mutaul aid department going right to work. I think that is one of the problems with guys responding in their personal vehicles. I think you're right when you say he should wait for the rest of his guys so they can stage with their department and get orders as a group but if something needs to be done, I dont think the IC would totally disregard the man waiting around and ready to go. As far as the chief going in.. he could be a deputy assisting the initial team. I dont see any reason why the IC cant have one of his chief officers inside as an extra source of current interior conditions, progress or lack of progress. The IC should be outside doing the same.
  4. did the deer come out easily or did it fight you guys? that seems like something that would take a little effort
  5. I am a big fan of the black and whites but I also do like NRPD's blue and white paint scheme that they have on their sector cars. The blue and white was an attempt to make their police cars more "friendly" to the public, compared to the intimidating traditional black and whites.
  6. I am taking the SAFE-IR Thermal Imaging Training class offered up at the county on saturday. From what Ive seen, SAFE-IR is a private company. Has anyone taken this?
  7. cool, thanks. im looking forward to it
  8. its an addiction.. DONT GET SUCKED IN!!!
  9. Live burn training that almost went really badly. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZQyCotpFYck&NR=1
  10. I spent the night at Fairfield University last night. When I got to the fairfield train station this morning, several MTA and Fairfield cops had a section of the southbound platform taped off with a person sitting on a bench with a white sheet over them. I didnt see any blood. Im guessing it was an overdose. Any idea what happened?
  11. were they riding horses and wearing bandanas?
  12. In leiu of this story... during the Hanna storm, we made sure that our boat was nice and snug on the trailer in case we had to use it. We didnt want any repeats.
  13. I know that this should be a seperate topic but, is everyone up at 60 qualified to drive the field com truck?
  14. that must have been one hot dog! great pictures, unit...
  15. Just out of curiousity.. Did FF's go into this supermarket during the fire? I see that there was a FAST O/S but it also says that the store had a pretty good amount of fire at first. I would imagine that this store had a truss, no?
  16. leather forever...
  17. seems pretty cool. how much do they cost?
  18. I wonder if the military had bought Dragon Skin, rather than reject it immediately, if it wouldve helped the SEAL. this stuff seems pretty awesome.. http://youtube.com/watch?v=KS0pSwdQfbY
  19. Pierce is spelled with an IE not ei! haha
  20. I also have no idea what the points do. Can someone explain it?
  21. if the guy pays for his own gas, who cares? i dont..
  22. I have no idea what these guys were trying to accomplish...