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Jackson Not Guilty

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Watch out kiddies!!!!

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Another waste of taxpayers money. How bout we go after the people that are obviously guilty?

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The glove did fit. I guess you have money, you get off :-k

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Personally I think the jury couldn't stand to see little frail Michael sent to prison where he would probably be shown true justice, as befits a kid toucher. Hope they can live with themselves for giving him a free ride for the rest of his life.

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Michael Jackson is a petaphile. All the people standing outside the courthouse everyday cheering had one thing in common with each each other - they're all a bunch of thirty- and forty-somethings who have nothing better to do - like a job, perhaps - than to stick around someone who is obviously guilty. If it were you or me who had gone onto national television and admitted to sleeping with children, even in a platonic way, the outcome would be totally different. The case became more of a cause-de-celebres than an actual criminal prosecution.

The victim in this case was victimized twice. I do believe that Jackson molested the child, but the child's mother used him as bait in the efforts to gain money. She knew that Jackson had a bizzarre affinity to young boys and baited him with her son, and when Jackson took the bait, she ran to the cops as if she didn't know or even suspect that something like this would happen. Both sides should be ashamed of themselves, and the courthouse supporters should be ashamed of themselves, too, for forgetting about the child in this case.

/ rant off

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Michael Jackson is a petaphile. All the people standing outside the courthouse everyday cheering had one thing in common with each each other - they're all a bunch of thirty- and forty-somethings who have nothing better to do - like a job, perhaps - than to stick around someone who is obviously guilty. If it were you or me who had gone onto national television and admitted to sleeping with children, even in a platonic way, the outcome would be totally different. The case became more of a cause-de-celebres than an actual criminal prosecution. 

The victim in this case was victimized twice.  I do believe that Jackson molested the child, but the child's mother used him as bait in the efforts to gain money. She knew that Jackson had a bizzarre affinity to young boys and baited him with her son, and when Jackson took the bait, she ran to the cops as if she didn't know or even suspect that something like this would happen. Both sides should be ashamed of themselves, and the courthouse supporters should be ashamed of themselves, too, for forgetting about the child in this case.

/ rant off

WELL PUT, WOLFEMT!!!! =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D>

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What a total disgrace of the justice system!!! I didn't get to read my paper today at work, so this is news to me. Maybe its good that i didn't read it at work cause i may very well of thrown up!

First O.J., then Jayson Williams, now this freak? What the hell is this country coming to?

He admits to sharing his bed with young boys, amongst other things, which have been witnessed. He even dangled his own child off his hotel balcony, what does that tell you?

Man, i am soo pissed off right now! I actually thought that the justice system would make an example out of him and give him a jail sentence. Just goes to show how powerful the almighty dollar can be, not to mention fame! I too was hoping that he would get a little jail house justice. Believe it or not, many prisoners look down upon child molesters & would love to beat the snot outta someone like him!

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I'm taking a trip out to California - and eliminating this world of that state's never-ending stupidity and piss-poor judicial system.

Anyone want to join me on this quest???


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Any mother/father who allows their child to visit the Neverland Ranch needs to be jailed for endangering the welfare of a minor child.

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Just proves if your rich and famous you can get away with just about anything.

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I watched the verdict on CNN only out of morbid curiousity. Those among us capable of rational thought know the guy is a child molester. The fact that he was acquitted once again proves that if you have enough money, you can get away with ANYTHING. Not to beat a dead horse, but when 2 murderers like Robert Blake and OJ Simpson can get off the hook with so much evidence pointing at them, why are we surprised when a sick freak like Michael Jackson does what he does and moonwalks his sick a** right out of the courthouse. I agree with everyone who has said that the parents should be on trial as well for bringing their children to the home of a known pedophile. I'll probably go to hell for saying it, but if they want their kids to be molested so badly, just take them to church! If Michael Jackson was a priest, he would just have been transferred....

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When does Michael Jackson's son know when it's bedtime? When the big hand goes on the little hand...

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