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Everything posted by Bababoosky

  1. Why do you think United Hospital closed? That's Westchester's little secret......
  2. Three squares a day, free health care, and a roof over his head is hardly rotting, our vets don't even get that! He wants to leave this earth thats fine, i say we do it in the most painful way possible, nice and slow through a wood chipper makes me feel warm and fuzzy all over.
  3. Apparently Obama is making an "unscheduled" flight to New York today..... Let's see what happem's
  4. This is going to be a VERY controversial topic, I would love to hear everyone's thoughts the ethical ramifications of such a program.... The rest of the article can be found here Like I said before, VERY interesting, VERY controversial.
  5. Some jurisdictions do weekend incarcerations to alleviate overcrowding, as an alternative sentencing option. This is a harsher sentence than just getting a house arrest, think about it. Every weekend when the boys go out for cocktails, you get to head over to the county pen to get strip AND cavity searched (EVERY weekend for a year), and serve the next 48-whenever hours behind bars.
  6. Thankfully, no one was seriously hurt Possible scenario that might occur in Westchester, any thoughts? it doesn't say where the helipad is located, you would assume it's on the roof, but not too sure. at wmc the landing pads are ifo the ER triage enterance (for drop off's only) and in the rear of the hospital where the choppers stay for long periods of time. essentially, either one could crash into WMC when landing. i work at WMC/NYMC and see landings quite often and i do notice the choppers almost never fly above the main hospital. When landing they tend to decend away from WMC and when they leave the drop off pad, to the main pad, the pilots generally fly clear of WMC to land in the rear. again their decend is angled clear from buildings. i'm sure the same practices go for other area hospitals, maybe Chris can elaborate
  7. Thats simply amazing, especially because Rigor Mortis does not even BEGIN to set in for 6 hours, and even then, its minimal.
  8. Anyone ever try the Mother's powerball that Chip Foose hawks on TV?
  9. I am sure career departments do it with all the pomp and circumstance. I think Volunteer Department do it a lot more informally.
  10. I am pretty sure it pays for the proctors...
  11. This may be a silly question, but whats a "sortie?"
  12. Excellent post, many great points! I Do have a quick question though. If someone threaten to "shut down a city," By violence or other means, doesn't that technically fit the dictionary definition of terrorism? "ter·ror·ism (těr'ə-rĭz'əm) n. The unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for ideological or political reasons. Is that grounds to charge good old AL with a terror-related crime?
  13. The level of education in that quoted post was awe-inspiring. Clearly, that was the opinion of a Rhodes Scholar. Perhaps, someone with an IQ higher than that of the chair they were sitting on could make some semblance of a cognitive statement about how they feel, rather than just a running diatribe. I hope they do yank that post and that person loses all privileges on that site.
  14. Jack that was in no way a dig at you and your guys at Con Ed. I was merely stating that there were several radio transmissions between chiefs that the power had been confirmed off by the Sleepy Hollow building Inspector. Then there was another following transmission that the shut down was NOT confirmed by Con Ed. That was the only confusing part, the contradicting transmissions from the white hats.
  15. Unfortunately, very public suicides make news, while very private ones rarely do. It should be reported when civilians go above and beyond the call of duty to prevent someone from taking their own life, and risking the lives of others.
  16. The only confusing point that I seemed to notice was getting confirmation on whether or not Con Ed could confirm that Gas and Electric to the building had been turned off. Lots of White Hats and coats there, but A LOT more FF's working hand in hand to get the fire under control. It was good to see relief crews standing by at all handlines and near ground ladders to pick up the slack.
  17. I was maintaining a tight perimeter around the Tarry Inn at all times watching for extension. Big props to the owners of JP Doyles for bringing out sodas, waters, ice (too bad no amstels) and what not to the crews outside.
  18. Verah Nice, Ah like. High five!
  19. there were TONS of buffs there taking pictures and videos. Please post them if you don't mind. It was a great job by all involved, it could have been MUCH much worse!
  20. God Bless and God Speed! Story and Videos on
  21. when does one become an Alpha member?
  22. and "you dropped your soap!..................."
  23. The new Commissioner and Chief in their first photo op
  24. All we can pray is that the new leader of Cuba does not get into bed with Chavez from Venezuela