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If this SCBA / Mask is produced, it will change everything....

15 posts in this topic

This, hands down, will change everything. Watch the short video, and I'm sure you'll agree. My favorite part would be the visual exit path.

FDNY 10-75, PEMO3 and JetPhoto like this

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This, hands down, will change everything. Watch the short video, and I'm sure you'll agree. My favorite part would be the visual exit path.

Interesting concept and I agree it would radically change the way firefighting is conducted.

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I think its concept is too futuristic to ever work effectively. If they take away the finger tip thing I think it would be better.

FFBlaser and Haggerty 1029 like this

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I think its concept is too futuristic to ever work effectively. If they take away the finger tip thing I think it would be better.

Excellent concept and it would be a great resource. It would take some additional training to ensure that similar things that happened with pilots as technology improved and then HUD's doesn't happen which often was information overload. As far as the fingertip thing, I think its another tool for a group leader or officer to have to assist them with what they do. Interested in knowing a little more why you think taking it away would make it better.

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great idea but knowing us we will find some way to screw it up--redo it get extra parts out of it or somthing.

FFBlaser likes this

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I wish we could just flip a switch and get thermal imaging in our masks! But it all goes back to you have to know the basics(and train) for when the technology fails!

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It would be great but would we become to reliant on it. It is definitely a look into the future. Hey when most of us "old timers" were kids if you told us we would be walking around with phones in our pockets smaller than the size of a deck of cards and listening to music on small portable hard drives about the same size we would have laughed at you.

I can hear it now:

09:00 - IC the the bridge, Scotty we need more water.

09:01 - I'm giving her all she's got, Command!!

09:02 - All she's got isn't good enough!


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How many fds are still operating with dangerous equipment, outdated gear, and shoe string budgets?? Looks cool, but Im not holding my breath. How's that revolutionary air cylinder replacement coming?

FFBlaser, FDNY 10-75 and FF398 like this

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Excellent concept and it would be a great resource. It would take some additional training to ensure that similar things that happened with pilots as technology improved and then HUD's doesn't happen which often was information overload. As far as the fingertip thing, I think its another tool for a group leader or officer to have to assist them with what they do. Interested in knowing a little more why you think taking it away would make it better.

The other things aside from information overload, is the over-reliance on the technology to compensate for inability to actually see. I have seen it too many times already with TIC's. People walk/crawl around with them almost attached to their faces, and almost solely rely on that to navigate/work.

I can see people become TOO reliant on this type of a system they will lose/forget their other senses (including common sense) on how to read and interpret their surroundings.

I do like the concept, I just think your average structural fire may have a bit too much going on to properly use all the functions/features available.

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I agree with the problem of over reliance on things such as thermal imaging but as someone said would be a nice tool for the officer to have such as the tic is. For the average fire fighter they would be able to have a more basic HUD and the more advanced HUD with the switch if whatever to change views that would be the best bet. Having that visual exit path in an emergency would be invaluable. I mean we can train how to operate without sight so I think we as firefighters can learn to use this tech if ever really able to put this in to play. Think of three fast team going through the door able to flick of a finger to pull up others location. Or the officer leading their crew into a building seeing the change in temp before he/ she can feel it through our ever advancing gear s

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So on top of the 120lbs extra we now carry you need to put a 6lb TV on your face. They can keep it

Take away the extra 20-50 lbs. Most are carrying it will lighten the load. :)

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The lost art of the fire service at its best. Why not just build robots to do our jobs?

Keep training with the bare minimum and never rely on modern day firefighting tools.

Haggerty 1029 likes this

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The lost art of the fire service at its best. Why not just build robots to do our jobs?

Keep training with the bare minimum and never rely on modern day firefighting tools.

I tend to agree but at the same time respectfully disagree. We need new innovations in the fire service to expand our tool box. Where I agree with you is yes the basic still work (where I think you were going with your comment) technology has helped improved our work.

For example, TICs were introduced as a great way for assisting in searching for down victims. But the TIC became utilized for so much more. There have been countless time where we as firefighters have used it to find where fire is behind wall. How about finding those pesky blown florescent light ballast smell of smoke calls??

Unfortunately since the advent of our encapsulating PPE where we loose our sense of touch, smell and taste, sometimes were over extend ourselves. At the same time we can't overload our sight and hearing either.

Remember with technology, just as in the past as in the future, some technology will be great for the fire service while others will majorly fail.

BTW roof, there are already being robots built for firefighting purposes and have been under development for the past 10 years.

Edited by IzzyEng4

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