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Everything posted by ec255

  1. Im a private sector guy.No comment on this.
  2. I see the ammo limit as just another way to gun-grab- just another way to strip a citizen of their 2A rights. As someone who believes in our Constitution, if I were a LEO I would have a very hard time enforcing this. It's sickening.
  3. Interesting to think as the government continues to intrude further on the rights of the average law abiding citizen, I would think it would more and more put law enforcement officers on the street in positions that increasingly conflict with their own beliefs- some of these laws are just outright ridiculous. Must be a breaking point.
  4. Everything about this bill ( now law) horrifies me- the way it was written, the way it was rushed through in the back rooms of albany, voted on in the middle of the night- it is all about the government asserting power. Weather it has any effect on gun crime was obviously not something these bottom feeding politicians care about
  5. Well put Cal,I don't have too much more to give for all these great causes the gov't sees fit to get involved in. It's very easy to be so giving with other peoples money-I bust my A$$ to pay my mortgage and put food on the table I don't get anything from the gov't-nor do I want it-NOBODY bailed me out when I was having a hard time- I had to work 3 times as hard to make things work- " A government that is big enough to give you all you want is big enough to take it all away." If GM was allowed to go bankrupt, they would have fluffed off most of their debt, and re-organized as leaner, possibly more competitive company-
  6. I'm just a small gov't guy- I want them in as little of my business as possible- I want the gov't to do what it's mandated to do by the Constitution- defend the Nation and constitution, provide for interstate commerce by regulating and investing in infrastructure ,and regulate monetary policy- obviously it's a little broader than that but really, that's the bulk of it.- everything else was really meant to be left up to the States. I'm sure a good mix of people on these boards work for state, local and federal gov'ts and I have nothing against anyone that does- but your view of gov't is certainly a bit skewed when it's your livelyhood. On May 31, 2009, a Rasmussen poll showed only 21% of voters nationwide supported the GM bailout- safe to say I'm not alone in my opinion.
  7. Like I said- I like the commercial- it made me feel good- But paying people $7500 of taxpayer money to buy a Chevy Volt does not equal success in my book. I will continue to buy American when I buy a car- Ford reliability and quality has also made huge strides- they have been turning out some great stuff the past few years- and they did it pretty much on their own.I agree with the post above though, if they're going to piss away taxpayer dollars, I'll take that commercial over some useless social program LOL
  8. In the end I was watching that commercial because I tuned in for the game- and that was truly a great game! Big Blue!
  9. I liked the commercial and its positive message-but nagging me in the back of my head was the bailout-and the fact that Ford didn't need it ( although they did take part in some gov't loans )It's hard to say detroit is "on top" when it's been subsidized by billions in taxpayer dollars-shouldn't it be on top because of superior products? just my 2 little cents
  10. My biggest objection( Disclaimer: I'm a Deputy Chief and Trustee in Buchanan) would be weather or not our Village would benefit from this- I think we are probably the lowest cost Department in the County, or one of them- 2 engines, 1 rescue, 2 utilities and 3 chiefs cars for under $200k( just under the salary and benefit cost of (1) Police seargent) a year- we are a private co. that enters into a contract for fire protection each year with the Village- We have always prided ourselves on keeping budgets low and spec-ing apparatus that is useful to us and the surrounding agencies.- not knocking any other organizations, but there is some serious money rolling through some of these districts- we have also recieved 3 AFG grants in the past few years in our quest to keep costs to the taxpayers down- I just don't see this with many districts.
  11. Quick question though- how come the municipalitiy's required contributions to the NYS fund goes up so much every year? I heard like 15% in my village this year- i'm not busting balls- an honest question.
  12. And actually, the meltdown was caused by the collapse of the mortgage industry- which was forced by the federal government to give loans to people who everyone knew couldn't afford them. The banking crooks then did what they do best- they turned those mortgages into profit by packaging and selling them to other greedy crooks- when they ran out of dupes- well here we are.And no one went to jail.
  13. I believe gov'ts should cut all nonsense spending and programs - especially salaries of politicians- after everything that can be cut is cut we could probably not have problems funding pensions and benefits-but if that doesn't work is the best proposal to just infinitley raise taxes on citizens to compensate? I want to see every worker public or private get what they are promised- but what happens when the only way to fund those promises is to have massive tax hikes which drive people and businesses out of the state? I'm in the private sector- and I know that if my company goes out of business tomorrow I'm screwed-one of the problems is that high level executives and politicians always get nice paychecks weather they fail or not.
