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Lake Mohegan Comm. Structure 11/14

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Many congrats and props most be given to the Lake Mohegan FD, Yorktown FD, Peekskill FD, Mohegan FD EMS and whoever else was involved in the Structure Fire Last Night into this Morning. Besides making an Amazing stop in a Stip Mall style structure, and making many Animal Rescues in the Pet Shop located within. Pretty much was an amazing site, Yorktown's FAS Team Stokes not filled with Gear & Equipment but with Dogs and Cats being rushed to LMFD HQ. Great job to all involved once agian.

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I'll second that ONLOCATION! I was the Lt. riding on Buchanan U12 and when we got there, all visible fire was k/d and the guys were overhauling.

I must say, it was a site that you don't see every day (thank god)! As ONLOCATION said, all FD's involved did one hell of a job to stop the fire before it spread to the rest of this strip mall. As most of us know, strip mall fires are usually a b***h to deal with and if you don't get a good start on them, they'll usually take off! But the LMFD guys got in there quick and did their thing and it showed! I have to be honest, hearing the type of building it was and other info, i figured the entire strip would be going when we got up there! To my suprise, all we saw was some lingering white smoke and everybody working in some aspect or another.

Hats off to all the members of Mohegan Fire & VAC for a job well done! Not only did the FD guys have to deal with fire conditions, but had to also manage 30 or so dogs and cats! Their quick thinking and actions helped to save almost every (i believe 1 dog perished) dog and cat that were in the store! Now thats an awesome accomplishment!

The ambulance bays of Mohegan VAC became somewhat of a triage area for the rescued animals. As soon as the firefighters exited the building with an animal, they were handed off to other personnel and quickly brought into the VAC's bay. There were plenty of fire and ems personnel there to assist in any way they could. They were doing everything from comforting the animals to giving them oxygen!

Again, kudos to all the agencies involved in this incident, especially Mohegan's Fire and EMS personnel! They were faced with an unusual incident and handled it no problem, hands down!

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A total of 53 dogs and cats were rescued last night. Although a few did not make it, most were doing just fine after the fact! I would also like to thank all those other "outsiders" that assisted with everything they did. It was a massive group effort and the results definitely paid off...

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A total of 53 dogs and cats were rescued last night. Although a few did not make it, most were doing just fine after the fact!  I would also like to thank all those other "outsiders" that assisted with everything they did. It was a massive group effort and the results definitely paid off...

I also want to say what a great job by all the departments and personnel involved last night. I was there myself being that I live right across the street so my wife and I saw first hand. It proves again that it doesn't have to be just people that are worth saving and the dedication is there no matter what. I saw many members from police, fire and VAC assisting the injured animals.

Great job by all!!

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I want a photo of mouth to snout rescue breathing. There has got to be at least one out there from this incident.

Great stop by all.

Edited by ny10570

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I heard some of the animals had to be put down after this fire. Any word on that? It would be a real shame.

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NY, I do know of one mouth to snout breathing case, in which the dog threw up the FF's mouth....YUCK!!!

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15 out of the 50 some odd dogs went to an animal ER and from what I heard 6 were put down there, and 1 died at HQ's and yes there was doggy recesutation going on but no mouth to mouth. Great job to all and thank you from the bottom of my heart to everyone that helped that night.

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Conrats to all for the quick save of both the building and the animals...

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Pet Shop Fire Kills Six Puppies

POSTED: 7:32 am EST November 16, 2005

UPDATED: 11:31 am EST November 16, 2005

MOHEGAN LAKE, N.Y. -- A pet shop fire in the Northern Westchester community of Mohegan Lake killed six puppies Monday.

Firefighters rescued dozens of other puppies and kittens. A total of 48 puppies and kittens were taken out of the smoky fire at American Breeders, but several were euthanized later in the day because of their injuries, Assistant Fire Chief George Keesler said.

Dr. Alan Green said he treated several of the animals at his Katonah Bedford Veterinary Center in Bedford.

A Lake Mohegan fire lieutenant was driving past the one-story building at about 10:45 p.m. when he saw smoke. Within seconds, firefighters raced into the pet store. While some hauled in hoses, others formed a line, handing over the puppies and kittens like a bucket brigade.

They were taken to the firehouse, where firefighters, ambulance volunteers, police and neighbors administered oxygen. The electrical fire appeared to have started in the basement and was not considered suspicious, Kessler said.

Firefighters from Peekskill, Yorktown and Buchanan assisted, getting the smoldering fire under control in about 30 minutes and clearing the scene at 3:15 a.m.

The fire caused smoke damage to a nearby deli, tailor shop, barber shop, tattoo parlor and hair salon.

