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Bad Box in His Own Words

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Recently EMTBRAVO Member "Bad Box" was interviewed in His Own Words regarding his story as a FDNY Member during the Attack on the World Trade Center on 9/11. He worked the very busy Ladder 123 in Brooklyn, Engine 75, Ladder 33 and Rescue 3 in the Bronx during his career. His father was a Battalion Chief in the 38 of Brooklyn.

I have actually never met "Bad Box" but I have talked to him several times on the phone. No doubt I have seen him in action during my many years of buffing and chasing the fires of Brooklyn and the Bronx. But I do what to say, "He is a True Gentleman, and somebody who I have the Highest respect for." His story is also in the book "In Their Own words" written by Firehouse Editor Harvey Eisner.

His video interview:

Edited by nfd2004

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One of our many great EMTBravo members! Excellent interview, and thank you for your service and we are proud to have you as a part of our site!

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One of our many great EMTBravo members! Excellent interview, and thank you for your service and we are proud to have you as a part of our site!

I think what makes Bad Box, as well some of our other very knowledgeable members, (BNechis, helicopper and efdcapt115 all come to mind) is, they are very knowledgeable, and they can convey that knowledge effectively. We can all agree, being knowledgeable is just half the battle, being able to relay that knowledge is the key.

Bad Box, and these others, can articulate their points effectively and use them as teaching and knowledge sharing opportunities. As opposed to other leaders who may have all the answers, but they alienate those they are imparting their knowledge on. Whether it be because of ego, attitude, or just a complete lack of social skills, that knowledge gets lost.

So, kudos to Bad Box, and all the others who really do all they can to build on this forum.

sfrd18, BFD1054 and mvfire8989 like this

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