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Eye-Fi: First Wireless Memory Card for Digital Cameras

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This technology sounds awesome!

Eye-Fi: First Wireless Memory Card for Digital Cameras

Fri Nov 2, 2007 12:47PM EDT


Now here's a great idea. Take a normal-looking 2GB SD card. Add a wireless chip to it. Stick the whole thing into your camera, and before you know it you've got a wireless camera. Now add a dose of software smarts onto the SD card to manage the whole thing and what do you get? You get a quick wireless ticket straight from your camera to any one of 17 different social networks or photo-sharing sites including Facebook, blogging sites like TypePad, photo-sharing sites like Flickr and Snapfish, or your PC or Mac. If you've been lamenting how your photos never seem to make it out of the camera, lament no more. The price? $99.99 with 2GB of storage (about 1,000 photos).

I caught up with Jef Holove, CEO of Eye-Fi, shortly after this product was announced. He shed some additional light on how stuff works behind the scenes. The card has everything, including the software necessary to get you up and running. All you need to do is tell the card which service you want your photos sent to. It also archives the photos on your PC or Mac. And while you can belong to multiple services, you can't send your photos to more than one at a time. Currently the card supports JPEG files only, but transmits photos without any degradation in resolution. It will resize the photos if the online destination requires it.

Holove says, "Digital cameras made it extremely easy to take pictures, but the rest of the process is a hassle." Wireless, he says, will make things much easier. We'll have a review unit momentarily and report back, but this sounds like a winner.

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THat is a good idea most of the pictures on my camera get deleted before they make it onto my computer, just to make room for new "better" ones.

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There has been a huge buzz in the hunting world with these - as they can be put into the digital trail cameras (motion activated flash or IR cameras strapped to trees to spy on critters) and have images sent to you, as opposed to having to booger up the woods to check it.

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Very interesting...similar to online security cameras that you can view from Could you imagine EMTBravo instant Fire/Emergency Scene UPLOADS?????????

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Very interesting...similar to online security cameras that you can view from Could you imagine EMTBravo instant Fire/Emergency Scene UPLOADS?????????

That would be awesome!


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