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  1. eric12401 liked a post in a topic by Atv300 in Some shots from Maine fire houses   
    Last weekend after I got married we got to leave to go to York beach Maine for a nice honeymoon. I was able to sneak in a few shots of fire houses and some apparatus. York beach fire house is right behind the hotel I stayed in so I was able to snag the most shots since I was there on other business I didn't get a chance to talk to anyone and get some real info but I figured I'd share a few shots.

  2. eric12401 liked a post in a topic by Atv300 in Some shots from Maine fire houses   
    Here is a few other cool shots I was able to get the one house was designed to look like a old school train. One pic of just the concrete foundation there was a 2 story single family house on it until a winter storm in 1978 swept it into the sea. A lot of the houses along the coast had a storm shutter system almost like roll up doors over the windows.

  3. eric12401 liked a post in a topic by Atv300 in Some shots from Maine fire houses   
    Last weekend after I got married we got to leave to go to York beach Maine for a nice honeymoon. I was able to sneak in a few shots of fire houses and some apparatus. York beach fire house is right behind the hotel I stayed in so I was able to snag the most shots since I was there on other business I didn't get a chance to talk to anyone and get some real info but I figured I'd share a few shots.

  4. firedude liked a post in a topic by Atv300 in Some shots from Maine fire houses   
    Thank you I just picked the camera up when I got there settled for a smaller more compact camera for now eventually I would like to purchase a Digital SLR like a canon rebel or along those lines. But I was impressed with this camera for the quality and functions its a Sony cyber shot 16.2 MP full hd movies 3D, and the panorama which is a great feature with some of the landscape shots.
  5. eric12401 liked a post in a topic by Atv300 in Some shots from Maine fire houses   
    Last weekend after I got married we got to leave to go to York beach Maine for a nice honeymoon. I was able to sneak in a few shots of fire houses and some apparatus. York beach fire house is right behind the hotel I stayed in so I was able to snag the most shots since I was there on other business I didn't get a chance to talk to anyone and get some real info but I figured I'd share a few shots.

  6. eric12401 liked a post in a topic by Atv300 in Some shots from Maine fire houses   
    Here is a few other cool shots I was able to get the one house was designed to look like a old school train. One pic of just the concrete foundation there was a 2 story single family house on it until a winter storm in 1978 swept it into the sea. A lot of the houses along the coast had a storm shutter system almost like roll up doors over the windows.

  7. eric12401 liked a post in a topic by Atv300 in Some shots from Maine fire houses   
    Here is a few other cool shots I was able to get the one house was designed to look like a old school train. One pic of just the concrete foundation there was a 2 story single family house on it until a winter storm in 1978 swept it into the sea. A lot of the houses along the coast had a storm shutter system almost like roll up doors over the windows.

  8. eric12401 liked a post in a topic by Atv300 in Some shots from Maine fire houses   
    Last weekend after I got married we got to leave to go to York beach Maine for a nice honeymoon. I was able to sneak in a few shots of fire houses and some apparatus. York beach fire house is right behind the hotel I stayed in so I was able to snag the most shots since I was there on other business I didn't get a chance to talk to anyone and get some real info but I figured I'd share a few shots.

