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Posts posted by spin_the_wheel

  1. Trash me all you want. Bottom line is that grants like this are nothing more than pork barrel gifts to select groups.

    I'm not hating on Tarrytown. I just think it is time for us to get serious about preparedness and buying more toys (trucks, boats, etc.) does little to insure that they're staffed or available.

    You have a point if there is a history from Tarrytown, Central Nyack and Nyack with not getting out for "bridge incidents" both above and below.

    If not then there is no argument in my view. Why should'nt these first responders have the best equipment available at their disposal?

    nydude2473 likes this

  2. Honestly from what it sounds like, you have no idea what you are talking about when it comes to this whole project and the issues we are soon to face out there. And, no one is trying to buy anybody out. That equipment would be used fairly often and the training wouldn't go to waste. We are talking about being able to save lives and do a job the right way. If you can't understand that then you need to get your facts straight and start from the beginning. I don't know what you have against this whole thing but other departments aren't going to be left out. Nyack should definitely look into getting stuff and same with the departments that send fireboats to TZ calls. There is nothing wrong with applying for a grant to get new apparatus and training. I don't see you bagging on the FDNY for all the stuff they got for Sandy. Is that because they are the FDNY and they are more deserving? Look, we all do the same job and want to do it in a safe and excellent manner. Stop hating and just be glad that if you ever find yourself in a tight spot, that hopefully one of these apparatus will be able to come and help you out.

    Well said.

    Bottom of Da Hill likes this

  3. That vehicle isn't a perk. It is an emergency vehicle. It doesn't have a license plate, it has a unit identification tag in place of a license plate. It's granted exception from many v/t laws because it's an Emergency Vehicle. An emergency response vehicle for use in Jericho L.I., not shopping at Woodbury Commons.

    Look, lets be honest and fair. Chiefs in volunteer fire departments often put in a lot of time. Some departments, those with modest budgets, will simply offer to put a little flashing red light and siren in a chiefs personal car. In districts with the finances, they offer their chiefs a vehicle specifically dedicated to serve in that capacity. I think this is all well and good. Should the chief be able to use that vehicle for personal business? Of course! He's available to operate in his capacity as chief, he should be in the vehicle that is dedicated to that purpose. However, if that person is out of response range and not on department business, he should use his personal vehicle. If that vehicle is a "perk" for elected officials, than it should be properly tagged as such, not given a unofficial plate as the one in the photo has.

    The fire service needs to smarten up......and yes, extravagant practices concentrated in L.I. have brought a huge microscope on the volunteer fire service. After all, this is an area with 30x the number of rescue apparatus as operate in a city of 8.5 million people. Has the behavior changed? Who knows, but that picture might lead inquiring minds to think that it hasn't.

    Actually the trend on LI seems to be to do away with the traditional dedicated rescue truck, unless its for specialized equipment hazmat, TRT, dive team truck. Many departments are replacing them with a Rescue Engine. Plenty of room to store extrication equipment and other "every day stuff".

    Lots of things have changed on LI including much tighter accountability on how money is spent.

    Also note many of the required classes commissioners need to take now are required by law. What's wrong with taking a district vehicle to one of the seminars and stopping at a mall on the way?

    markmets415 and GAW6 like this

  4. I am willing to bet this person was on their way to the NYS Association of Fire Districts Fall Workshop at Honor's Haven in Ellenville, which started Thursday morning. Woodbury Commons is right off of the Thruway, on the way to Honor's Haven. As a Commissioner, if in fact he/she was on their way to the Conference, there is nothing wrong with using the District vehicle. Most Commissioner's will put in a requisition for their mileage to attend, so what is the difference if a District vehicle is being used?

    In case anyone is wondering, the Workshop is very informative for Commissioners/Chiefs. Travel Policy is something that is always discussed and every District should have one in place.


    GAW6 likes this

  5. If that is accurate, it should be looked at. The fire chief of one department making improper move up / relocate decisions affects the safety of people (civilians as well as firefighters) in districts over which he has no responsibility.

    Most departments have multiple alarm preplanned procedures dispatchers will follow. If the incident is that big and goes above what's written, a Chief or IC can just say "cover my station with 1 and 1 from wherever" and then its the dispatch center who can move around what's needed.

    The dispatch center should be next in line to assign units. When incidents get that big even the best Chief or IC running the show has no idea what's going on elsewhere in the county, who's available and who's not. The dispatcher will know what's out of service, what dept. is at a funeral, what dept. has had a problem all morning covering their own alarms, etc...

    markmets415 likes this

  6. Jaws of Life..... HURST tool. Like asking for a Coke when they have Pepsi. Need a "HURST" tool over here!!!! When the department uses Holmatro. :)

    Anyway...what's a "fully involved" structure fire. Is the actual structural components of the building involved or is there just a S&^T load of fire showing on arrival? Heavy fire showing? Medium fire showing...I have heard this. I bet you will get a lot of variations on this as well.

  7. On the slide it says 1965 Mack C/1982 E-One....did Golden's Bridge refurb this truck at some point? photo Glenn Vincent


      Add on order from FDNY contract It's a 1976 Seagrave. My uncle was a Chief in Central when this was orderd.

    Thanks for the info, and it does look like a city rig!

    Not Westchester but close....Greenwich CT 77 Seagrave 100 ft. photo by Glen Vincent


    Thanks for the info and it does look like a city rig at that!

    fire2141, RJB896 and BFD1054 like this