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Enraged Man Attacks Fire Photographer

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Sparks fly at fire



OXFORD — As they put out a barn fire that started in the chimney this morning, firefighters were forced into the role of peacemaker when they pulled an enraged man off a photographer.


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Police Chief Michael C. Hassett said the department would likely bring charges against the man, who sat in the back of a police cruiser for several minutes but was let out by authorities. He then drove a pickup truck off the property.

What is this about. As far as I'm concerned, if you attack anyone with a FD/EMS ID card, you should go straight to jail.

I wonder why he didn't want the fire photographed? Maybe the C/O team needs to take a close look at this one

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Maybe the man was just a little upset that his property was burning down, maybe we should put ourelves in his shoes for a minute. Perhaps he was upset with the fact that a man with fire department credentials, which he probably assumes makes him a firefighter, was doing nothing to help while his barn burned. People sometimes do things they wouldn't normally do when they are faced with a crisis, lets cut the guy a little slack and wait for the facts before we basically start accusing the guy of arson.

res6cue, x635 and BFD1054 like this

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