  14. The proper thing to do is to let the people speak- and they did. Now hopefully when contracts are negotiated both sides have the taxpayer in mind.
  15. They just did this in the form of the last stimulus programs- It doesn't work- money goes from the Feds to the local gov'ts who hire people into these jobs- after the fed money is dried up the local taxpayer is left holding the bag for the salaries and benefits- just kicks the can down the road.
  16. We kind of knew this was coming- Vz is not a local or state government that is going bankrupt and they have been immune from the economic downturn- but they see an opportunity here to bust the union-If the strike becomes prolonged, service will suffer- for legacy copper phone lines and FIOS- but don't forget- The wireless side of the business depends on a landline backbone to move all of that cellular traffic- so that could begin to suffer too. As far the scab workers coming in, besides the inferior quality of work most of them do, there is a bit of a national security issue here too- many of these people will have access to our central offices and other sensitive areas- not good
  17. Our dept has very tight quarters- I have been involved with spec-ing all 4 of the apparatus that reside there- Our first due was a Pierce demo model which we backed in and new that it fit.The rest of them we had clauses in the contracts that they fit into the bay-measurements and responsibility of the builder-not purchaser. We did have 1 width problem on our utility truck because International changed to those big jumbo mirrors mid-year- manufacturer made mods to fix it.
  18. First of all,I appreciate that this discussion has been constructive and civil.My take on pre-2008 is similar to yours-the gov't pressured banks to loan to people who they shouldn't have and the banks in their greediness figured out how to make huge amounts of money doing it-thus setting the stage for the housing collapse. Consumers,corporations and gov't all are culpable in getting us to where we are today the Federal gov't should never have transferred such huge amounts of money to these private companies-they should have been left to fail.- I must say I am a member of one of the largest, most powerul private sector unions in the country and during those pre 2008 years we did ok- we didn't get huge raises and actually due to increasing healthcare costs, we went some years without raises at all to keep our health benefits intact- this was during the "good times"- don't remember to many public service unions doing that in the name of keeping costs down for the taxpayer.Not blaming it totally on the unions because elected officials were on the other side of those negotiating tables.
  19. That links to some of the unions exempted from Bamacare. As for me I am a member of a private sector union- I make no money off of anyones' back I bust my a** everyday, contribute directly to the economy and hope my company makes a profit to keep it all going- my union tries to keep them honest to our contract- I have a good pay/benefits package-thanks to my union. Like I said- I believe in the ability for cops,firefighters etc to collectively bargain- but I cannot agree with overtime padding of pensions ( for life), huge percentages of disability retirements, double-dipping,the inability to fire employees that should be canned etc- things that don't go on in my company.( plenty of blame to go around on that) 95% of union contributions go to the Democrat party-7.6 million public workers ( which by the way, when in the majority for the past 2 years did very little for union members) If you are a cop, firefighter etc- I respect what you do and have the utmost appreciation for what you do- but in the end- you work for the taxpayer- the same people who have been bleeding since 2008- losing their savings, jobs and houses and liveleyhoods- most whom aren't out for your blood, but who just want to reign in some of the stupidity that goes on.
  20. I am not for totally taking away their ability to collectivley bargain ( notice I said a ability, not right) - but when these contracts are negotiated, someone needs to be at the table representing the taxpayer- you have huge amounts of money over the years going from unions into the politcal campaigns of the same people who are supposed to be on the " management" side- I feel that for the most part no one in the public sector should be paid more than what someone doing the same job in the private sector would be paid. Why do you think the unions have gotten all of these exemptions from Bamacare?
  21. Bit of a silly question, but I know in our dept, it's so that person can be easily identified as an expirienced individual on the fireground- although we run a very tight budget, the couple of extra "E"'s and "X"'s on the turnout coats haven't driven us into fiscal crisis thus far.
  22. The whole thing is a tragedy all the way around- I for one feel there are more than enough gun laws on the books( many of them just make it more difficult for the law abiding citizen to own firearms or are just plain ineffective)- just not necessarily the resources to enforce them. This is one of the unfortunate byproducts of living in a free society- nut jobs are out there. RIP to those whose lives were taken and my prayers to those fighting for their lives.
  23. Good luck with it, I work for Verizon and we started getting Silverado Crew-cab Hybrids this past week- little bit of a waste though they have shelving taking up the rear 2 doors.
  24. If it's GPS based the unions will be a yellin!
  25. When I was an Assistant Chief( Buchanan ) we had a haz-mat incident that they assisted us with- they had a thermal imager before we did- at the time they had a pickup style crew cab with a utility body.Remember them being a big help.