  9. Atv300 liked a post in a topic by xfirefighter484x in Wassaic - 2nd Alarm - 8-29-11   
    Date: 8-29-11
    Time: 2nd Alarm @ 2044hrs
    Location: Listening Rock Farm, 78 Sinpatch Rd x S Sinpatch Rd & Hillside Dr
    Frequency: 453.900 (Dispatch Ch. 1); 453.925 (Response Ch. 2); 453.800 (Command Ch. 3)
    Units Operating: Wassaic, Amenia, Millerton, Millbrook, Sharon, NDP, DCSO, NYSP
    Weather Conditions: Cool and Clear
    Description Of Incident: AFA with working fire on arrival
    Writer: xfirefighter484x
    2044hrs - Update on initial alarm, now 2nd Alarm of Fire
    2046hrs - Millerton and Millbrook each with tanker - Sharon CT with TL m/a
    2048hrs - FD reporting fire out at this time
    2048hrs - DCSO unit back in service, m/a held
    2056hrs - Wassaic 69-71 o/s
    2058hrs - 2K28 reporting all SP units clear
  10. x129K liked a post in a topic by Atv300 in Steinhaus approves new Dutchess County Coordinator   
    I often wounder sometimes what people think when they post comments on article like this. Most of the comments I read through sounded spot on why appoint someone who has jack for experience in the county over many applicants with years and years of emergency response experience around the county. I was reading through one of the comments the person was running their mouth about the county cars, as always some people might not seem to pull weight but I know lots of the guys who "volunteer" their time and help with some of the biggest issues that face the county and there departments once again for no pay check. I don't know maybe I am just bias but hey those guys are there to help you and your departments on larger scale incidents. I am sorry for venting here I am sure I am preaching to the choir.
  11. markmets415 liked a post in a topic by Atv300 in Millerton: Cattle Truck into a Silo Hopper and Building: Route 22   
    Thank you to mark for the pics and to the moderators for ending the issue.
  12. x129K liked a post in a topic by Atv300 in eBay Find from 1909; JH Ketcham Hose   
    I didn't think Wescot was that old.
  13. x129K liked a post in a topic by Atv300 in Apparatus Profile - Dover 36-14   
    oh I know that dan I deffinatly agree just throwing it out there.
  14. Atv300 liked a post in a topic by x129K in Apparatus Profile - Dover 36-14   
    Today I took my kids to the park in Wingdale to launch model rockets (BIG fun..until they float into the woods or a pond on the way down...$$$$), but the park was closed for day camp, giving us an hour and a half to kill. Our Station 2 is adjacent to the park, is we "hung out" there...and the kids wanted to wash a fire truck, so we did...and I took a pile of pictures!
    Again - the screen on my camera is broke - so I was shooting blind, but they came out good.
    The rig is a 2002 E-One / Saulsbury Rescue Pumper, but to BUFF me it's a SQUAD! This was really the first chance I have had to go through it and see what it carries, and man was I shocked! We have alot of equipment I didnt realize we had, so I am pretty to get familiar with operating it ALL.
    We have been lucky in the past few years to not have many pin jobs or technical rescues, only a handful of door pops and one or two "involved" pins..most recently last year involving a propane truck and a car. BUT, it is nice to see we have this stuff ready to go. I would like to see this truck take on an expanded role on calls, and may just see that "someday"..(My "SOMEDAY LIST" is getting big..LOL)
    I don't have the specifics of pump size, gallons, or amount of hose.
    Anyways..on to the pics..

