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Minimum Training Requirements for NYS Volunteer Firefighters

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How many hours of training can a volunteer firefighter be expected to put in? At what point will it drive them away?

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How many hours of training can a volunteer firefighter be expected to put in? At what point will it drive them away?

That depends on the culture of the department. Their are depts that put in substantial hours per month, there are others that do almost nothing.

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Now we have talked about the mandated levels, let us take a look at the recommended training levels. The current ISO training requirements are listed below. They have been in effect for 30 years, but I found very similar requirements from them from the 1930’s.

Multi-company Drills - All members will attend at least 8) 3 hour drills per year.

Company Drills - Each member will attend 20 hours per month. Note: Company Drill hours include individual member training.

Officer Training - All officers will attend 4) 3 hours sessions per year. This is in addition to the above training requirements.

Driver Training – (Includes hands on pump operations and aerial ladder operation) All drivers must attend monthly 1 1/2 hour drills.

New Drivers - Training is 50/50 hands on and classroom. All new drivers must attend monthly 2 hour sessions plus twice yearly 8 hour sessions.

HAZ MAT - All personnel must attend one 3 hour hazmat or radiological monitoring class per year.

New Firefighters - All rookies are required to complete NFPA 1001 in one year which requires 240 hours (according to ISO) of independent training (not including company or multi company drills).

All training time must be recorded on a sign in sheet and the content of the training documented.

Also considered “Training” by ISO is Pre-fire Plans and Company Inspections. All members shall walk through a certain number of buildings each month and eventually every commercial and public building twice each year (ISO has relaxed this to annually by the 1st due companies, it is also understood that only a percentage of the company will walk-thru each building, but each building will be covered and members will rotate buildings so over the course of a few years each member will visit every building).

Each apparatus is required to have complete pre-fire plan “book” with up to date info of all buildings.

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How many hours of training can a volunteer firefighter be expected to put in? At what point will it drive them away?

Set expectations and individuals will rise to it. At what point can anyone say what they get now is enough. If its that much of an issue then perhaps it should be said that there needs to be some professional staffing in all departments. And before anyone cries the money it right and the tax increase will be offset by fire insurance premium savings and with fiscal responsibility.

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Firefighters die every year PERIOD!! This is not a game where we can only be in it when we want to. You have raised your right hand and swore to protect the citizens of your community.

You owe it to them--you owe it you your selves--you owe it to your brother firefighters--you owe it to your family--to do the best you can. Train like your life depends on it BECAUSE it does.

Put the training in place--give the firefighters a chance to reach the level--you just might see the level of training rise.

Thoses that think its ok not to train or that training is only a minimal part move out of the way because the new generation of firefighters are on their way and your blocking them.

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All this discussion regarding training and minimum knowledge requirements is all well and good, however, (and there is always a however) how many departments have minimum PHYSICAL requirements, other than being able to show up for a call or drill, or class,... and MAYBE fog-up a mirror ...

How many places have real department "physicals" other than the bare-bones minimum documentation required for wearing a respirator, and maybe monitoring blood pressure, vision, hearing, but what about testing a firefighter for strength, and even endurance, for working under at times dangerous and physically stressful (exhausting) working conditions?

How many times does someone have to take/ pass a CPAT? Once, to get hired? annually?

I know (today) I would not be able to run up several flights of stairs with full gear, pulling a hose line, even when I (thought I) was in pretty good shape it would be a fairly decent challenge. And now I'm nearing the upper edge of my profile age bracket.

The majority of firefighter fatalities is coronary related. 44 percent, in fact. Heart attacks. (based on a USFA 1990-2000 study)

Something to think about, is all.

Get in shape, stay in shape.


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