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Interesting Idea For Highway Safety

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I was recently out in Indiana, and along the sides of I-80 I noticed these signs. It appears to use radar and/or laser to detect animals such as deer along the side of the road, and alert drivers with the flashing amber light. There were addtional poles every couple of hundred yards with just the detetction equipment seen in the bottom of the photo. The speed limit along this section of road is 70 mph, and any collision with a large animal will cause extensive damage. Would a similar system be worth it on roads in our area such as I-684/84 etc?


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that is a great idea.Im wondering why they dont put this in more places to cut back on the amount of cars hitting can do lot of damage when hitting buck at 70mph.

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Thats a great idea. How was the terrain out there? Sadly, the saw mill will never be much of a candidate for this type of system. Unless maybe you wanted to just target certain hotspots.

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YOu would have to also look to see how cost effective something like this would be. I don't see many areas wanting to pay for those laser/radar systems.

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Wouldn't it be cheaper just to expand hunting season and issue special permits for areas of high traffic and large deer populations?

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The terrain was mostly flat, with some gentle rolling hills. In most areas, the roadway was slightly higher (about five feet) than the surrounding areas. Each pole of the system had a solar panel on top.

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Wouldn't it be cheaper just to expand hunting season and issue special permits for areas of high traffic and large deer populations?

With the overpopulation of deer, and the decline in avid hunters this is a great idea. I was thinking the other day, 3 of my 4 uncles hunt, none of their children are even interested, including me...something has to be done!

Stop and Shoot - Program designed for bow hunters who can stop along highways and shoot a deer without a problem. There are usually some pretty good size deer along the parkways...

Hit and Take - Person that hits deer should take the deer...if not salvageable then DOT can handle. If appears intact enough...make some steaks!

As well, anyone who does hunt (FAC911) and has extra venison, preferably smoked, let me know...I love venison!!!! Will pay cash and that's as good as money.

Edited by Oswegowind

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Wouldn't it be cheaper just to expand hunting season and issue special permits for areas of high traffic and large deer populations?

Ahhhhhhhhhh the voice of reason.

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Hit and Take - Person that hits deer should take the deer...if not salvageable then DOT can handle.  If appears intact enough...make some steaks!

Actually, if you hit it, you can take it. Four years ago while hunting private proprty in Orange I caught a deer little behind the honey spot. Only took out one lung. Long story short she took off running and a short while later crossed a road and was stuck by a car. Local cop handed me a DEC tag and I hauled her off to the butcher.

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