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NYC Terroism Event?

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Fox 5 News just reported on the 10pm news that there's an increased deployment of radiation detection equipment in NYC as we speak... I can't find anything anywhere about it.

Anyone heard this/anything else?

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Someone called in asking about what was going on at the Lincoln Tunnel but I can't find anything anywhere...not even on the scanner...

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From Fox 5's website:

NYPD Steps Up Dirty Bomb Precautions

Spokesman Says Threat 'Unverified'

Last Edited: Friday, 10 Aug 2007, 10:11 PM EDT

Created: Friday, 10 Aug 2007, 10:11 PM EDT

The NYPD has modified its counter-terrorism posture Friday because of unverified intelligence regarding a dirty bomb risk.

This change includes an increased deployment of radiological sensors -- including those mounted on vehicles, boats and helicopters as well as those carried by NYPD personnel.

In addition, vehicle checkpoints are being established in New York City, including lower Manhattan, and at certain approaches to the city from neighboring areas.

These efforts are not in response to a verified threat, the department spokesman said.

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Radiological threat in NYC?


10:47 PM EDT, August 10, 2007

An unverified radiological threat against New York City prompted police Friday to establish vehicle checkpoints and deploy additional radiological sensor devices.

"It is stressed that these deployments are strictly precautionary and not the result of a verified threat," Deputy Police Commissioner Paul Browne said in a prepared written statement.

Additional sensors will be in vehicles, in boats, helicopters and with individual officers, the statement said, and check points were established in the city, including lower Manhattan.

A city police spokesman declined to elaborate on the statement. CW 11 television news reported that the police reaction was in response to an unverified threat of a nuclear device in the 34th Street area of Manhattan.

Browne's statement said that the city's terror alert status remained unchanged at "orange."

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Finally hit a legit news source...

NYC responds to ‘unverified radiological threat’

Internet posting leads city to boost security near bridges, tunnels

NEW YORK - New York city police increased security throughout Manhattan Friday and at bridges and tunnels in response to what they called an "unverified radiological threat."

But they said the city's alert status for an attack was unchanged at "orange."

The New York Police Department said in a statement it had increased the deployment of radiological sensors on vehicles, boats and helicopters and had set up vehicle checkpoints in lower Manhattan and at bridges and tunnels.

Police confirmed the increased security was in response to receiving information that a dirty bomb may go off around 34th street in Manhattan Friday evening.

The Empire State Building, New York City's tallest building, Madison Square Garden and Macy's department store are in the 34th Street neighborhood.

New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg said the police had received the threat from the Internet but stressed there was no reason to believe this threat was any different from countless others since the Sept. 11 attacks.

DHS says threat ‘unsubstantiated’

A spokesman for the Department of Homeland Security in Washington said they assessed the radiological threat to New York as "unsubstantiated" and there was "no credible information telling us there is an imminent threat to the homeland at this time."

New York has remained on an orange alert -- the second highest such level, below red -- since the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks that destroyed the World Trade Center.

New York police played down the increased security.

"It is stressed that these deployments are strictly precautionary and not the result of any verified threat," NYPD Deputy Commissioner Paul Browne said in a statement.

And Bloomberg also sought to soothe New Yorkers.

‘Precautionary measures’

"Earlier this evening, the NYPD began taking several public precautionary measures visible to New Yorkers to guard against an unverified threat that was found on the Internet," he said.

"These actions are like those that the NYPD takes every day -- precautions against potential but unconfirmed threats that may never materialize," Bloomberg said.

"As New Yorkers, we've gone about our lives even with the daily threat level at 'orange' every day since September 11, 2001. That threat level has not changed because of this unverified threat, and we shouldn't let anyone terrorize us by spreading fear."

At Herald Square, the heart of the 34th Street area, late Friday evening, there was no visible sign of increased police security as New Yorkers went about their regular activities.

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Rant Time

You know, I'm really starting to think that all these news networks on the television aren't a good thing. In their zest to make sure the public knows everything about anything that can impact their lives, the media inadvertently leaks operational information about response plans. All anyone with designs in hurting this country has to do is watch any 24 hour news channel and they'll get a very good idea on not only how to attack the public, but also 1st responders. They can watch where we stage, have our command posts, etc. Is it just me, or does anyone else fell the same??

