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Yonkers New Rescue 1

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GFD538 & YonkersR3.....What year is the current R1? I thought that was a relatively new unit? It's definately one of the nicest in the county, curious to hear what the new one will be.

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Thanks GFD! I knew it was a pretty new rig. Do you know of any specific reasons for getting a new rig (i.e. problems with the current rig)?

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Thanks GFD! I knew it was a pretty new rig. Do you know of any specific reasons for getting a new rig (i.e. problems with the current rig)?

YFD has basiclly run out of room. They got funding to replace the rig with a dual axle truck. It will still be a walk around as opposed to a walk-in like FDNY. I don't know what company will build it since they only recently got the funding. R1SmokeEater said that the current R1 already has 44,000 miles on it.

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It looks like ALF will again be the frontrunner on this as the bids will be announced (I believe on Feb 2nd). The reason for the New Rescue Rig in Yonkers is: 1) As mentioned, the 2000 ALF Eagle Heavy Duty has 44,000 miles on it already; 2) They have received funding to purchase a new one'; 3) YFD currently has no "real" back up/reserve rescue unit. (they had been using a converted pumper as a back up, to which they can no longer use, since that rig does not have enough space to hold all of the equipment YFD R1 carries, and they have been using one of the Spare Ladder Trucks (Ladder 76) as their spare. Having the 2000 ALF Eagle Rescue as the Spare (Rescue 2). This would be a huge help.

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any possibility of using the old rescue as a second rescue out of a slower east side house? Wouldnt a new rescue rack up just as many miles as the old one did?

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GFD538 & YonkersR3, thanks alot for all of the info, i really appreciate it! Now i understand why they want a new one! Thats a great opportunity for them & keeping the current ALF R1 as a spare/back-up would bea great idea! Good luck to the YFD on the bidding process & best of luck with the new rig, whatever it may be.

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The Rescue certainly has had a lot of wear and tear due to the volume it handles coupled with the conditions and area it operates in.

I think it would be cool to do a minor refurb on the current Rescue 1 once the new one is delivered, and make it a Hazmat or USAR team rig.

But they do need a spare rescue, since I don't think a converted Engine would cut it anymore.

Boy, Yonkers has come a long way since that little Squad 1 lol!

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Well first there are more priorities then the new Rescue. I know Yonkers is looking at New Rigs for: 303, 314, and 311...Also Ladder 70, and 74. These will be dealt with first I believe this upcoming month.

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What year is ladder 74? I thought it was fairly new. With the possiblilty of these new rigs, are there plans to get rid of any of the reserve or spare rigs? or would the replaced pieces of apparatus just become available as more spares or reserves? I personally think it is fabulous that yonkers is able to keep almost a full second set of units as spares or reserves for use when needed.

I was also thinking, have they ever loaned the extra rigs out to neighboring departments for use in times of need? I think its great that someone not too far away has extra rigs if the need should arise.

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First up - The New Rescue 1 Unit is being planned for 2005 simply because YFD was able to secure outside funding for this rig. Yes, others front line rigs you would thing might have priority over this, but when you are given funidng for it, go for it (plus, with the fact already mentioned, that they have really NO backup spare Rescue rig to use, this then makes sense (Making the now 2000 ALF Rescue Unit, "Rescue 2" as a spare). SECONDLY, YFD is already in the process of 'Replacing" 311, since it is now "SQUAD 311" (YFD will be getting a unit similiar to NRFD's Squad 22, but it will be EVEN BETTER !!! "Raised Roof in Cab" Etc). THIRDLY, Ladder 74 is a 1995 Seagrave Rear Mount, and Ladder 70 (the Former Ladder 72) is a 1998 Seagrave Rear Mount. I would say that Ladder 74 gets replaced before 70. Finally, on the Engine Front, I would say that both Engines 303 and 314 get replaced, as next in line, since 303 is now running a Refurbed 1990 Mack CF, and 314 is the ONLY Front Line Rig still using the "Lousy" 1994 Sutphen.

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I recall in 2004, Yonkers loaning a ladder truck to Larchmont for use

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It was an engine, for which we were very grateful.

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I am not sure what it is designated now as (it may be 301)

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