  15. x129K liked a post in a topic by Atv300 in eBay Find from 1909; JH Ketcham Hose   
    I didn't think Wescot was that old.
  16. Atv300 liked a post in a topic by x129K in Water vs. CAFS   
    Sorry for the delay in clarifying this comment - I have rotated into weekends off so that time was spent with my kids and Wife.
    My semi-tounge in cheek comment about someone calling my Chief stems from some trouble a local career fireman tried to start by calling my BOSS over a debate here over a year ago...that was QUICKLY squashed, but not forgotton. I am smart enough to not call out a fire department online, it just breeds animosity between companies and is unproffesional...for every person that posts here, 100 more read. No comment goes un-noticed. It's good, as it holds the poster acountable for their words, and those who know me, know what I type, is what I say, and have no problem engaging into debate in person. Debate, not arguing. I RESPECT so many of the local fire officers and firefighters and love working with them. Hopefully they feel the same. I don't hide behind a screen name.
    Again - I am not against any department choosing to use CAFS, or any other tactic/technique/system, it is their choice, usually backed up by research and experience. Good on them for trying something new and being progressive.
    My thoughts were completely related to MY experiences on MY firegrounds. I do not think CAFS is FOR MY company. Not now at least.
    The biggest advantage I see with it personally is in the wildland scenario - I mean - check out the pictures Mark posted of the SNOWFALL he applied to the trees and shrubbery! Absolutely coated. THAT kicks a**..I can see Wassaic plowing to the top of the mountian in the BRAT, and coating the whole damn thing...BOOYAH - fire out! HOWEVER, since the DEC implemented the new rules in regards to open burning, OUR brush fire runs have dropped DRAMATICALLY. Gone are the days of the all day, mountain burning, "Y'all come!" fires...and good riddance to that bull..
    For structural fires, I am still a firm beleiver that RAPID WATER applied to the fire in adequate amounts, COUPLED WITH AGGRESSIVE truck work and ventilation, save LIVES and buildings. That means a quick response, a fast deployment, and firefighters who know their job.
    BUT...keep me in mind when B4 does a CAFS drill please.
  17. Atv300 liked a post in a topic by markmets415 in Water vs. CAFS   
    Great response Ryan and I not for a moment did I think you were bashing it.
    You are one of more proactive younger firefighters I know and I never said you were against it, we have had that conversation many times, agreed on the concepts and the training aspects of the CAFS, unless we have used anything first hand , it's human nature to have doubts about something new, you are like me, SHOW ME!
    As far as water, yes it is the uniform extinguishment agent we use and it's free, again how many times have you been to a fire and seen it applied incorrectly and the tactics used with it be totally wrong.
    I am totally with you TRAIN TRAIN and TRAIN some more, whether we use water, foam, the Fit5 or whatever the choice may be.
    On a side note: it's great to see some of the Dutchess posters back here!!!!
  18. Atv300 liked a post in a topic by FiftyOnePride in Water vs. CAFS   
    This board is not the place to convert jakes into foam lovers, I can rehash many fires that I was personally involved in its mitigation, and the effective use of CAFS, and many others where I was not present and it made all the difference. I can even recall a few fires where it did not work as intended. Bottom line is real-life time on the nozzle of a CAFS line or at a fire where it is used is the way to really understand this tool.
    I also think that CAFS as an excuse to reduce manpower and staffing for the purposes of the overall bottom line is a bastardization of the whole concept. Yes a line charged with foam is much lighter and takes a man or two less to maneuver around. But bottom line is it is the men and women who put these tools to use to mitigate any hazard, not a concept such as foam, or the fit-5. I dislike that.
    The video posted where the fire seemingly increases in velocity at the initial burst, the foam appears to be extremely dry, more so then it should be, and yes, they hit really low. I don't know the % they used or the story around it, I literally fast forwarded to the 5 minute mark to watch what you posted.
    Either way, I like how some have summed things up. This is a tool that my department and many others in our immediately mutual aid area use. Other departments nearby love Fit-5's. Some live big water and the ladders that push them. Every department has a culture and set of tactics that have worked effectively for them. I choose not to worry about what any other department does unless they are operating at my incident. We are going to keep using our foam because it has proven to us time and time again the property it can save and rapid deceleration it can bring to almost any fire.
  19. markmets415 liked a post in a topic by Atv300 in Water vs. CAFS   
    I agree that its all about the manpower using the tool but everything is a concept until it is used and implemented by the end user. CAFS is still a concept to some departments where as its a tool for you guys because you have been using it for awhile now it has become second nature to the majority thats where it is proven and effective when it is used for so long.
    Also excellent statement about it being pushed for the wrong reasons manpower numbers should not be a factor because we are losing them as it is lets not get complacent that we should do something just because we can. The tool should be pushed for its real merits surface tension, effectiveness of water.
  20. markmets415 liked a post in a topic by Atv300 in Water vs. CAFS   
    Mark I am not basshing CAFS in fact i love the concept of it but simple fact is untill it becomes as easy as water for everyone to use I wont be compleatly sold. And from what I have seen it is becoming eiser every time a new engien is specd things get better but like was said in a post earlier where is the training at a state level how do you get this to the masses. Your 100% right about the tool box thats why I put cafs in there people unless they do it everytime, trainig and the real deal do not use everything to its fullest, partially due to the fact its hard to fully retrain on a new system in a short amount of time all of the members in a department heck ill go as far as the nighbors department too. As I said the times I have seen CAFS used or the after effect of using it whatever the problem may have been it didnt do the job everone praised it to do. Saying that, I am sure I can find easily as many great outcomes for CAFS as anything I know it works when its implemented properly you mention the PPV and how you had a bad experince the same concept as me with CAFS it is not good untill you and your department all of it fully understand and use it the right way everytime. Personally I wouldn't use PPV when attacking a fire due to the lack of training and knowledge that many smaller rural departments have with it. Remember the area around here many times departments end up with mutual aid manpower sometimes using other departments equipment with that it can't be guaranteed that everyone is going to know how to use/pump the CAFS or any tool for that mater. Although i must give praise to the northern Battalion departments in there proactive cross training you guys do an amazing job of working together and sharing ideas but even in a single zone can you guarantee that every pump operator and ff knows how to use it to its fullest I would venture to guess the numbers for the water side is alot closer. Water is universal a FF can go and grab a hand line any where from FDNY to San Fransisco and any where in between and the water coming out of it will do the same job on either end of the coast.
