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Please Read: Respecting Fellow Community Members

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On EMTBravo, you MUST respect your fellow members. Please refrain from inflammatory and defamatory comments as well as flaming, taunting, and general disrespect (this includes "one liners"). Do not simply put down the opinion or advice given by others. If you don't agree with it, say why - respectfully. Don't just tell them they're wrong. Do not make uninvited remarks about typos, duplicate posts, posting styles, etc.

When an opinion-based discussion is being had, do not state things like "there is no argument" as if your opinion is the only one or the only one that matters. When someone has clearly stated their opinion, do not say things like "Are you serious?" and "Are you kidding me?" Remember, this is not a debate club. This is a friendly discussion community. Allow people to have their opinion. No one is to act as some sort of opinion judge, responding to each one to say whether they agree with it or not or whether or not it is a valid, well thought out opinion.

Thank you for your cooperation.

-EMTBravo Staff

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The problem is that people use online forums without regard to the same courtesy as you would in person.

My suggestion is to post as if you were sitting in the day room or on the front bumper of a rig following a call. There is a lot of knowledge here.... Some new, some old, some by the book, some by experience... And a bucket full of tweeners. Don't take this blind opportunity to type as an excuse to get away with something you wouldn't have the balls to say to your peers face using the same tone. We all know that the web is full of "keyboard cowboys".

This being said, everyone loosen up when it comes to the down county career officers that pose tough questions on this forum. Much like a subscription to FireEngineering, these guys hold a wealth of knowledge that is every bit as valuable as a class. Stop fighting them on the issues that are known to plague the fire service and use them as a resource.

This is one of the few places in America where constructive conversation about emergency services exists and the moderators are spending too much time babysitting the few instigators and their counterparts with thin skin.

Edited by mfc2257
helicopper, JM15 and firedude like this

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The problem is that people use online forums without regard to the same courtesy as you would in person.

My suggestion is to post as is you were sitting in the day room or on the front bumper of a rig following a call. There is a lot of knowledge here.... Some new, some old, some by the book, some by experience... And a bucket full of tweeners. Don't take this blind opportunity to type as an excuse to get away with something you wouldn't have the balls to say to your peers face using the same tone. We all know that the web is full of "keyboard cowboys".

This being said, everyone loosen up when it comes to the down county career officers that pose tough questions on this forum. Much like a subscription to FireEngineering, these guys hold a wealth of knowledge that is every bit as valuable as a class. Stop fighting them on the issues that are known to plague the fire service and use them as a resource.

This is one of the few places in America where constructive conversation about the fire service exists and the moderators are spending too much time babysitting the few instigators and their counterparts with thin skin.

This post says it all, this is a FD website and has no room for cops or our opinions. This is evidenced by the strong amount of anti cop posts...

Edited by crime cop
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This post says it all, this is a FD website and has no room for cops or our opinions. This is evidenced by the strong amount of anti cop posts...

CC, I'm sorry if I'm missing something here, but I cannot see how anyone can come to a blanket conclusion like that based on reading Ed's post, even though he is someone that obviously comes from a fire background.

I fail to read "anti-cop" anywhere into the above remarks.

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We had an identical rule in my Kindergarten classroom...sad that it needs to be reiterated on this site to adults (primarily) who all have the same common interests and passions. Lets just try and say things that we would not mind if said about us and get along!

Edited by PFDRes47cue

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CC, I'm sorry if I'm missing something here, but I cannot see how anyone can come to a blanket conclusion like that based on reading Ed's post, even though he is someone that obviously comes from a fire background.

I fail to read "anti-cop" anywhere into the above remarks.

Let me clarify my post, I wasn't saying that his post was anti cop. His post was saying how this is a fire service web site which it is. I made reference to the amount of anti cop postings that have been around the past few months.

The bottom line is that there are only maybe 6 active posters here that are cops and It seems like most of the time we are defending our line of work from criticisms from other members.

If it were the other way arund and it was us being critical of the fire service, i'm pretty sure it would be a s*** storm here against us.

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OK, I guess I misunderstood and assumed your comments were directed entirely to Ed's remarks.

We can agree there have been previous occasions where some members, who for whatever reason(s), present an anti-law enforcement face.

Fortunately those are very few and far between, and whenever possible the staff tries to ensure public posts meet site guidelines.

We appreciate the forum contributions from all of our valuable LEO members and hope the negative voices of the minority few who badmouth anyone they have an agenda with are duly ignored.

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In all seriousness though, in no way should this ever be primarily a fire service website. We all work along side each other and our counterparts in the law enforcement field have a tremendous amount of knowledge and should always be included no matter what the topic is.

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Ehh.. Those who know me know not to take offence. I don't mean any and I don't care who lacks a sence of humor. That being said, I too hope to see the input from LEO's on this forum. They are sometimes the "outside perspective" on a scene and some of the LEO members we have here bring many years of service and experiance with them.

Edited by jack10562

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I wasn't directing it to you as a person just the statement just the fyi. I don't know you so I cannot make any judgements on that. No offense was meant by my comment.

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I regret not locking this thread with my orginal message. It was to reiterate our members repecting other members, and how it applies to this forum. Instead, it deteriorates into a venue for people to air their greivances.

This post says it all, this is a FD website and has no room for cops or our opinions. This is evidenced by the strong amount of anti cop posts...

Speaking as the Founder and Executive Director of this website, I could say nothing is farther from the truth.

Yes, there's been "Battle Of The Badges" on this forum, and most of them are not tolerated. Most of the issues discussed are what people are thinking or thier perception. You have every oppurtunity to state your opinon or respond to a post. Is the FD vs. PD/ESU drama that plays out that manifests on this forum from time to time not true on the streets? Couldn't this site be used to open a line of dialogue? Is everyone anti-cop?

This site has been extremly supportive of Law Enforcement, and in the going on 8 years this forum has been online, the good FAR outweighs the bad, and their are a number of threads to prove that. Plus, it's always the same few people who make that statement.

I've heard claims that this site is anti-everything, and find many complaints invalid. Most of the people making this claim hold a grudge because of one or two threads that offended them, and then make misinformed accusations.

Since you seem concerned about this issue, how do you suggest we resolve it? From my point of view, it's not an issue. However, you have a different viewpoint and I would like to hear ideas and solutions rather then complaints.

So everyone is clear: This website is for ANYONE in every aspect of emergency services.

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The problem is that people use online forums without regard to the same courtesy as you would in person.

My suggestion is to post as if you were sitting in the day room or on the front bumper of a rig following a call. There is a lot of knowledge here.... Some new, some old, some by the book, some by experience... And a bucket full of tweeners. Don't take this blind opportunity to type as an excuse to get away with something you wouldn't have the balls to say to your peers face using the same tone. We all know that the web is full of "keyboard cowboys".

This being said, everyone loosen up when it comes to the down county career officers that pose tough questions on this forum. Much like a subscription to FireEngineering, these guys hold a wealth of knowledge that is every bit as valuable as a class. Stop fighting them on the issues that are known to plague the fire service and use them as a resource.

This is one of the few places in America where constructive conversation about emergency services exists and the moderators are spending too much time babysitting the few instigators and their counterparts with thin skin.

Good stuff Fuzz. We've been friends for a very long time and you know I post exactly the way I would if I was sitting on the bumper and don't say anything I wouldn't say to anyone's face.

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