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Everything posted by Mofire24

  1. I think that is a loaner while the Tower Ladder is out getting fixed it's I think ridgefield Ct's old ladder. Could be wrong on the dept but it's a loaner
  2. I think it was June of 1991
  3. That has been gone for along time now a few years I think
  4. Does this mean one of the old ward la france's are gone
  5. not really any fire wise but he does have old apparatus I will post in time
  6. Is this new engine going be engine 186 and does this make engine 188 go to reserve status ? Looks like a great rig good luck with it
  7. Just wanted to say Congrats to Chris 192 on his promotion to Detective at work this morning you deserve it .
  8. Found this story on Goldens Bridge website new Katonah Engine 115 good luck with the new rig looks good
  9. I will stay in our nice new room not move to the TMC I don't see anything happening with merging dispatch anytime soon there is not even space enough to put both PD dispatch and fire control in the same place
  10. Took these photos today at the blessing of the fleet
  11. The fleet demo day will be held at Playland on June 2, 2010 Special features will be the new 2011 Chevy Caprice Police package and 2012 Crown Victoria
  12. I think that is how many trucks the company had over the years
  13. any of those depts close by
  14. by the looks of it the Utility will be at Riverside Hose Accross the street from I don't think they have much room to fit it inside
  15. did Buchanan take delivery of the New Rescue 26 yet
  16. is that an old Port Authority rescue looks like it could be
  17. Usually all new Police Fire and EMS equipment in the area and special units
  18. the county judges have rules they go by I think they have a website with all the break down of how they judge and what they look for I think it's westchester parade judges association
  19. 1985 Spartan Tiller Fire Truck! 85' Ladder Great Shape
  20. maybe PCFD Eng 58 can save it and add it to the collection of Westchester apparatus he owns already
  21. I know you guys were careful about tearing up the field with the trucks but arena pumping is going to make a mess of the field. If you ever saw it in Milford at the 260 muster it does a number on the arena
  22. Seth's Note: This thread will serve as an online condolence card. Please sign it as a show of general support from all of us here on this online community toward the family and the members of Roosevelt FD. This thread will be printed and emailed when appropriate to the family and Roosevelt FD. PLEASE TAKE A MOMENT TO HIT "ADD REPLY" and express your condolences. Thanks. NEW YORK FIRE CAPTAIN DIES IN THE LINE OF DUTY-DURING TRAINING-MEDICAL EMERGENCY It is with deep regret that we advise you that Captain Vince Iaccino of the Roosevelt (Dutchess County, NY) Fire District has died in the Line of Duty. While training at the Dutchess County Fire Training Center last evening, Captain Iaccino developed severe chest pains. He was transported, ALS, aboard Roosevelt's ambulance to a local hospital. While en route to the hospital, Captain Iaccino went into Cardiac Arrest. CPR and ALS interventions were administered, however the Captain tragically never regained a pulse. We have also been advised that Captain Iaccino has 2 sons who are also members of Roosevelt FD. One son was at drill and accompanied his Father to hospital. The Roosevelt Fire District is located in the town of Hyde Park, NY, County of Dutchess and is located approximately half way between New York City and Albany NY on the east side of The Hudson River. Captain Iaccino was the Captain of the RFD's Emergency Service Squad. article from
  23. Seth I think Ferrara won the bid for the rescue pumper
  24. maybe it got flooded with all that rain lol