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Thank You

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I don't (ever) post because I often feel like I have nothing to add. I have no experience other than as family. My grandfather was FDNY. My brothers were volunteers in Dutchess County.

But I want to take this opportunity to say thank you to each and every one of you. As a family member, I understand the sacrifices you make, the training you make time for and the time you are away from your families, friends and other activities so you can serve your community in the most amazing way I can think of.

I salute your bravery, your commitment and your expertise. Our communities are better places because you live, work and volunteer here.

Consider this a long distance hug from a very grateful community member.


JJB531, ptwatson, islander and 33 others like this

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I Agree. To all the Heros that so many of us take for granted in our daily lives. The police officers, the firefighters, the military, our nurses and our "911 Dispatchers". We can't live without you. Thank you for what you do and helping us in our time of need.

BFD1054 and sfrd18 like this

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Thank you so much for posting this.


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Thank you very much. ur post brought a tear to my eye. its not very often i hear/see someone saying thank you.


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Heather, that, I'd say, was definitely something to add.

Thank you for posting this, and thank you to all who are always there for us in our times of need: the firefighters, police officers, EMTs/paramedics, the dispatchers, all other first responders, and in our country's times of need, the military.

nfd2004 said it best: we can't live without them. They are people you can always count on, everyday, 24/7, 365.

Thank you again, Heather!

Edited by sfrd18
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