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Everything posted by Goose

  1. They won't give you any results over the phone.
  2. IV bag warmers are a god send. Holds 2 1000cc bags and keeps them toasty...plugs directly into the bus. As far as other stuff...if a bus is being kept outside, probably should have a heater in it or bring the gear inside, especially on the ALS level.
  3. I think God hates me...every time it snows i'm working...
  4. There were 340 FDNY firefighters killed, the Chaplin and 2 FDNY Paramedics that totals to 343. My issue is that its alway's 343 firemen. The 3 men included in the FDNY numbers should be remembered for their individual and unique contributions and not falsely categorized. Getting into the civilian MOS is a whole different issue and part of the reason why i made it a point to put some names and faces to a thread i made on or shortly before 9/11 in the EMS section. They are all too often overlooked/forgotten.
  5. The department chaplain and 2 FDNY Paramedics (Carlos Lillo & Ricardo Quinn) are included in the 343. As of this past september, it sounds like 900 FD, EMS and PD members have died of 9/11 related illness (cancer, pulmonary disorders, etc).
  6. While i understand what you're saying and agree more frank training/discussion is warranted, i have to say that i very respectfully feel that you're evaluation is unfair. I don't want to derail the discussion, so i will leave it at that. If i get some time, i'll send you a PM an elaborate further.
  7. I think this offers some good insight. But, like you mentioned, some of the more progressive thinking will never find traction in new york. On a law enforcement perspective, maybe there could have been a way to preliminarily secure the area where the victims were in an effort to give EMS access and a means of egress. Not sure if this was possible. As far as antiquefirelt's comments, i will offer this: My biggest concern is that i am neither trained or equipped to enter an ongoing, hostile scene - in terms of multiple or unaccounted for shooters. I don't own or have been issued a bullet proof vest and i don't carry any offensive weapons to protect myself or my patients. If we end up becoming casualties, it does no one any good. There is enough liability and danger in being a paramedic, i don't need to assume more by putting myself and others into situations i'm not properly equipped or trained for. That said, maybe DPS should offer a class to FD and EMS on just this sort of thing. I know i would definitely attend.
  8. Stamford sounds more and more like Tammany Hall
  9. i think chain saws is the least of their problems...what about turn out gear or even a helmet? Jesus christ...
  10. so what credentials does valentine have?
  11. Heard a rumor that the chief of FDNY EMS was relieved of his command this afternoon...anyone know if there is any truth to this? Quick update: Wall Street Journal reporting that he was fired...looks like EMS may become the city's whipping boy for stormageddon 2010
  12. Everything a paramedic does is under medical control, be it off-line or on-line. That's why there is a regional credentialing process, to ensure that 1) you know the protocols and procedures and 2) ensure the REMAC physicians that you not only know the protocol but can carry out the protocols in a safe and effective manor (among other things). This is what Westchester says about this (straight from the introduction section): Anyone can be a cookie-cutter paramedic (or cookie-cutter anything, for that matter). But to make a blanket statement and equate carrying out an ALS treatment modality to making a betty crocker cake is ignorant, to say the least. I know a lot of being a paramedic today is supportive care, but there really is something to say for being a tactful/thoughtful clinician as opposed to someone who just pushes drugs because they can (cookie cutter medic). In reference to the supervision issues, i never personally had an issue with any conditions boss. I only ran into a handful, always seemed to catch the same ones when i was in the bronx - had a few medics and EMTs. Really had no issue with any of them. They were always helpful, friendly and never busted my stones or questioned my care. Even had one go to bat for me when an engine company left us hanging on an arrest on the 13th floor of the projects. Actually, i kind of liked having them around. That said, you can't measure a boss by what patch he wears on his shoulder. You have to measure him or her by the man or woman they are and their ability or inability to manage the men and women of the job and the issue of the day. In the case of EMS, everyone is part of the clinical picture - everyone brings something to the table. Sort of like a fire department - engines, trucks, rescues. We've got CFRs, EMTs, Medics and bosses - all specialized units in our own regard who hopefully can build off the other and get the job done. Hopefully that makes sense...i know a lot of the people here are fire people, if it doesn't i apologize i know nothing about the fire department!
  13. why is it that every time im at work it has to snow?!! :angry:
  14. What about an under appreciated, under paid and compensated, paramedic that needs to work 3 jobs to survive?
  15. Care to expand on the 3 to 4 star thing? Not really sure what that means...
  16. One thing i don't mind the federal government doing...
  17. I understand what you're saying, and don't deny this to be the case on some individual level, but didn't a house just burn to the ground the other day in the section of stamford in question? The kind of stuff i keep hearing that goes on at some of these scenes is really makes me questions the priority of some of the individuals within (some in leadership positions, in fact) these departments. In fact, i really think they could care less about protecting anyones life or seems like they just want to hold onto their mud, whatever the cost...
  18. I heard something along those lines...they were getting BLS buses from jersey which were to stage at the holland tunnel. Had a few friends working on the bus last night...and i heard it was horrendous
  19. Merry Christmas to all. I hope everyone enjoys the good food, presents and most importantly the time w/ their families and loved ones. I'm on the bus, but thats alright - to those out there with me, be safe, arrive alive and get home to you're families...thats the best gift we can give them.
  20. Think he's talking about a pure transfer. IE: getting hired by a small, slower, dept...go to the academy and complete probation then transfer to a larger job covered by the towns and villages exam.