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i have to agree, there is just too much close news coverage of things. They want everyone to know every aspect of whats going on when all they really need to say is " This happened today and where". the thing that is kinda strange is do you all remember when Giraldo drew a map in the sand and it was a huge breach of national security? that was just a crude stick drawing in the sand, these news teams are showing video of everything we do and giving a very descript explanations of where things are and what is going on. they will tell you that the Fire Department set up a command center on the corner of 1st ave and Main St. and have all there cameras there. that is what the terrorists want, information. Then they can put a two part attack in play. one to get you there then one to show the world ala the WTC. They played on our weakness and need get into everything. Who was not watching a TV after the first plane hit? then BAM the second on hits. These people are gonna use psychological warfare and make us think that everyday there could be a bomb on a train or in a tunnel. Then people will get complacent and then things will take a turn.

and then I check my mail and this is what I find.

All Westchester County Emergency Services

From: Commissioner Anthony W. Sutton

Deputy Commissioner John E. Jackson

Re: Important Update

Date: August 11, 2007

Please be advised that there have been unsubstantiated reports of increased terrorism chatter involving the use of vehicle borne dirty bombs. With this information in mind, it would be a good time to check your, county issued, Mobile Radiation Detection Devices (MRD). Please check your device batteries. Should refresher training be needed on the MRD please go to our OEM web site @

Please use this heightened awareness at incidents involving larger vehicles.


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The only positive to this is that initial media reports are often so inaccurate, maybe it will throw off any possible terrorists.

It's all about numbers more viewers = more $$$

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i have to agree, there is just too much close news coverage of things. They want everyone to know every aspect of whats going on when all they really need to say is " This happened today and where". the thing that is kinda strange is do you all remember when Giraldo drew a map in the sand and it was a huge breach of national security? that was just a crude stick drawing in the sand, these news teams are showing video of everything we do and giving a very descript explanations of where things are and what is going on. they will tell you that the Fire Department set up a command center on the corner of 1st ave and Main St. and have all there cameras there. that is what the terrorists want, information. Then they can put a two part attack in play. one to get you there then one to show the world ala the WTC. They played on our weakness and need get into everything. Who was not watching a TV after the first plane hit? then BAM the second on hits. These people are gonna use psychological warfare and make us think that everyday there could be a bomb on a train or in a tunnel. Then people will get complacent and then things will take a turn.

and then I check my mail and this is what I find.

Gotta take my poke at Geraldo now... Geraldo violated the rules for embedded journalists established by the DOD and compromised the safety of a forward deployed unit prior to an operation in a combat zone. That's quite a bit different than Fox 5 standing at the Lincoln Tunnel videotaping a road check. If the road check was covert, and being conducted by undercover officers, it would have been inappropriate to report on. However, the whole method to NYC's madness is overt (often over the top) show of force, random checkpoints, road closures, and other tactics to throw the people planning the next attack off balance. So far, it seems to be working!

I don't disagree that certain operational data needs to be kept secret - or at least not publicized - but in this case I think the deterrent value also works to our advantage.

Gotta go now, time to change the batteries in my rad detector. :huh:

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all of this over a posting on a website, do you think the powers to be in NYC may of gone over board on this one, I dont recall terrorist giving warnings as detailed as this on a website before they atttack, the FBI didnt even really moblize for this one, I wish i can remember the website adres so I could post it here.

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NYC constantly goes into these little tizzys over unsubstantiated comments while the feds insist its nothing. Personally I think its the powers that be trying to justify all their toys.

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This information was not posted by terrorists. apparently has sources in the middle eastern intelligence community, more specifically Israel. They claim to have intercepted a transmission between al queda representatives, unknown media(1). They have been known to warn against other terror related events in the past and that is why the information was provided to the NYPD, LAPD, and Miami PD. The terrorists have to communicate somehow and if anyone intercepts anything that sounds like it has potential at all we should be on the ready. If we do not take info and act upon it and something happens, then who are YOU going to blame? The NYPD also released the info on the checkpoints to the News Media, they did not intercept anything. Show of force is very important, it may be the breaking point for someone that is about to do something crazy. It is used constantly in Policing. Just as in high crime areas around NYC, showing of marked units, personnel with special resources, and manpower is a deterrent to anyone. If the terror cell things they are going to get caught, they could disrupt their individual operations than they may back off for that day.

(1) Media in this sense used as a form of communication, not the press. i.e., cellular transmission, email...etc

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