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Everything posted by Pudge3311

  1. Excellent point WAS967. Anyone know if PC EMS is planning on adding another ambulance due to their soon to be longer transport and turn around times?
  2. KEC625 Somers a full crew is needed... It was fun for the few months I was up there.
  3. Sq288_HM1, Why dont the guys like Ferrara engines? Did they like the Mack engines better than the Seagraves? Any idea if FDNY is going to be going with any other manufacturer other than Seagrave in the near or extended future?
  4. Anyone have any pics of the Ferrara's? I happen to like Mack and Seagrave myself, but E-One and Pierce seem to be popular around the area.
  5. very interesting, but can anyone actually confirm what hes saying as being truth?
  6. afd65, yup, thats what should be happening. Your going to cover, so there is no need to rush there. If you are sent to the scene, or to another call wherever you are going to cover, the lights then go on, you are responding to an emergency. Its just like taking the rig out for a sunday drive. You can put the lights on and take your sunday drive, claiming that eventually there will be a call to go on, when all your doing is joyriding. If you go out for that drive without the lights on, and you get a run, then you put the lights on. Its the same thing.
  7. Doc22, I will agree with you on that. I just think the christmas season drags on too long. I mean every other holiday ends on the holiday, and christmas is the only one that seems to keep going and going, Energizer should have used santa or rudolph as their mascot, not the bunny, lol.
  8. No offense, but I cant wait till it ends, I get so sick of it. There arent enough songs to play, so hearing the same thing for 5 weeks, it is just too much. One week is plenty.
  9. stepjam, Im with you on the coach and four. great restaurant.
  10. Where will the rigs be located while construction is ongoing? Congrats on finally winning approval, you guys definatly need it.
  11. For those in the southern area of the county, Depot Deli in Pelham. Great deli, always great specials. Owners are former chefs, cater anything from simple lunch parties to black tie affairs, good prices too. Agree on Johnnys Pizza off Lincoln in Mt. Vernon, need to get there more. For the everyday slice though, Pelham Pizza hits the spot.
  12. Snow is much more fun. People arent miserable, its pretty to look at, people actually slow down on the roads and people can actually see out their windshields cause it doesnt come down all that hard. It also doesnt get you as wet.
  13. daday49 I wholeheartedly agree with you. If I go down, I want someone there who had to go through what i went through, not someone who got there by doing less. Its not fair to the rest who could pass the lower standard that is used for some, but not all. I think you will eventually see many lawsuits pertaining to this topic when it comes to police and fire jobs in the future. With woman crying for equal rights, men are going to start crying foul, that they are held to higher standards. If the women cant meet the mens standard, then the standard is going to have to be lower, offering more people an opportunity. Its only a matter of time till someone misses the mark, while a female gets on the job, but wasnt held to the same standards. I have no problems working next to any female who is qualified for the job, but those qualifications should be the same, regardless of gender.
  14. daday49, when it comes to the physical agility, or the cpat, I dont believe that there is any differentiation between men and women. Both are expected to do the same job on a fire scene, so there is no gender differentiations as far as i know.
  15. I think a lot of it has to do with whether or not there is anything showing. Usually, when you arrive, if there is anything significant you would be able to see it. I think the biggest part of the size up is letting the units coming in know what kind of building you have. when you have something showing, the next thing would be to try and point out things that would be relivent to those following, such as if there is a street on the exposure 4 side.
  16. Maybe he was Fire Police? A lot of older members still want to be involved with the FD, and the Fire Police give them an opportunity to continue that. In many depts around here, older members show up and usually just take on traffic duty, helping out the PD.
  17. I like the flag on the grill, looks good.
  18. mfc2257, No, we dont need to renumber just to renumber. The ladders are the only thing IMO that need to be renumbered, to eliminate the duplication. This is the simplest way to start pulling everyone together and play nice. It also costs the least amount of money. Instead of having to renumber all your apparatus, the department would only have to renumber one or two. Was967, Even if they dont have the power, then 60 control could just not acknowledge them. Yes, that opens up a whole new can of worms, but it could be a start. Let them call a few times on activated alarms and receive no response. Then they might get the picture. Now if they have something that sounds like a job, answer them, but when answering them, call them by their county designation, so that they start to see that 60 control is recognizing their correct designation, and not who they want to be. In this day and age, everyone cant be who they want to be. Everyone must start to conform, otherwise we should all just dispatch ourselves and everyone can be Engine 1, Engine 2, and Ladder 1.
  19. Pelham Engine 5, formerly Engine 4 had a 40 gallon foam tank with mixing capabilities. Foam was taken out of the tank due to lack of usage and the concentrate gelling up.
  20. Go back to the big picture. Simply start with Engine 1. Engine 1 happens to be in Pelham Manor. Their ladder, which happens to be a Tower Ladder, is #3. It should be #1, and it should just be Ladder 1. Pelham has Engine 4. Pelham has a straight stick, but it is numbered correctly, Ladder #2. Instead of totally screwing everyone, simply renumber the ladders. Maybe if we can start with something simple, like that, everyone might see that going to a central dispatch is the best thing to do, but you have to start someplace, and a simply renumbering would be the easiest to do, all it means is a little bit of paint.
  21. x635, that would be an awesome training facility. Hopefully someone over in Port Chester will bring that up before anything happens if the building is in fact slated of demolition in the future. A building of that size has so many options.
  22. x635, agree with you that the kids cant start a new life, but I think our taxes are high enough, we can afford to ship her back home and not have to pay for all of her medical bills and incarceration for another 20 years.
  23. Anyone know bout the financial stability of the other Westchester hospitals? We all know about the Med Center, they make the news every month, but what about WP, NWH, Phelps, Joes, Johns, Lawrence, MT. Vern and SS?
  24. x635, From everyone I listen to around westchester, the only ones who give a size up 90-95% of the time is yonkers. Some others such as New Rochelle and Mt. Vernon give them every once in awhile, maybe 20-25%. I notice that even if there is a fire or other incident going on, the first arriving company isnt the one to give the initial size up, its usually the first arriving chief. IMO, I think a quick size up would be a good habit to get into so when the time comes that u need one, it wont be something you're strugling to get out of your mouth, it will be second nature.