    Please don't take my post as being against it I am for it just when it is proven meaning any ff/operator can pick it up and do the job not saying the fire service shouldn't be embracing it and using it. I am kind of playing devils advocate with this I agree it can and dose work in areas that use it like the northern end. I would love to see this used more around the area and also better more available training to everyone.
  21. Atv300 liked a post in a topic by xfirefighter484x in Water vs. CAFS   
    As was mentioned in a previous post, and kind alluded to in others, CAFS is just another tool/tactic, as is PPV. I have dealt with CAFS on a couple occasions, and have been thoroughly impressed every time. I really think that foam IN GENERAL is a VERY under-utilized.
    The fire service... 200+ years of tradition... unimpeded by progress.
  22. Atv300 liked a post in a topic by wraftery in Water vs. CAFS   
    Don't get me wrong. Remember I said it works, but water is cheaper and better if you have a good water supply. That being said...
    Try this at home:
    Take a clean coffee cup and fill it with water.
    Sprinkle black pepper over the top of the water. (The coffee cup is just to give you a white background so you can see the pepper)
    Now take the tip of your index finger and just touch it to a little dish detergent.
    Take that finger and barely touch the surface of the water in the coffee cup and watch what happens to the pepper.
    You just broke the surface tension of the water.
    No magic potions, just soap. Go ahead and try the penetration thing when overhauling and see how you make out. Betcha still want to pick apart the hidden spces and look.
    PS Look at the rig covered with CAFoam in one of the replies above. I bet that engine and everything on it will give off suds for a month of washes. I believe the CAFS manufacturers strongly tell you that all the product must be thoroughly cleaned from both CAFS systems and other equipment. OK Where's the Proby? I've got a job for him.
  23. x129K liked a post in a topic by Atv300 in Water vs. CAFS   
    I am sorry I tend to agree with 129 on this but only in my opinion do to what was also mentioned earlier training and personal using it. CAFS and traditional foam systems do work but in reality I have yet to see a fire in the area that was impressive enough yet to be sold. Don't get me wrong the science and technology behind it makes me know its the way to go eventually but untill the human aspect gets fixed I think its not the greats tool im the box. Its like the fit five great inovation great theory but for the right conditions and the right ones only I was at a demo for the fit five when it was deployed nadda do to the wrong conditions from the start but for the lay ff / officer after that they could have given free samples and no one would have wasted the space in our are/ department setup. so even though the science is there where's the tried and true proof. Water even in the most inexperienced hands still puts fires out with in all honesty half the training of anything else I have seen. After all that I am still a big fan of cafs when the training and proper use is there but its hard for some departments to implement it to its fullest. No different then Positive Pressure ventilation used in attacking a fire there are departments that train and fight that way pretty much every fire guess what the have great effect on the knockdown also. PPV can also be very dangerous so no matter what it boils down to the company how they train, teach, fight, and think about the fires they go to.
  24. x129K liked a post in a topic by Atv300 in Water vs. CAFS   
    I am sorry I tend to agree with 129 on this but only in my opinion do to what was also mentioned earlier training and personal using it. CAFS and traditional foam systems do work but in reality I have yet to see a fire in the area that was impressive enough yet to be sold. Don't get me wrong the science and technology behind it makes me know its the way to go eventually but untill the human aspect gets fixed I think its not the greats tool im the box. Its like the fit five great inovation great theory but for the right conditions and the right ones only I was at a demo for the fit five when it was deployed nadda do to the wrong conditions from the start but for the lay ff / officer after that they could have given free samples and no one would have wasted the space in our are/ department setup. so even though the science is there where's the tried and true proof. Water even in the most inexperienced hands still puts fires out with in all honesty half the training of anything else I have seen. After all that I am still a big fan of cafs when the training and proper use is there but its hard for some departments to implement it to its fullest. No different then Positive Pressure ventilation used in attacking a fire there are departments that train and fight that way pretty much every fire guess what the have great effect on the knockdown also. PPV can also be very dangerous so no matter what it boils down to the company how they train, teach, fight, and think about the fires they go to.
  25. Atv300 liked a post in a topic by EMTbravo in Rumors Being Spread About This Site   
    There is a now ex member of this site who is spreading rumors about this site, and myself. This person is making up a wide variety of lies with malicious intent, in order to slander us.
    This person is also using Facebook, and many of you have bought into this.
    I ask that you consider the roles this person has in the Westchester fire and EMS services, and take a hard look at this persons behavior. We tried to discreetly deal with the issue this person caused, because we had respect for him and his many great posts and dedication to this site. Instead, this person decided to go into a tirade.
    I can't address all the lies and false quotes this person is using, because there are so many different stories coming out of one mouth. I am making this post because of the extreme slander. I am upset it has come to this, as I considered this person a friend and I really respected what he brought to this forum and the good he has done for his community. There is no excuse for him dragging this down to such a personal level with such immaturity.
    I will not get into what this person did that started this did, but this could have been easily resolved, as mentioned.
    This site is only as good as members who contribute content make it to be. Thank you to all the members who are loyal to this site, and have the social skills to be able to debate an issue with respect toward one another, and who come to this site with open ears and open minds.