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US to try to shoot down spy satellite

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President Bush has ordered the Pentagon to use a Navy missile to attempt to destroy a broken U.S. spy satellite — and thereby minimize the risk to humans from its toxic fuel — by intercepting it just before it re-enters the atmosphere, officials said Thursday.

The effort — the first of its kind — will be undertaken because of the potential that people in the area where the satellite would otherwise crash could be harmed, the officials said.

Deputy National Security Adviser James Jeffrey, briefing reporters at the Pentagon, did not say when the attempted intercept would be conducted, but the satellite is expected to hit Earth during the first week of March.

"This is all about trying to reduce the danger to human beings," Jeffrey said.


this really has to be the coolest article i've read in awhile!

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This is going to go worse than Colin Powell's Yellow Cake speech before the UN. I can't wait.

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Didn't they do this in a James Bond movie ?

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Do they know where it would land if they didnt shoot it down??

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Good luck to the navy with that shot!

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Let's make it interesting!

Our government should let the Japanese or Chinese or Russians, or Israelis shoot it down, that way, WE are not appearing to be flexing our Military Muscles.

They should start a pool: each country put up a Billion dollars, give them each a shot at it, and if they miss, then we'll do it.

Winner takes all!

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Boy, I cant wait for the movie to come out! It would be like "Deep Impact" or "Armagedon" but with a smaller object.

I would hate to be the guy at the controls when they go to shoot it down, imagine the NERVES of STEEL he/she would need to fire that shot!! No pun intended but they would be sweating bullets. :blink: Oh, and please....DONT MISS!!!

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SM-3/Aegis system is a proven system, unlike the rest of the ballistic missile shield. More important than the fuel, we have some really high-tech secret sensors on board that are also important to smash up. This is a failed spy satellite so I cannot even fathom how much stuff we do not want the Chinese finding. Has anyone bothered to look up Hydrazine in the ERG? I do not have a copy, myself. What kind of danger area is possible for 40 lbs leaking?

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Word is, these are the two Scientists sent to work on shooting down the satellite.


Dr. Trobridge and Dr. Greenbaum (berg) Greenbaum-berg

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SM-3/Aegis system is a proven system, unlike the rest of the ballistic missile shield. More important than the fuel, we have some really high-tech secret sensors on board that are also important to smash up. This is a failed spy satellite so I cannot even fathom how much stuff we do not want the Chinese finding. Has anyone bothered to look up Hydrazine in the ERG? I do not have a copy, myself. What kind of danger area is possible for 40 lbs leaking?

There are different types of Hydrazine but the worst one I saw was fatal if inhaled. The least dangerous was highly flammable and toxic requiring suits and non-sparking tools. It would be messy, thats for sure.

I agree with the spy stuff too, isnt there some way for the govnt to erase the data on the satelite remotely with todays technology? Just curious.

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Word is, these are the two Scientists sent to work on shooting down the satellite.


Dr. Trobridge and Dr. Greenbaum (berg) Greenbaum-berg

:o LMAO :lol::lol:

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When they shoot if off, can we get Artie Lang to yell "FIRE"!!!!!! - ?

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There are different types of Hydrazine but the worst one I saw was fatal if inhaled. The least dangerous was highly flammable and toxic requiring suits and non-sparking tools. It would be messy, thats for sure.

I agree with the spy stuff too, isnt there some way for the govnt to erase the data on the satelite remotely with todays technology? Just curious.

I think they are as or more concerned with the actual physical technology on board.

They should just shuttle harry stamper and his team up there to drill the satellite out.

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I think they are as or more concerned with the actual physical technology on board.

They should just shuttle harry stamper and his team up there to drill the satellite out.

Absolutely. See the below article.

Crippled Spy Satellite to be Shot Down

Associated Press | February 14, 2008

WASHINGTON - The U.S. Defense Department is planning to shoot down a broken spy satellite expected to hit the Earth in early March, The Associated Press has learned.,13319,162110,00.html

Edited by dadbo46

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