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Lachmont Names New Paid Chief, 12 Vol. Quit & Sue

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In my opinion , a small combination department with a rather small number of career staff (under 20) should spend their money more wisely. I think that a Lt. in charge per shift is more than enough. Spend the money on equipment or wherever it is really needed. In the case of a fully career department with say 50 or more career staff, I would agree with it.

I work ina small combo dept. and I can tell you that it is a fulltime job and then some for the Chief. We also have three FT A/C's, 3 FT Lt.'s and then 12 fire/EMS career people. It really depends on what you want from the staff. If all we did was fire calls(800) then we'd be too big, but throw in 1800 EMS runs, Life Safety Code enforcement, fire drill, prevention duties, regional haz-mat team, extrication, etc. there seems to be a shortage of time in the day.

Could a volunteer chief do the job? Yes, but he/she would find that its a fulltime job. Our Chief was a volunteer captain, but due to his knowledge, training and ability he's done a great job. But as often as City Hall calls or the public wants to talk to the Chief, I can't imagine a volunteer being responsive enough to keep up. It's about time. You got to have the time to be there when you're needed.

Good luck to Larchmont, it certainly can be a good thing if people let it.

Edited by antiquefirelt

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In my opinion , a small combination department with a rather small number of career staff (under 20) should spend their money more wisely. I think that a Lt. in charge per shift is more than enough. Spend the money on equipment or wherever it is really needed. In the case of a fully career department with say 50 or more career staff, I would agree with it.

I think people are really missing the point here.

I think that it goes far beyond issues on any given tour, it was a failure to properly run the department. Running any department is a full time job in and of itself. Like i said before, when you have an all-volunteer department the needs are different than when you have a combination, with staff on-duty 24/7. Likewise, someone needs to be available to deal with, mitigate and address any and all of the issues in a full-time capacity. Obviously, the volunteer position could no longer guarantee 110% effort/time to the needs of the department. This is a proactive move, and CANNOT hurt in any way shape or form. I think people have to look past the politics and put their ego aside and just do the right thing and work toward providing the best protection possible.

Edited by 66Alpha1

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I do not think that it will hurt them, I thought that the 2 or 3 chiefs that were doing the job for free was saving them money.I dont know how many they have. I have a few questions. Does this new chief live locally and be availale 27/7 or will he just be a daytime chief? Also, is the department not being run correctly that this change needed to happen?

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I guess it was more then just being a volunteer for those 12 who resigned. I guess it wasn't about what they did. Probably coaxed into resigning by the chief who was replaced. I wasn't at the meeting but I guess they picked-up their ball and went home. Hopefully Larchmont would consider hiring more paid people since the 12 do not like the fact their is a full time paid chief.

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Unfortunately for the taxpayers in Larchmont this could snowball into a situation where much more personel could have to be hired. I am not against people getting jobs, just dont understand what was the initial problem in the first place.

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Your entitle to your opinion... But why can't a volunteer chief to a good job? I deal with politics all the time,not easy by no means but I do it. As far as problems if one should arise it's delt with paid or volunteer. I understand what your saying I guess I'm just a little offended. But thats what this forum is hear for right? to express our issues and opinions,whether we agree or disagree.

I am not aware as to why they hired a fulltime chief nor do I understand the politics ( if any) behind it but I will say the AHD felt the need for it's department and that I feel where it should lie. I am a former volunteer chief and I can tell you from experience it has become such a paperwork job it almost warrants at least a part time person to keep up with everything..especially if your agency also does EMS. 90% of what a chief does is management of people and deal with issues and problems and reports and paperwork and it can become a burden even with asst. chiefs helping you. Just keeping up with repairs alone was a job in it self.

To those who resigned I hope you would reconsider and go back to protecting the public which is why we are all in this business in the first place and try to work things out. Perhaps you can shed some light on here being most of the replies are coming from outside your department. I wish the new chief as well as those others involved the best of luck.

