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CBS 2 Online Special: The Blizzard of '96

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I remember driving from Lake Carmel to Sandy Hook, NJ during this mess. I left LCFD just as it was starting to flurry. By the time I hit the Tappan Zee a half hour later it was an absolute nightmare. I wiped out on the GSP just before the Raritan tolls and limped pretty much into Sandy Hook. Stopping nearly every twenty minutes to clear off my wipers. Ahhh fun times.

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I remember driving from Lake Carmel to Sandy Hook, NJ during this mess. I left LCFD just as it was starting to flurry. By the time I hit the Tappan Zee a half hour later it was an absolute nightmare. I wiped out on the GSP just before the Raritan tolls and limped pretty much into Sandy Hook. Stopping nearly every twenty minutes to clear off my wipers. Ahhh fun times.

Jersey got nailed the worst with that. I live about 15 miles south of Raritan/Sandy Hook and when I woke up the next morning, we measured 38 inches of the fluffy white crap... I was never in so much snow that half of my body was totally submerged.

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I was living in Virginia, still on active duty in the Marines. Base was shut down so I went to the firehouse for the stand-by. Had a few wrecks during the day, and when we just cleared from a chimney fire, one of of our officers radioed in for a working fire in his development. When we arrived it has collapsed already (lightweight construction many of you are just learning to deal with now), and we had fire extending into exposure B and D. Nothing like new construction in subdivisions right on top of each other.

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I was working for Pleasantville Union Free Schools as a custodian at the time. I spent almost 56 hours straight at work, including a 10 hour stretch plowing in a F-350 with a manual tranny. I also remember my boss telling me that one of my brother firefighters, Tom Dorr, was missing in the storm. That and the heart break when he was found murdered.

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heres the best!!! I was off.! by the time my shift was back on duty the roads were clear the snow had stopped. We dug out hydrants for the next 3 days. but i missed the storm one of the few times in my career.

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It was awesome!!!

I was working at Empress - could not get home to Dutchess County - so I stayed for like 4 days straight!

The National Guard came in - we used a Hummer as a flycar - me, Marji, and Bannerman! We put my old blue dashlight on the hummer -what buffs!

We got our pics on some ambulance magazine cover (not JEMS)

I have some pics somewhere......

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I remember the 1996 storm because my neighbor told me he had the climb out a window to get outside to dig the snow drift away from his front door.

Only the roof of the cars were showing!

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Wow, I was, umm, in Jr. High School, lol. I remember having no power for a couple days. Sorry to date any of the older members of this forum, lol, just shows how much of a kid I am.

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