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New York State Voting Procedures Are Stupid!

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Today, I like many Americans who care about their country went and voted.

However, I had to drive across town, past three other polling places in my town, to vote. One of those polling places is right next door to where I live.

I don't understand the reasoning behind this? They want more people to get out and vote, yet they make it difficult to do so. I can't walk next door to vote, I have to drive two miles across town. What is the sense or logisitcs behind that?


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Yeah their are some not so understandable things.

But remember this..what you did yesterday...people are still dying just to have the right to go anywhere to vote. You only had to drive a couple extra minutes.

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I understand and respect that.

However, this is America. We should use that rationale to not improve things, and possibly encourage more voter turnout? For instance, in Oregon the ballot is mailed to you, along with a brochure explaining the canidates and issues. You take the time to decide, usually a few weeks, and then mail your ballot back in.

How are elderly people and others who don't drive supposed to get to the polls easily and conviently?

I feel that if voting was more conveinent, that more people may vote.

Edited by x635

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They should be forced to take the signs down. We should also send back the ton of crap we all got in the mail. I have never gotten so much junk mail in my life as this last election. I got something different every day from one candidate until I started seeing the same stuff. He ran a 10 day cycle on his junk. Enough of this went out that must have killed a small forest.

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Hey you guys really wanna get scared , go look at what middle east news groups think of our new leadership. That they see our changes as positive makes me really nervous. Back to the good old days.

gotta go I gotta finish that bunker in the backyard.

PS. Anybody got extra candles?

see ya

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this semester i have been taking a class in American polotics. one reason why you might have to drive past the closest polling area is because of districting. Every 10 years, after the census comes out, the state legislalter do what is clled districting. In this proccess, the legislature will redraw the house districts to make it safe for their partisan group. Gennerally the legislature will use a proccess called gerrymandering where they will crack or pack a district. this is redrawing districts for their parties favor. They will often redraw the districts in order to dilute the district. If the district is full of Democrats and the leg is a Republican, the legislature might work to dilute that district, there by giving a Republican a better chance of winning. They will also pack a district as well. In this the leg, if republican will pack all of the dems into 1 district. this allows other areas to have a better chance for republicans. Gerrymandering often leads for unproportinal representation of a party compared to the population of the state. If you are to look at some of the house districs around the country they are all different and sometimes crazy shapes. there are very few limitaions on this one of which is that the district must be connected. One of the few states that is not like this is i belive is ohio which has non partisan block districts.

I believe this would be one of the reasons for having districts like they are. sorry for boring all of you with american polotics stuff but you asked why so i gave you an answer.

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everyone should have election day off. Maybe make election day also labor day. Its hard when you are trying to make a living and commuting 2 hours a day to also go and vote. My second thing I would do is stop giving these politicians so many days off a year, winter break, summer break and of course you need over a month off to run for the position. I wish I could tell my boss hey give me a month off to get a new job. While I am ranting why is the president flying to Texas to vote and flying right back to the white house. Send in an absentee ballot. Taxpayer dollars at work.

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Hudson and ajs, you said what I was thinking also. The amount of mail I got from candidates was unbelievable and with the rain and wind today I've picked up about 6 signs from my front lawn.

Congress is a shame. I love how the soon to be speaker of the house says how they all need to work together. She wouldn't vote for a republican started bill if her life depended on it. She is a ultra liberal. At least if they re make the wizard of oz, she could play the wicked witch of the west with that cackle laugh.

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I think most of the voting stuff is left up to counties; you may want to contact the county board of elections to see what the deal was. However, don’t count on getting too much help they have disenfranchised me in every election since I left for college. I would send in my absentee form every august before leaving for school and never get a ballot in the mail, would call them and they would claim they had no record of me. Last year it took a pretty heated call Nita Lowey’s office to get things squared away. Needless to say, I got a ballot this year. As far as the election itself goes, I can’t say I’m too happy. I’m not happy, at all, with the situation in Iraq but at the same time I don’t think the dems, especially under the leadership of their new ultra-liberal San Franciscan leader, have any real plan or idea of how to deal with the situation. Not to mention, much of what they speak of scares me. They seem to have a pretty swift agenda for the first 100 hours...including tax hikes...scary if you ask me. Not to mention most of them seem a bit too light on national defense/security...guess time will tell unsure.gif

Edited by 66Alpha1

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All of these politicians care about the environment, right?

Then why do they post a crapload of signs and send us so much mail?

The other hyprocracy that drives me batty is their stand on how great it is to have free speech, but when you bring up their history or some other information about them - they go nuts.

I hate politicians, politics and all this election crap. I am tired of the commercials, tired of the mailings, tired of seeing the signs and more so - tired of the BS.

It's finally safe to watch TV again!

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There are some towns with laws regarding these unsitely campaign signs. I seem to remember a piece on Snews 12 about Yorktown PD picking up signs on public property. I think the new state l;egislature should make it the first law they pass in January about removing the signs within 10 days of an election. I still see signs out there for our DA o n Rt 6 a year after that election.

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All of these politicians care about the environment, right?

Then why do they post a crapload of signs and send us so much mail?

The other hyprocracy that drives me batty is their stand on how great it is to have free speech, but when you bring up their history or some other information about them - they go nuts.

I hate politicians, politics and all this election crap.  I am tired of the commercials, tired of the mailings, tired of seeing the signs and more so - tired of the BS.

It's finally safe to watch TV again!

I hear your frustrations and agree with you to a point only to say while a politician may go nuts if you bring up past dirt try and do that in some other countries such as Iraq where you would of been arrested and possibly killed for disrespecting your government. Our country has alot of issues, is not perfect nor do I like what has happened lately especially this elcetion but I would not live anywhere else and thank God I am an American.

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