
Intranasal Narcan Approved

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3. ANY LEO or HCP here, that say they don't judge a suspect or patient in some way is a liar. We ALL do it, whether you want to admit it or not. Are you honestly going to say that you haven't judged, in some way, the EDP that you have responded to the 15th time? The drunk that wrecked his car? The frequent flyer? The homeless alcoholic? The "seeker"? The nursing home? Do you see the elderly white lady driving the Buick the same as you do the middle aged black man driving the Mercedes? Would it make a difference if that white lady were in the grocery store parking lot and the black man was in your neighborhood or "the hood"?

And here are my final thoughts. Please don't lump all HCP and LEO's together and assume they make all these "assumptions", because I assure it, that's not the case. I'm sorry that you've become so cynical through your experiences. I've been a Paramedic for fourteen years now, in addition to CFR and EMT time prior to that. I understand certain patients try your frustrations. And I don't believe the problem is that you had these "thoughts", it was your implication that you would alter you actions as a professional in response to them. You can be a human and have "thoughts" about your patients, but once anyone starts withholding treatment in response to it, I personally believe a line has been crossed. I live in a community with both "elderly white ladies" and "middle age black men". It doesn't really alter my daily life.

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Recall about 20 years ago, a 'scumbag drug dealer' tried to run over and kill a Mt Vernon cop, and was shot and handcuffed and left in the road. EMS arrived and either directed themselves or were directed by PD to the officer with the knee injury. The dirt bag dealer eventually arrived at the ED, cuffed. Per tesitmony, there were (I have forgotten the #. 12?) cops in the ED and none responded to the MD's request to remove the handcuffs to allow treatment. Thank god the cop-attempted murdering dirtbag bled to death.


Turns out he was a West Med Center neonatal surgeon trying to visit his girlfriend and he made a wrong turn off the BRP. His stopping and U-turning on a deserted commercial street attracted the attention of two narcs, in a cadilace and with much facial hair (Point being, the thinking is he did not think they were cops). They tried to stop him and he fled, striking the knee-injured officer. The Doctor was promptly shot to death. The upshot is that the inevitalbe suit was filed and won by the plaintiff. MV I believe actually had to borrow $$ to pay as it exceeded their city insurance max payout.

I appologize to the one member of the EMS crew I know is still doin' the job for dredging this incident up. But I thought it was appropriate for this discussion that no matter how clear the picture is at the time, things are not what they may appear to be. I especially want to express respect for the job of the LEO, and mean no ill intent in bringing up what is surely a painful memory for them.

We are not robots with no feelings and emotions. The job is not always easy. Treat every patient as a human being or don't treat human beings.

After over 25 years of 2000 calls a year and I am not in the unfortunate mindset of the poster above. Please, when my sister, the fully employed 20+ year tax paying paralegal and occasional heroin user OD's, please send another care-giver.

CFFD117, INIT915 and Medic137 like this

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I admit that I don't have the same level of "compassion" for the addict as I might for someone else.

Look in the mirror ladies and gentlemen.

I think its time for you to hang it up.

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I highly reccomend that you read Thom Dicks book, 'Peoplecare, 2nd edition'. I have seen it on, and not on Amazon. It changed the way I approached every patient. You should read it. $17.00 or so. Your next patient will appreciate it.

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