
Chicago FD Stripping Bunker Gear From Paramedics

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Chicago Fire Department paramedics have been told to turn in their "bunker gear" - the heavy, protective pants, suspenders, coat and helmet — because the department says they don't need it. The union begs to differ.

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They need the bunker gear a Kevlar helmet & bullet proof vests dumb idea by the brass

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Seems to make sense at some levels? If these are single role paramedics with no firefighting assignments, the gear is heavier, constricting and more expensive than other gear designed to protect EMS folks from pokes and cuts at MVA's and such.  It sounds like they plan on issuing the lighter, less expensive gear purpose designed for EMS and not change anything for those firefighter/medics who have firefighting assignments. 

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2 hours ago, antiquefirelt said:

Seems to make sense at some levels? If these are single role paramedics with no firefighting assignments, the gear is heavier, constricting and more expensive than other gear designed to protect EMS folks from pokes and cuts at MVA's and such.  It sounds like they plan on issuing the lighter, less expensive gear purpose designed for EMS and not change anything for those firefighter/medics who have firefighting assignments. 

I agree with you

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4 hours ago, antiquefirelt said:

Seems to make sense at some levels? If these are single role paramedics with no firefighting assignments, the gear is heavier, constricting and more expensive than other gear designed to protect EMS folks from pokes and cuts at MVA's and such.  It sounds like they plan on issuing the lighter, less expensive gear purpose designed for EMS and not change anything for those firefighter/medics who have firefighting assignments. 

If that is the plan, it makes sense, but why collect the gear before issuing new stuff? 

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5 minutes ago, Bnechis said:

If that is the plan, it makes sense, but why collect the gear before issuing new stuff? 

Good point. As most of us know there is typically much more to the story. Are the EMS personnel part of Local 2, or do they have a separate charter?

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They need bulletproof vests, "Gangbangers" know that if CFD is treating a gunshot, the victim is probably not dead, so they would have no problem driving by again to finish the job and anyone else getting hit wouldn't bother them.

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