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Everything posted by firecapt32

  1. now I know Im not working them hard enough in the academy. If Seth has time to do all that and a girl friend, he has better worry about the next 12 days thats for sure. next test might be 100 questions or he might get Kittles test which is in spanish.
  2. dont get caught speeding x there are still a few weeks and a few teast to go, but I can say that all of you guys have come a long way since 9/12/05 CFRD--CODES still lay ahead plus 2 more tests at least ohh the last test of mine 100 questions!!!!!!! did we find out who lunch box is?? I know
  3. I'm not saying that the county has to "dictate" but rather listen to the departments and CREATE a course that will satisify some of the needs and concerns of the county.. how to be a leader not just what s in intro to fire officer but you al know thers a lot more to it then just that, how do work a fire department drill how to set up a training program in your department, use the county its there for all of us.
  4. homer you always impress me with your knonwledge. I see I have some reading to do.
  5. do you think the county should have a" fire officer" development program and if so what should it contain??
  6. Tower ladder 78 cost complete with the bells and whistles(fully equiped)is apx a cool million( thats 1 with a lot of zeros) give or take a few dollars. but when you are dealing with that kind of money whats a few dollers either way. also in Tarrytown are 4 other pumpers and one other ladder.
  7. Please list the qualifications that your department has for Company Officers and what qualificatiions your department has for Chief Officers. Im sure there is a great deal of difference from Depatrment to Department. Im just interested in seeing how much it varies. Do you think theres a lot of differences?? lets see.
  8. Andy Heres my advice--keep tight control of the alc - keep testing at least once or twice a day. Keep in touch with your Doctors,including your foot Doctor, Eye Doctor and regular Doctor. I have been type 2 for over 10 years. Fins a diabetic program, be able to read the labels on the food containers and know what they mean. Take your medicene as precribed when you have to. Gererally just be alert and conscience of what you do.
  9. ok whos lunchbox?
  10. Good going to all in the class!!! keep up the good work--theres still a long way to go before graduation. more tests-- rescue tech- wildland fires-codes. not to mention some surprises so be on your toes. Director 03-2005
  11. Leave egos at the door men!!! we are here to protect the public the best way we can, and the best way is to be trained. The question should be why are there 2 standards. One for the volunteer departments, one for the career departments. Heres my answer like it or not, the leadership of the volunteer organizations are stuck in the past. Sorry guys but it aint 1955 its 2005 the good old days arent around any more. Chiefs and Officers are still being elected in some departments not by their qualifications. Ther is no reason for the volunteer service here in New York State, when it comes to the public, to be any different from the career standard. Sorry to ramble but lets get on the same page-- forget vol/paid --- set a standard and every one live up to it.
  12. Wow Dave what a subject !!! trying to keep it on the right playing field and not making it a career/vs/ volunteer is going to be difficult. Let me first state -- It's the citizens we protect they are the most important. Protecting them is our responsibility. Leaving egos aside and I know it's hard. heres my first thought We all work for a living, we need a paycheck to survive in this world. Some of have chosen to be professional firefighters. In any society and in any culture if one does a job and does it well they wold like to be rewarded. Maslows therory of hirearchy. If you were a boss running a business and had employees( that s what career firefighters are employees) and were looking at a cost revenue( thats what city managers do) and some one said hey I can do the same job for no money (thats what volunteering means) dont you think the Employees have a right to be upset?? I am not demaning any volunteer firefighter believe me but this is my first reaction.
  13. Firefighter one has no driving in it according to New York State. Any thing above a 9 passenger vehicle and according to the L.I. series-some of their apparatus are 10 passenger you must have a CDL. Im sure this includes and Fire department buses or vans.
  14. I cant help it I have to comment L.I. dosent meet New York State training standards. they have their own-. so it only seem to reason that they can do what ever they want as long as the taxpayers allow. On that note most of Long Island is fire districts. Districts set their own rates.!. In fact they dont even need approval form the citizens to set that rate. the town just collects the money. where are the state auditors!!!!!! We in westchester better look around and see whats going on in our communities. even here we think bigger is better. How much do department spend on dinners, Inspections. The law says that you have to have your department Inspected annually but dosent say you have to have a banquet following. We have to keep in mind what we are in this business for--saving lives/and property. We have to put our egos at the door and do whats right for the citizens that we are supposed to be protecting. When that happens we will all be better firefighters.
