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New Rochelle Structure Fire - 8/22/12

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Date: 8/22/12

Time: 17:49

Location: 95 Lincoln Ave

Frequency: 36.96 (dispatch), Fire 18

Units Operating: New Rochelle Fire Department: E21, E23, E24, E25, TL11, L13, 2302, 30A2; New Rochelle Police Department; ConEd

Units on Standby: E22 & L12 at Station 3

Weather Conditions: Sunny, 77 degrees

Description of Incident: Units were dispatched to a commercial fire alarm at the above address. Upon arrival units found fire in the kitchen and transmitted the 10-75 bringing E25 and 30A2 to the location, and placing L12 and E22 (was on a previous list assist call) on standby in Station 3. Fire was quickly knocked down and Car 2302 deemed it to be under control, releasing E25 from the scene and E22 for Station 3.

Reporter: Sailr322, EFD1883

17:47 E21, E23, TL11, L13, 2302 dispatched to the above location for a commercial alarm

17:49 E23 on location with the 10-75

17:50 E24, E25, 30A2 requested to the scene on a 10-75 assignment

17:51 Ladder 12 relocate station 3

17:54 30A2 on location

17:54 2302 on location

17:56 E22 in service from a previous job, relocating to station 3

17:56 2302 fire is k/d E25 back in service, returning to quarters

17:59 ConEd Electric and ConEd gas on the way, no ETA

18:00 2302 situation is under control

18:00 E24 is back in service

18:00 E22 released from Station 3, heading back to Station 2

*Anyone with info feel free to PM me*

Edited by Sailr322
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