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I am not aware as to why they hired a fulltime chief nor do I understand the politics ( if any) behind it but I will say the AHD felt the need for it's department and that I feel where it should lie. I am a former volunteer chief and I can tell you from experience it has become such a paperwork job it almost warrants at least a part time person to keep up with everything..especially if your agency also does EMS. 90% of what a chief does is management of people and deal with issues and problems and reports and paperwork and it can become a burden even with asst. chiefs helping you. Just keeping up with repairs alone was a job in it self.

To those who resigned I hope you would reconsider and go back to protecting the public which is why we are all in this business in the first place and try to work things out. Perhaps you can shed some light on here being most of the replies are coming from outside your department. I wish the new chief as well as those others involved the best of luck.

Very well put from someone with the experience I was trying to elaborate on earlier.

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Could a volunteer chief do the job? Yes, but he/she would find that its a fulltime job. Our Chief was a volunteer captain, but due to his knowledge, training and ability he's done a great job. But as often as City Hall calls or the public wants to talk to the Chief, I can't imagine a volunteer being responsive enough to keep up. It's about time. You got to have the time to be there when you're needed.

Your 100% right about it being a full time job...But I can say from exsperience A volunteer chief can do it and be responsive enough. I'm available all the time and my members know that both paid and volunteer... And your right again it's not easy but I do it because I love what I do. The phone calls all hours of the night and meetings do get to be a bit much,but thats why I'm here.As for leaving because of a paid chief is the wrong move in my opinion. If you do it for the right reasons it shouldn't matter.I really hope everything works out for the best.

Edited by HFD750

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Anyone know if the Deputy Chiefs will still have positions?

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I agree. The walkout is disgusting and selfish. Do the volunteers really care about the community they serve, or their power and egos?  Is it the loss of power that is the problem? Why is this bad?

Wouldn't staying on, seeing how things work, and trying to reach a comfortable comprimise be a better and more rational solution?

I've heard some are using the old copout "union vs. volunteer", and that's just plain ridiculous. How are they demoralized? Don't they have career firefighters? Shouldn't professional firefighters have professional leadership? (Professional as meaning your occupation)

BTW, isn't Larchmont a wealthy community, filled with very significant and valuable hazards?


I agree fully. The voulnteers should be volunteering for the benefit of the community not themselves. By walking out they are just showing that they are immature and selfish. They are probley the type of volunteers that ride the trucks for the excitement of lights and sirens and then do nothing on the scene except watch.

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Here's something to think about. Who will be in charge if and when the new Chief gets redeployed to Iraq or Afghanistan for another tour? dry.gif

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I'm not really sure what the use of the hypotheticals are, but i would think if it is in fact an issue it would have been mitigated already.

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Look, I don't know the particulars of the situation but I will say that we should not be so quick to condemn a volunteers right to resign. Does it hurt the community? Yes. Does it speak badly to the department? Yes. But voluteers are just that, volunteers. They give their time when and where they can. If they choose to no longer give it, thats their right. I respect their decision to resign b/c its better than working disgruntled; that would really put lives in danger.

I volly for a org that has severe leadership problems. I love the community I volunteer in, and I love volunteering. But at a certain point, if it becomes impossible do your job w/o a fight w/ no comfort, then it's time to leave, and everyone, esp vollies should have that right. Now, I would suggest that the vollies leaving is not the primary issue here, the breakdown of communication and cooperation that lead to their resignation is what needs to be addressed and fixed!

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This is a highly political and sensetive local issue, of which a lot is internal to Larchmont Village Board and Larchmont FD and how they are choosing to protect their residents, and nothing constructive is going to come of it from further discussion on this forum. It's sad that a situation like this exists, and even sadder that people can't just listen, accept, comprimise, have an open mind,, and work together. And for some, check their egos at the door. But I guess if they could, there wouldn't be wars.

This thread IS NOT what EMTBravo is about. I let it be since it was a published newspaper article, and also a serious issue. But, let them fight, waste taxpayers money with lawsuits, build tension between the two "sides" and do nothing to benefit the community or the department. It's clear- it's all about power and who has it- who wants it- and why?. Let's all hope that in this time period that the community remains well protected.

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