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Does Your Department Have A Zombie Apocalypse Emergency Plan?

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This is awesome.

The Pentagon Has A Zombie Apocalypse Emergency Plan

You read the headline right, The Pentagon has created a plan for what to do in the zombie apocalypse. We'll leave it up to you whether you now feel safer, or a whole lot less safe.


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This is akin to when the CDC published the "How to Make a Zombie Apocalypse Survival Kit" to their website a few years ago. Given the zombie fad that's been striking the population over the last decade or so this is definitely a great way to get people to read about preparedness and think about the things they'll need for when a disaster does happen.

Disaster_Guy, GAW6 and SageVigiles like this

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My department doesn't have a plan for the Zombie Apocalypse, mainly because when we look around our city, it's possible that we're already a couple decades into it. :unsure:

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This is akin to when the CDC published the "How to Make a Zombie Apocalypse Survival Kit" to their website a few years ago. Given the zombie fad that's been striking the population over the last decade or so this is definitely a great way to get people to read about preparedness and think about the things they'll need for when a disaster does happen.

Remember when this sort of backfired on them? The same year they put that out there were a few high profiles cannibalism attacks across the country. The CDC actually had to release a statement that there was no such thing as Zombies.

I have also heard there is a federal publication on how your fire department should handle a UFO invasion, but I have never seen that one first hand.

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I have also heard there is a federal publication on how your fire department should handle a UFO invasion, but I have never seen that one first hand.

I used to have a copy of the old Fire Officer Handbook that the government published decades ago (we may be talking about the same publication?). It had a chapter about how to respond to UFO crashes. It was weird that this chapter existed, but the government also denied the existence of aliens.

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