Future Fireman

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Everything posted by Future Fireman

  1. I'll take some more: 98,16,42, and 18. Words of warning: Any remaining boxes at 1600 hours will be purchased by me! Mike
  2. Boxes 2,5,4,13,and 7. Mike
  3. No, EMTBravoNewEngland has no poll or topic on this. Mike
  4. Here's a joke courtesy of my deacon: "When the Giants showed up at the Stadium in Arizona, they were complaining about the field material. Apparently it had too much MOSS in the END ZONE!" Mike
  5. Went alright, had a presentation on the Science behind fires and that stuff. Took a quiz on it, and arm wrestled a couple of people. No tux. Sweats and T-Shirt. It was a meeting, and there's no committee. I was the only one not wearing an explorer jacket or T-shirt. Next Wednesday the 13th, if the advisor can make it happen with the chief, we'll have FLASHOVER training in the burn building. However, being the new guy, I probably won't be in the burn building. Mike
  6. I thought the giants were all sick with the flu. So, I restate that the Pats will have a helluva game against them (or lack thereof) and maybe an easy win. Mike
  7. Sprint for 30 seconds, rest for another 30. Repeat as much as you want. Rest = pedaling minimal Mike
  8. Alright, how many of you have a treadmill at home or at the firehouse? I'm gonna guess quite a few. Here's an easy workout to do in 30 minutes: Max incline, walk/run at approx. 3-4 MPH for 30 minutes. You should burn around 200 calories, and if you add a weight vest, you'll burn more. MAKE SURE TO DRINK LOTS OF WATER!!!!! I've gone through 4 regular size water bottles doing this, so have at least 8 if you're doing it with a weight vest. Another one: Max incline start, go down 2.5o after 5 minutes, once you get to half incline start going back up. Repeat for however long you want. Again add a weight vest if you want, but be sure to drink lots and lots of water. Mike
  9. Alright, today in History we were talking about the treaty of Greenville that gave Spanish territory that is now the states of Mississippi and Alabama. Using a map to find them, a "friend" couldn't find them and had to be told by my teacher where they were. What the Hell is wrong with teenagers!?!?! Some people can't use a map to find 2 states?! I know all of the states, and I learned them all back in 4th grade, so that was awhile ago for me to remember all of them. I HATE TEENAGE STUPIDITY. end rant Mike
  10. Funny, my history teacher says the same thing! He claims media bias, and I for one believe it! Mikw
  11. And I have nothing. You win in this History battle, but try talking that stuff to my history teacher! Mike
  12. Guidance, I believe it was after the Neutrality Proclamation of 1793, and Spain gave the DISPUTED territory to us so we wouldn't mess around in Europe. However, since this was a rant on peoples' stupidity, let's keep on topic about stupid stuff people have said. Mike
  13. It's alright x129k, maybe someone else knows. Mike
  14. I thought a gun seized up after it was underwater? Or does that only happen when FIRED underwater? Mike
  15. NOW THAT'S FUNNY! Mike
  16. Alright, I may be crazy, but I'm not that crazy. I mean t-shirt, sweatpants (pants of choice) or jeans and a polo. I don't wanna be the odd man out visually, although I will be mentally. Mike
  17. I have 3 different accounts on Seth's 3 oldest forums (here, New England, and West) so no you cannot just log in your username onto a seperate forum. It takes different accounts to do that. However, if you have registered on them as the same username and password, obviously it's possible. Mike
  18. Anybody got an idea of what to wear to someone's first explorer meeting? It's tommorrow and the more advice, the better! Mike
  19. I wouldn't say job security, I would call it securing at the very least, a position on the FD for me.....and all the other future firemen and women. Mike
  20. Considering I have a pool in my backyard and I have 3 kids under 5 y/o next door, all I can think is that I thank God I have a lock on that fence around the yard! Mike
  21. I wonder if she enjoyed the suprise. Mike
  22. BUMP. Update for Brady: Pats aren't telling reporters anything. Stallworth and Welker supposedly have been asked by coach to QB. Way to joke around Pats!!!!!! Also, who's coming up with the EMTBravo.net super bowl pool (or poll, or whatever it is)????? Mike
  23. Poor game. Sounds like this thing is gonna be very effective for those trigger happy hunters. Mike
  24. Sounds like someone is a trunking evil genius! Just kidding Jack. Mike
  25. DAMN! That thing looks awesome! Mike