They are all expected to be reopened after cleaning up smoke damage.

© 2005 by The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Edited by mikeinet

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I would like to say great job to all the emergency personel on the scene. Everyone did a wonderful job saving the building and animals. I was one of the fire fighters who tried mouth to snout recsutation on a dog from the basement, while rushing to the fire house. Several dogs where removed from the basement from the rear of the building. Good job men and woman.


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Great job as usual to Mohegan and M/A departments!

One question I have:

I was written up that one of Mohegan's loo's drove by and saw the smoke. This being a commercial structure, were there any (operational) fire alarms and was the fire reported through a central station?

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There was no operating fire alarm system in the building. The fire was reported when I called it in over the radio.

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Dr. Alan Green said he treated several of the animals at his Katonah Bedford Veterinary Center in Bedford.

My wife works there (it's the only 24 hour Vet in the Northern Westchester/Putnam area). The overnight ER staff had thier hands full. Several animals on vents. A few put down. I think one or two may still be in the ICU. I'll get more details tommorrow.

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Hey see if you can find out where the Golden Retriever puppy went, i want to get it for my mom for Christmas....

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EMSwhitecloud...good luck on getting that Golden. That sure would be an awesome X-Mas gift! He/she was cute as hell, i know that! I also loved the Rottweiler puppy, as well as the all-white bulldog (?). When i told my girlfriend where the fire was, she was soo upset and wanted to know if i could possibly offer to adopt/buy one lol.

Edited by BFD1054

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I'll see if the Golden puppy went to KBVC and what it's status is....

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Just thought you all would like to know how 2 of the puppies who were burned in the fire were doing. They are currently at an animal hospital in Danbury. Here is the story and there are some pictures on the site.

Tough Pups - Vet helps dogs recover from fire

By Brian Saxton

DANBURY – They named them Barbecue and A-1 – and for good reason.

When the two, 11-week-old puppies, one a boxer and the other an English bulldog, arrived in Danbury, it was touch and go whether they'd ever recover from the fire that swept through the pet shop where they were caged and offered for sale.

"They were in bad shape," said Dr. Fred Baff, owner of Plumtrees Animal Hospital on Newtown Road where the dogs were brought for treatment. "Our job now is to get them well and find them homes."

The Nov. 14 fire at American Breeders in Mohegan Lake, N.Y., began shortly before 11 p.m. in the store basement because of what officials say was an electrical fault.

Barbecue and A-1 were among 59 puppies and five kittens inside the building when the blaze was reported.

Lake Mohegan First Assistant Fire Chief George Keesler said the puppies were barking to get out. Some were digging at their cages.

At one stage, firefighters were pulling animals from the cages and giving them to helpers gathered outside.

"It was horrible," said store owner Rick Doyle, who sells puppies and kittens to clients nationwide. "It was disastrous. It was as bad as it gets."

Barbecue and A-1 were two of the lucky ones.

They were rescued by firefighters, along with 46 other puppies and kittens, but two puppies died from smoke inhalation and several more had to be euthanized. In all, 12 animals died.

Some of those saved received oxygen from firefighters and medical personnel in the firehouse next door. Survivors later were sent to local kennels and veterinarians to be either housed or treated.

Barbecue and A-1 were brought to Baff after one of the recipients, client and kennel owner, Dale Schweizer, of Shady Pines Kennel in Brewster, N.Y., found the dogs needed urgent medical attention.

"Their main problem was smoke inhalation," said Baff. "They both had tremendous difficulty breathing. One showed signs of not getting enough oxygen and was coughing up mucus."

Using antibiotics and inhalation therapy, Baff was able to reduce the dogs' respiratory problems.

The main issue now, Baff said last week, is skin related.

"Because of the heat of the fire, some of their skin is falling away and the skin tissue is dying," said Baff. "We may have to do some skin grafting."

Still, Baff said he remained optimistic about the dogs' eventual recovery.

"My prognosis is still favorable," said Baff. "They're nice dogs. They're sleeping well and they're eating well. My assistants even gave them names. They called the boxer Barbecue and the bulldog A-1."

Schweizer, who has found homes for most of the 22 puppies and five kittens he took in, said Barbecue and A-1 were two of the more serious victims of the blaze.

"This has been a situation in which people came together as a team to try to ensure the safety of the animals," said Schweizer. "We all pitched in, including the firefighters. This was not about people. It was about animals."

For information about the puppies at Plumtrees Animal Hospital in Danbury, call Dr. Fred Baff at (203) 748-8878.

Contact Brian Saxton


or at (203) 731-3332.

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