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Posts posted by x134

  1. In the early morning of Monday January 7th 2013, Arlington was dispatched to 48 Raymond Ave for smoke in the Building. Units arrived to find heavy smoke coming from the duct work of the first floor business. Firefighters made entry to find a fire in the kitchen. Fire had also extended to the attached apartment building in the rear. Arlington had gotten reports of a resident in the apartments was trapped and could not exit the structure. While firefighters were locating and trying to put out the fire on the first floor, Firefighter Joe Tarquinio Jr. went to the rear of the building and made entry to the second floor to search. The rear door had to be forced open. He then made his way down the hallway in zero visibility and in deteriorating conditions, and found an unconscious male. He then radioed command and told 32-9 that he needed help getting the victim out. At that time Firefighter Bill Tompkins Jr. made his way to the 2nd floor to assist. The pair were able to get the male occupant out with some difficulty, as conditions were getting a lot worse. While this rescue was being made, other Arlington Firefighters were chasing fire through out the structure. Mutual Aid was received from the City of Poughkeepsie, Pleasant Valley, Roosevelt, Lagrange and New Hamburg Fire Departments. The fire is under investigation by the Arlington Fire District. Congratulations Group 4, JOB WELL DONE!


    JFLYNN, RJB896, grumpyff and 12 others like this

  2. On 1/2/13 Arlington firefighters were dispatched for a structure fire at the intersection of Haight and Fowler Ave. Units arrived to find a 2.5 story structure well involved with reports of people still in the building. Firefighters made entry to attack the fire but were pulled out soon after because of heavy fire above them. Two residents were reported to have jumped from a second story window. At that time operations went to a definsive mode. The fire was difficult to extinguish because of hydrant problems and also exposure problems. Firefighters finally had gotten the fire under control in about 45 minutes. The fire is under investigation by Arlington Fire Department. (GROUP 4)






    JetPhoto, sfrd18, BFD1054 and 4 others like this

  3. NICE JOB FELLAS! Having a special needs child myself, I know all to well the ups and downs you face as a family being in the Hospital so far from home over the Holidays. I have spent a good amount of time, a few times months at a time, in Westchester and in New York City with my oldest daughter. Thank god for Ronald Mcdonald House! God speed Chris, heal quickly!

  4. I first had the pleasure of meeting John back in the mid 90s while working for the United States Postal Service in Poughkeepsie. He was working security at the RIP VAN WINKLE TOWERS on Rinaldi Blvd. He would let me into the lobby and would say if ever needed anything to let him know. He would then go back into the security office and watch the cameras or take a quick stroll outside. I found it funny such a mild mannered Cop was working one of the worse parts of the city and he always had a smile on his face. It is so ironic that 1 block from where I had the pleasure of meeting this man he is gunned down in the line of duty. You are a Heroic man Detective Falcone, that little girls family has you, and the City of Poughkeepsie Police to thank for saving her life. GOD SPEED BROTHER, GOD SPEED!

  5. My role model was my grandfather. He was not a Firefighter, he owned and operated Don Robison's Sawmill in Pleasant Valley N.Y. for over 30 years. I am named after my grandfather ,and I named my son after him also. My grandfather never really raised his voice and always spoke to my cousin and I calmly. But when he did you know he meant business.

    I always remember him working from very early in the morning until the sun went down at night. During my high school years, I went to summer school one year. My grandmother would take me to summer school in the morning...and then in the afternoon I went to cut wood with grandpa. He told me in a stern voice "now Donald we are not paying you to work with me this summer...this is because you did not do well in school during the year". So I cut wood with him all summer and had a lot of really good bonding time.

    When I went to buy my first car my father had some money my grandfather had given him for me. I asked where did this come from? He said remember last summer when you were working in the woods and at the sawmill...that's where it came from. There are many many more stories like this that I could tell.

    Back in the summer of 2006 my Grandfather passed at 92 years old and had been sick. My son was born after he died. When my wife got pregnant with my son we told my grandfather we were going to name him after him to carry on the family name.

    He lead by example and instilled family values and worked very hard all his life to provide for his children and grandchildren. This ones for you Boppy!


  6. Much like other modern day newspapers offering on line service and allow people to leave comments some MORON decided that Capt. Vince Iaccino death was an appropriate time and place for a paid vs. volunteer war in the story about his death in the Poughkeepsie Journal.

    Who knows if that person is a member on this site, regardless this person needs to GROW UP!

    This post is not an invitation to start that war because no one wants to hear about it it's your own opinion.

    My gripe is the lack of respect for someone who spent the last 22 years giving back to the community as a firefighter.

    Story look under the 3rd group of comments

    Rest in peace Captain / President


    I just finished reading the pojonews comments section on this.......makes me sick to my stomach...not the right place to air these type of things and really... really... not the right time!

  7. This is a good question and I agree that many may choose not to answer because they don't want to offend anyone and / or look in the mirror. I'll jump in though because I think this is an important topic.

    In the career fire service a good senior man should have several qualities...calm, confident, lead by example, minimal or no whining, an advocate for the men to the officers and an advocate for the officers to the men. A good senior man praises in public and criticizes in private. A good senior man does not take things personally nor does he make personal attacks.

    A good senior man does not need to be the most intelligent, skilled, or physically fit firefighter...he realizes that his years of experience entitle him to respect automatically and this respect will be lost only if he is dishonest, uncaring, a bully,or a loudmouth.

    A good senior man rarely, if ever, asks for special privilege due to his senior status. The less he asks, the more it will be given.

    Good senior men have many different styles and personalities but I have found the most effective, comforting, senior men to be the type who are more likely to be found quietly observing from a corner of the room than loudly carrying on in the middle of the crowd.

    Now, maybe we should talk about what makes a good junior man, because we can have the best Officers and senior men in the world, but if the guy or guys at the bottom and in the middle don't do their job and just want to blame their own bad attitudes and work ethic on those above them, all the best intentions of the bosses and senior men are useless.....

    X 2 Chief!

  8. Honestly, its pretty easy to see who the "Senior Man" is. Who is the guy that when he walks into a room, everyone quiets down? Who is the guy that consistently delivers results? Who is the guy that commands everyones respect? Who is the guy that the proby says "I want to be just like him" about? Who is the guy that has one last thing to say before its over, said and done with? Who is that guy that is willing to try one last thing that no one thought of or tried? That is the senior man. Its not necessarily the guy with the most years on the job or the biggest muscles but it is usually the guy with the levelest head, the highest qualifications and training, the easiest to relate to and the natural charisma and ability to lead.

    Respect is not commanded...... it is earned..... by leading by example and doing the right thing across the board when everyone is watching..... and not watching!

    helicopper likes this

  9. There is a good spot on Orchard Place in a rear parking lot to ladder the building. You could ladder the 2nd floor rear windows and access the roof from that position. I carried that route when I worked for the Post Office back in the day. I remember that fire. I saw the Brothers in Poughkeepsie fight a lot of fire back then when I was employed by the U.S.P.S.

  10. Just because you are on the board does not translate to getting a warm body to speak to as far as pt report and transfer of care right away. I have waited as someone has stated before ,quite a while, before someone even notices we are there...dont get me wrong... I know the ERs in this area get taxed to the max at times. But even after getting a bed we have waited a while to give a report.