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Middletown (Orange) - Mult Structure Fires - 3/28/2012

1 post in this topic

Date: 3/28/2012

Time : 0230ish

Location: 2 Grant Street (2nd Alarm) & 11 Ridge Street (3rd Alarm)

Frequency: Middletown OPS, OC-911

Fire Departments : Middletown FD, Chester FD, Mechincstown FD, Circleville FD, Port Jervis FD, Silver Lake FD, Goshen FD, Otisville FD, Matamoris FD, Warwick FD, Pocatello FD, Howells FD,Montgomery FD, multiple others.

Discription: 2 heavily involved multiple family structures at same time. Multiple mutual aid involved in incidents.

Writer: billy98988

Times are from when I monitored.

0245 - Port Jervis responding.

0245 - Middletown FD rpts all incoming units to be on MFD channel 1.

0245 - Port Jervis req m/a truck to standby.

0247 - Checking status of Goshen FD FAST

0248 - Red Cross requested to scene for family.

0250 - Howells unit request all available manpower to scene of structure fire on Spring ST.

0253 - Goshen T-937 responding as FAST

0258 - MFD Car 2 reports heavy fire 3rd floor of Ridge Street

0258 - 36-17 on location at Ridge Street

0259 - 2nd line being pulled from Circleville Engine to 3rd Floor

0300 - Pocatello Engine 151 enroute to Middletown Central Station

0301 - Central reports 3 mutual aid engines and 1 truck on standby

0301 - Otisville FD 142 at Central

0302 - 2 additional FI's dispatched

0306 - Red Cross requested for 13 adults and 4 children for Spring Street

0308 - Command reports still have heavy fire 3rd floor, 2 apartments. Knocked down on 1/4 side.

0310 - Goshen o/s of Ridge Street Fire as FAST

0310 - 1 Engine from Montgomery FD to Middletown Central Firehouse

0312 - Red Cross for Ridge Street 6 adults and 1 child.

0313 - Warwick FD FAST on scene at Ridge Street.

0314 - Mechincstown Portable 1 checking status of Pocatello Engine

0314 - Port Jervis 1 reports T-827 on standby.

0315 - Montgomery 3 reports engine assembling.

0317 - Fire on 3rd floor knocked down, hot spots around chimney.

0318 - OPS cmd request chain-saw to 3rd floor for vent.

0318 - O&R On scene for Ridge Street fire.

0319 - Grant Street fire under control.

0320 - Montgomery E-223 responding for standby.

0320 - 36-11 reports Grant Street fire under control, overhaul in progress.

0322 - MFD Car 2 request fresh crews

0325 - 1 HOUR 10 MIN update reports still have active fire on 3rd floor on both sides.

anyone with further feel free.

Edited by billy98988
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