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Posts posted by Ladder44

  1. Address-Confirm If dispatched as in area of or across from or unknwon or orriginally incorrect

    Floors-Self explanatory, just make sure your dept is set on what a floor is what, aka raised ranches or brownstones

    Occupancy-Residential, commercial, taxpayer, church, school ect

    Size-Rough dementions

    Conditions-Smoke/fire showing and from where, evacuations being commenced, *nothing showing means nothing*

    water supply-Your got own hydrant or you laid or have 2nd due lay or whatever your dept sop/sog says to do

    Command-Are you establishing command (with a name) or not

    Mode-Offensive, defensive, investigating

    wraftery, PEMO3 and antiquefirelt like this

  2. ? And/or should we teach these facilities when to call a commercial provider and when to call 911?

    Oh for the love of god this should be apart of the LPN/RN curriculum. I can't even think. How many times ive gone for the "abnormal labs or X-rays" or whatever reason it may be and we go to the skilled nursing (which needs a name change) priority 1 were met by the facility Dr and he states "Dr John smoe is awhere your coming". Uhm Dr why we bypassing 3 hospitals to

    go 30 mins away? This isn't a 911 emergency call 1-800-AMR and schedule a transfer. Dont waste the 911 car for these events.

    JetPhoto, PFDRes47cue and firedude like this

  3. I hope it isn't anything like 'Rescue Me'. Essentially I felt that 'Rescue Me' was an embarassment to the fire service. It portrayed the main characters as completely disfunctional, sub par human beings except for those times when they answered an alarm. Otherwise in or away from the station, they were a--holes.

    Not a single character I would want a young member to emulate.

    I agree with you 100% but remember its a drama series......the fact that the main character is a firefighter is just icying on the cake

  4. Hello Members of the media (I know you read this)....why not do some investigative journalism into the very serious, life threatening issue of fire department and EMS departments in Westchester County vis-a-vis, oftentimes ridiculously long response times, inadequately trained responders, duplication of resources, lack of transparency in regard to finances and frankly many other issues within lots of departments. This is serious stuff!

    Disclaimer- , I must very clearly state....this is not an attack on volunteer Firefighters, EMS workers or their departments! There are many dedicated and knowledgeable volunteer members of emergency services in this region. However, the SYSTEM is BROKEN!

    Positive change very rarely comes from inside of an organization, but rather through blunt force trauma from the outside. Well media, how about a little blunt force trauma in regard to this issue? Personally, my own department has been going through some blunt force trauma from certain segments of the media lately, and I'm ok with that- there's nothing to hide, no organization is perfect, transparency and acceptance of change are good things....Why are volunteer organizations who equally hold the fate of people's lives and property (and taxes) in their hands getting a pass from the media?

    In closing, I will pre-emptively state that I will not be engaging in a back and forth bicker on this topic, and yes, I do anticipate attempts at deflecting from the issue at hand by attacking myself personally as well as my own department. So, please don't take my non-responsiveness as acquiesence, agreement, or defeat. I'm just too busy to bother with responding to all of it. This post is really just for the media- maybe someday someone in the media in this area will wake up and realize how honest reporting in regard to this crisis would save lives, property and dollars. I'm not optimistic though, because I guess it's just easier to attack salaries, benefits, and pensions, and ignore an almost completely broken system right next door.

    stay safe and qtip brothers and sisters!

    Call Charlie Leduff

  5. How come there is no ladder company in front of the fire building?

    Did the eng forget its ground ladders???? :P

    Im just kidding but where i volly we dont have a ladder nor do our neighbors, even if we call for one which is 15+ mins from request to scene time it will never make the front of the building either due to supply lines or driveways are just manuverable for a prius, but im all for a truck company on any house fire, moving from southern westchester to NW CT is a huge wake up call, i asked wheres the ladder? "oh we dont need one we only have a few 3 story houses mostly 2 and 2.5" ARE YOU KIDDING ME was my answer, ever hear of safe working platform and long runs on roofs? "we have a 36' ground ladder" Oh boy....

    x4093k likes this

  6. While I agree...this may be a great time to look at the big picture...New Hamburg is literally right down the street with a badass tower ladder....Hughsonville is not far with another tower ladder....PECO is a bit further with a quint/stick....Rombout is further yet, but still closer than most with another tower ladder...and then there is Croft with a stick....let's face it - southern Dutchess is nicely covered with truck companies.

    While it is needed, is it really NEEDED?

    Don't get me wrong - I know a bunch of guys from Wappingers - and they are among the finest to serve. Some truly great firemen come from down there.

    Sad part Nate & Dan is that they had a truck long before most.

    Your argument is the same reason why my chiefs turned down a ladder from a developer that wanted to build 3 - 4 story apartment buildings. We are surrounded by them, Beacon, Rombout, Fishkill, Hughsonville, Wappinger's, New Hamburg and across the river there are a few within 10 minutes of us.

    With that said i agree from a budget perspective but couldnt you say this is the same thing as why career FD are having trouble adding or atleast keeping their current staffing levels? "Well the neighbors to the north or south or wherever have plenty of guys or they also have career guys at the station, i'll only take them less than 10 mins to get to the scene". Mutal aid seem to be used as a crutch when money is an issue deal. Can you really guarantee that ladder will get out the door and to the scene in time, nevermind physically to the front of the building with lines being laid ect

    20effd37 likes this

  7. actually Croton is keeping the old tanker, but the FD will not be using her... The cab and frame will be cleared of the FD body and the DPW will be installing a swap lift system to it so that it can be used as a dump truck, dumpster truck or what ever they need.

    Originally the DPW wa putting in for a new truck, so when the issue of the Village getting a new tanker came up, the DPW pulled the new truck for our old cab and chassis. Personally I think it was a great idea, as what we would get $ 5,000 like we got for the old E119...

    What is happening to old Tanker 10? Trade in or selling it?