  15. leak simulator for haz mat is the turned over tractor trailer thats in the rear of the training grounds.
  16. Good point bear do you think the county or state should set the qualification?? The State already has a firefighter progression in place firefighter 1 firefighter2 safety/survival EVOC Pump operator Truck company ops Areial devices Intor to fire officer fire officer 1 fire officer 2 they should have a intro to chiefs program not that woud be a novel idea.
  17. For all thoses interested go to and read more its a 6 day piece on the vol service in L.I. with virtual tours of some of the stations. Is it that way here?? Look around you guys-- bigger is better even here in Westchester 960k for a tower ladder 650k for a rescue we arent far behind. whos minding the purse strings in L.I. most are Fire districts and as you know fire districts can set their own rate-- fire commisioners are gods in L.I.
  18. I aggree with you ny10570 s*** does happen on the road but we can do some thing about it -drive a little slower. blue light dosent mean you have any more rights then any one else on the road. I believe the law says only ONE light. lets look at the record. Slow down and live. I aggre too that we arent in the best shape either . Glad to see more stations are putting physical fitness equipment in them thats a start.
  19. I hope every one hears what calhobs is saying to you guys!!! 91 brothers have died this yr as of 11/11/05. all ages- all types of departments. Dont thing it cant happen to you or a member of your department. Why do over 100 of us have to die each year. Drive with caution - not only in fire apparatus -but our cars responding to alarms. Train- train- train. Training should be like whip cream-- if you think you have enough add more. Know how to use all the manuevouers taught in Firefighter survival. It just might save your life one day. be safe stay low
  20. We live and die in the fire service according to our budgets-- from what we buy. How we buy it. How much is spent on what. where money is placed who has access to it. Do we have committies set up to look at the latest and greatest things in the fire service? Do we need whats out there? Do we have money to send firefighters to confrences ??seminars?? Training sessions?? Are we getting grants?? Do we know how to write grant proposals? whats out there??
  21. Truck6018 --I couldnt have said it any better- popular voting- and its my turn should not be a qualification for officer or chief. You only have to look at upstate New York to find that a fire chief was up on murder charges(later dropped to manslaughter) because a untrained firefighter was in a building that they were useing to "practice". The firefighter died in the "Practice" session. It was later (in court) that it finally came out about the training qualification of the Chief and the Department. you dont want to know really you dont lets just say that the department lacked a lot of training. Firefighters today should be proactive to protect the people of their community. Get the right person for the job let egos stay at the door or better yet leave them home. Be prepared be trained you want to protect your community get the best raining, get the best line officers and most of all get the best chiefs.
  22. Dave the answer to you is ALL INTERIOR firefighters have to be cleareed to ware mask. a fit test must be given to all interior firefighters... if you dont get one ask your department to get them. Please be protected when you enter a building that may kill you.
  23. Now we are gettng some place. Career departments. All Career Firefighters in the State of New York must have at least 229 hours of training before the end of their probationary period. The Career academy is now 14 weeks long and includes a CPAT test that all firefighters must pass. As for advancement usually a LT test is given after 36 months Capts tests are usually 60 months.or at least a year in grade. then all Officers must attend First line Supervisiory Classes. 4 weeks at the New york Fire Training Grounds. You graduate from there as a level 2 instructor. the State is now working on a Chiefs Class for all new Chief Officers. Career firefighters in the State of new york are also required to have at least 100 hours of in service training each year, with a firefighter and officer sign off.
  24. Now we are getting some place. There will be no more basic/intermediate or advanced. I do hope your departments are aware of that. 22olt188 you are in fire department that is way ahead of some of the others. How do we get our officers and our departments to move into the new century?? We have to lead them thats how!!! get off our asses!! and get new training stantards in place!!! We owe it to the people that we are protecting. There are no excuses for not improving the quality of the training and improving the Line Officers and the Chiefs of our departments in the county. We can talk all day but the fact remains most Departments are way behind way way behind. If in wrong tell me. Im sure there are a lot of trained personnel out there. Im proud of you. Lets try and bring all of us up to higher standards.
  25. says a lot for your department please be serious!!! this is important