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NYPD - Contract is in - 10% Pay Hike

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It's about time !!!

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ITS ABOUT TIME! Lets hope its a step in the right direction for the NYPD. Congrats to the union for holding out and sticking to it. Thats a nice increase, but still could be better.

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Don't be to excited.... There are givebacks .....

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isn't nypd starting salary about 25,000???

a 10% pay increase is only $2500...sounds like a PR stunt that's going backfire...

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It's an absolutely terrible contract and a disgrace...

-4.5% and 5% raises compounded to equal a 9.7% raise

-Starting pay goes from 25,100 to 35,881 which is obviously good

-Top pay goes from 59,588 to 65,382 which is okay, not great, but okay

-Retroactive pay x 4 years which is always a good thing, especially for a top pay police officer

-Cops now must go to the range to requalify and on a vacation day.... NOT GOOD

-New hires lose 10 vacation days a year for the first 5 years... which means instead of 20 vacation days they'll be down to 10, minues the one day for the range... 9 vacation days a year for the first 5 years.... ABSOLUTELY TERRIBLE

-The number of tour changes without being able to incur overtime went up from 15 to 20... NOT GOOD

-The job can now notify you up to 24 hours before one of the 6 major holidays to either come in on your day off or change your tour... NOT GOOD

Plus they haven't disclosed the new pay scale yet either.. who knows how much of a raise new hires will get each year until they hit that whopping 65k.

The contract is a disgrace and a slap in the face... but what else should be expected from Bloomberg and City Hall.

Edited by JJB531

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JJB then why settle on this contract? You guys have held up this long, hold out longer. Or you can just come to Westchester and not deal with the BS.

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I MIGHT actually consider taking the test now...

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JJB then why settle on this contract? You guys have held up this long, hold out longer. Or you can just come to Westchester and not deal with the BS.

We didn't settle on this contract... this was the contract that the supposed neutral member of the arbitration panel has proposed... only 2 out of 3 need to sign it to pass... the city signed in favor, the neutral arbitrator signed in favor, and the PBA opposed it.....

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Oh man JJB, sorry to hear that. After reading your port and the Daily News today, i got further info, so i take back my original post! I should have known better to think there would be some good without any negative. Apparently i was wrong because there are alot of negatives in that contract! Glad the PBA opposed it, to bad it went through anyway.

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We didn't settle on this contract... this was the contract that the supposed neutral member of the arbitration panel has proposed... only 2 out of 3 need to sign it to pass... the city signed in favor, the neutral arbitrator signed in favor, and the PBA opposed it.....

Got ya. That sucks. The arbitrator should be shot.

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That is so sad. I couldn't imagine trying to live with all that B.S. Like NYC has no money, there are so many useless programs and departments that aren't necessary and they can't pay the cops and medics a decent wage, it just isn't right especially when the 2 NY baseball teams spend billions of dollars on their players. There is seriously something wrong, and no way to fix it! This will not even come close to stopping all the guys from leaving to go to other jobs that have respect for those who protect and serve!

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