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Everything posted by jayhalsey

  1. Do you normally walk on the runway when exiting a plane? do you normally walk on the Platform when getting off a train? See the difference?
  2. I remember seeing this a couple of years ago when it first aired. And that was the only time I saw it. Very funny ad.
  3. That seems more like it. Kudos to the trooper for ticketing him, but there is no way it will hold up.
  4. No word on this yet as far as I know. I am waiting for this one as well.
  5. I've gotten all my seasons at Best Buy or FYE. They have them most of the time, just not all the seasons at any one time. I would imagine they would get some more copies of the older seasons for the release of season 5.
  6. Well, it is actually the fall that will either injure or kill someone. And that happens all too frequently. The cause of the fall can be anything, so why shouldnt we try to limit the chances of something getting caught and throwing us off balance?
  7. Thats it, in a nutshell. If the roles were reversed, would we even be having this conversation? I'm all for getting the victim out as quickly as possible, but you can't let rescuer #1 become victim #2. All that does is hurt victim #1's chances for survival.
  8. What else is on the truck? You mentioned the 6 Hurst tools, and the High angle equipment. But that leaves alot of extra room.
  9. Those are some long last names there! Very nice looking pictures.
  10. I am assuming that he heard the trooper yelling. That is usually how one witnesses something with his/her ears.
  11. I hope that isnt how your agency works. I personally dont want to spend any mroe time standing on the highway, than I absolutely have to. Whether it is closed or not. I agree with you that it is very annoying to see the road closed, and no active work going on. Here in fiarfield county, it seems that they are always workign on I95. They also seem to like to shut down two of thr4ee lanes about two miles before you see the first work crew.
  12. He thinks the carpet pissers did this? Well, Dude, We just don't know. I've been waiting for someone to start quoting this movie.
  13. This is very scary, especially considering my sister and two nephews live in Gary.
  14. Very intersting if these individuals are indeed getting raises as you say, I am not current in White Plains politics. I am curious as to what the standard cost of living increase is, if there is a standard. According to http://inflationdata.com/inflation/Inflati...ntInflation.asp inflation rates for the past year ranged from just blow 4% to up over 5.5%. I wouldnt think that a 4% raise yearly is too much to ask. It is only $40 out of $1000.
  15. Still ahvent updated either one of my Garmins. They used to let you update two units per update cd, not any more though. $80 a pop is pretty steep. Roads don't change that much, do they?
  16. Dont know about your town, but in my town the Board of Education offers Continuing Education courses at the local high school. I know they offer several courses on photography, and some of those specifically on digital photography. I would also check out some local photo shops to see what tehy say, and maybe a local photography club.
  17. What do you expect? It is Philly after all. Idiot fans that are acting stupid. Driver did what he needed to do. Kept making forward progress very slowly and force people out of the way.
  18. Canon. Better lenses, and better cameras. Seriously though, anytime anyone asks this question, there are always the two camps. Best bet is to try a bnch of cameras, and see what works for you. Whether you have to beg, borrow or steal, try a bunch. I tried my cousins canon 20d, then tried the nikon d40, then the canon 40d and ultimately went canon. It felt like it was constructed way better than the nikon, the nikon almost felt like a toy to me, seemed to take better pictures out of the box than the nikon did, and there are tons of lenses out there for it.
  19. I would be curious to see a picture of the inside. From the picture, all I can tell is that there is a wall of tires on the rack along that glass wall. Not really sure if the tires extend further in or are just along that one wall.
  20. Well, I know at least one person that pulled over for a blue light. Can't anyone buy a blue light? Just because he has one, that doesn't automatically make him a firefighter.
  21. seen this a couple of times. http://www.snopes.com/humor/jokes/thermometer.asp
  22. Ultimately the driver is responsible, that is true. But there is only so much a driver can do when checking a rig. Items do fail, and you dont neccessarily know in advance they are going to fail. As was mentioned earlier in the thread, a strap holding the boat down broke. How is anyone supposed to know that will ahppen in advance? True it could have been frayed, but what if it wasn't? Well, the driver didnt stop for it when he saw that the boat had fallen off. Well, if YOU were going to an MVA with a report of entrapment, or a working fire with reports of people still in the structure, would you stop the rig, to retrieve a boat? I have yet to see mention of what kind of call they were going to, or a statement from a reliable source that they didnt return to retrieve the boat as quickly as possible when they could. We dont know what happened. All we do know is that someone grabbed the boat. Bottom line is this could have happened to anyone, career or volley.
  23. date listed on the website is 9/27, which is a saturday. 9/23 is a tuesday. This sounds like an informative class.
  24. Dont you usually just need a net to fish for crap? Or were you talking about going after the elusive "brown gilled sinkers"?
  25. 24 here. Its been awhile since I studies all those ammendments and whatnot.