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Posts posted by CTFF

  1. There is a better way. Here in CT you never see a garbage truck with workers handling garbage pails. All of the garbage trucks are one man operations. Every home has one or more large, wheeled containers that are owned by the sanitation dept or private sanitation company. The containers must be placed at curb side. The truck come down the street. Stops. Without ever leaving the driver's seat, the driver operates the mechanical arm which grabs the container, lifts and dumps it into the top of the packer truck and then returns the container to the curb. Entire operation from stop of the truck to start up takes less than 30 seconds. Very efficient. Have not seen garbage men working the back of a truck around here in years. My guess the situation in Peekskill has more to do with a union contract to preserve jobs than with efficiency, or for that matter, safety.

    Maybe in your part of CT but I can think of a couple larger towns and cities that still have guys on the back of the truck.

  2. Stamford Professional Fire Fighters Association (IAFF Local 786)

    To Hold Meeting For Firefighter Candidates

    Almost two years ago more than 670 aspiring firefighters took a civil service exam in hopes of joining the Stamford Fire & Rescue Department. After spending countless weeks and months studying for the written exam, and taking a demanding physical ability test, and a nearly two-year wait to be certified as firefighter candidates, they may all be left out in the cold. The city administration may throw out the test because of Mayor Pavia’s proposed taxpayer funded privately owned and operated fire department to serve North Stamford, rewarding his friends and political allies with a job.

    On Saturday, April 14 the Stamford Professional Fire Fighters Association (IAFF Local 786), which represents the firefighters of the Stamford Fire & Rescue Department, will hold an informational meeting for candidates who took the test and may likely see their hard work go for naught. The meeting will be held at the Piedmont Club at 152 Hecker Avenue in Darien beginning at 2 pm. All candidates are encouraged to attend.

    There will be an information session to explain to the firefighter candidates what their options are if the civil service list is not certified by the city.

    Just a quick reminder the meeting for applicants is tomorrow.

  3. Stamford Professional Fire Fighters Association (IAFF Local 786)

    To Hold Meeting For Firefighter Candidates

    Almost two years ago more than 670 aspiring firefighters took a civil service exam in hopes of joining the Stamford Fire & Rescue Department. After spending countless weeks and months studying for the written exam, and taking a demanding physical ability test, and a nearly two-year wait to be certified as firefighter candidates, they may all be left out in the cold. The city administration may throw out the test because of Mayor Pavia’s proposed taxpayer funded privately owned and operated fire department to serve North Stamford, rewarding his friends and political allies with a job.

    On Saturday, April 14 the Stamford Professional Fire Fighters Association (IAFF Local 786), which represents the firefighters of the Stamford Fire & Rescue Department, will hold an informational meeting for candidates who took the test and may likely see their hard work go for naught. The meeting will be held at the Piedmont Club at 152 Hecker Avenue in Darien beginning at 2 pm. All candidates are encouraged to attend.

    There will be an information session to explain to the firefighter candidates what their options are if the civil service list is not certified by the city.

    junior215 likes this

  4. First I'd like to congratulate the guys from SFRD who are currently having their heads shaved at St. Baldrick's tonight, they raised over $15K for tonight event.

    Second the Mayor released his budget for fiscal year 2012-13 tonight. The SVFD is funded ( for 58 positions) and slated to begin operating in the 4th quarter of FY2012-13.

    It will be interesting to say the least as the budget process moves forward.

    The budget can be viewed here:


    Also for those of you who took the last test:

    It looks as if the city is beginning to consider "matter of reimbursement for applicants of the fire service exam (held approximately two years ago)."

    this can be viewed on page 6 of the following PDF:


    They mayor has also stated in his budget released tonight "I do not feel it prudent at this time to recommend hiring any additional SFR personnel. Therefore this budget proposal does not include

    funding for line positions that are currently vacant."

  5. "New" senior guys will fill the role, provided we don't have large gaps in hiring firefighters. Simply being a senior guy does not mean you'll pass down positive lessons . I've learned how I shouldn't behave from certain "senior" men, these lesson will serve me just as well a lessons from great senior guys as my career goes on.

    While we don't see the same amount of fires as some of our current senior men saw over the course of their career, we can still learn from today's fire. We can learn everyday through Youtube and a ton of other firefighting websites. Granted this may not be hands on learning but it is still learning. The issue with a youtube lesson is it a what to do or what not to do lesson?

    I also don't think there is anything wrong with today's youth. Why isn't a bad question in the correct context, my parents encouraged me to ask why, I hope that is because they wanted to but were afraid to.

    Who's going to be the new senior men? I hope all of us can become "great" senior men when the times comes.

    x129K likes this

  6. Taken from another site I read:


    There will be a union solidarity rally, this coming Monday, 3/5/12 at the Goverment Center. (888 Washington Boulevard, Stamford, Ct)

    The United Auto Workers, United Electrical Workers and IAFF Local 786 are staging the rally to bring attention to the contract struggles going on with the City of Stamford.

    The rally is scheduled for 430pm, prior to the monthly Board of Reps meeting, please make every effort to attend, we are fighting for fairness and equality for working class people.

    Please wear something that identifies you as a Stamford Fire Fighter, please pass on to friends, family, other fire departments, etc.

    The union meeting will follow at 630 pm at the Piedmont Club in Darien, CT.

    It is important that we have a strong showing.

    In solidarity,

    Brendan Keatley, President

    Reply With Quote

    x129K likes this

  7. Well it's been awhile since this thread had any input so I thought I'd take a look at where we are now by asking the following question:

    What is everyone who's involved here opinions on our new Director of Public Safety, Health and Welfare?

    I had the honor of meeting the man last week and must say that I was impressed with his knowledge, experience and desire to see a successful resolution to this situation. Hopefully we can all get behind any initiatives he proposes to finally move forward. How about you?


    While impressed with his resume I've not had the chance to meet the man and I certainly understand he has more important tasks at hand then meeting everyone in all the organizations he oversees. It would be nice to see a proposal we all could get behind but I won't hold my breath.

  8. Maybe I'm missing something...someone care to clarify?

    Over the course of nearly 90 pages nothing has been clarified. This has turned into a modern version of the Hatfields and the McCoy's feud.

    I think Mr. Gladstone and those who think like him (not every volunteer in Stamford) is trying to change the course of this situation by capitalizing on anti-union feelings and threats of lawsuits.

  9. I would love to meet the fire chief and crews of this department how they can stand there knowing what they are doing is morally wrong is beyond me.... I mean hell couldnt they put the fire out then bill the home owner or insurance companies for back taxes or just services rendered?

    Would you like to be that chief when he has to tell a family dad's not coming home because we decided to fight a fire not in our district?

    Or a homeowner who's paid the fee or their taxes, sorry we couldn't respond to your fire because we were out fighting a fire of a non-payer?

  10. Then why are we in this mess? Because one side (the City) saw something as wrong even when the other side (the VFDs) didn't and tried to change it unilaterally. Until such time as the Charter is changed the views of boths sides must be taken into account and honored regardless of the "rightness" of either view, otherwise there will be no resolution. Working together means accepting that both views are legitimate and, through our leaderships acting on our behalf, building something cooperatively from them. Not an easy task to say the least and one sure not to garner 100% support, but if the end result is a better service in which we can all operate and thrive, which it will be, then we have done our duty and it will be the community that benefits.


    Well nothing is going to change until the city decides to bring all the parties together to talk, the BOR intervenes or the charter changes and at this point I'm fine with any of those options.

  11. Cogs,

    Being 100% honest I don't see The Brown plan as being wrong for Stamford. Though I do see your concerns about the future of volunteer firefighting in Stamford as The Brown plan is written now. I think much of that lies withing the scope of the assignment that SFRD was given, it will be up to the everyone to make the Brown plan works. I think we can.

    We can argue for ever about the positive and negative's about each plan, it's not changing anything.

  12. Cogs,

    Here a post by Stephen Gladstone from another site, You think he wants to sit down and discuss the issue in Stamford in a serious and open manner?

    "If I have no credibility, I'm lying, or I'm truly delusional then why are you reading my blog and commenting on it. I seem to be hitting a nerve with you. I can assure you I am hardly delusional. Also, I have asked that the so called Peter Brown plan expense be fully flushed out for all to see how truly expensive and unwieldy it will be... but it will have to include temporary quarters or buildings and property for all the new SF & R hires and equipment as the Board of Reps.need to know we will not participate in that plan should it be adopted. Todd and other veteran members will be invited to visit the Belltown Fire Department Museum and Social club, formerly a working 85 year old Fire Department. I have been assured by the other Volunteer Departments they would sooner liquidate then have this alternative plan allow the city or the union take over our mandated districts. Keep testing our zero credibility..."

  13. As far as the plans go, I can only say that i find fault with both current options. Whether or not the Mayor's plan will succeed is now up to the BoR, but in the event it doesn't IMO we should have an alternative in place other than the SFRD one. To do that requires a cooperative effort now. If there is no system in place looking for a compromise than we must create one...and in doing so show the public, which has been bombarded with nothing but tales of discord in THEIR fire service, that we all can work togerther for them.



    I think the SFRD plan deserves hearings just like the Mayor's plan has gotten. The Mayor has changed his plan nearly every time a question has been asked about it. The "Brown" plan was created and all we've heard is it won't work and we won't agree to it from the official volunteer side.

    The Brown plan needs to be looked at, questions need to be asked and answered. To simply throw the brown plan away is wrong.

  14. Cogs,

    There is no system in place currently looking for a compromise, the mayor and the supporters of his plan want their plan rushed through. I think the first step developing a better plan to stop the mayor's plan.

    After the merger many suggested that the volunteers needed to consolidate in order to survive. Consolidation was a nasty word and was not an option. I have hope that by stopping the mayor's plan everyone will be willing to sit down again.