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Everything posted by smwells

  1. I thought he was making an entry down the Chimney (No reindeer available, so use a ladder truck)
  2. What is happening with the current 75-05 ??
  3. Looks like all that rust provided the crumple zones the driver needed to survive. I am sure the driver would have been in worse shape if the car was solid.
  4. Bill, Someone is always at the building, stop by...
  5. I have been a member of PVVAC for 15 yrs, the call volume in district is increasing, as mentioned above so is m/a to our surrounding departments. With the increasing cost of rigs (almost 30k more for the 2009 than the last one purchased in 2006), the addition of a 3rd will allow for longer rotations before replacement, and eliminate the need for 'rushed' repairs, while maintaining coverage to the residents of putnam valley. Regarding the ability to cover the rigs, we have consistently been able to cover the 2 rigs for calls in and out of district, to the point that this week was the first time in over 3 months that we required m/a into putnam valley for a call. We have about 55-60 riding members, along with numerous Associate and Youth Corp members that assist behind the scenes. PVVAC was awarded 'Agency of the year 2008'. I will see if we can get some pictures and specs on this new addition. P.S. The 1962 Cadillac has been reassigned as 3474, It won't be answering 911 calls, but should see more parades during 2010 season.
  6. I am all for keeping the students safe, but give me a break!! Am I reading correctly, it was in the car not on him? Unless something has changed a search warrant is required to search a vehicle, or have we further trampled peoples rights.
  7. Capt'n Lou was an icon in wrestling for many years and will be missed. For those that didn't realize it, he lived here in Putnam County NY, Town of Carmel I think? I used to see him regularly around the area. A very down to earth person.. RIP
  8. Off topic, why wreck a classic car. And Yes I would take a 59 over the current model..
  9. All the signage and Chevrons in the world are not going to work for an impaired driver. It might help those that are simply not paying attention..
  10. I think they found the source of the problem.... Glad to hear everyone got out of the truck without incident.
  11. Is that Standard shift or lever for 4wd?
  12. I am not sure of the long term plans for HVHC having helicopter access, but the current location for the pad and the new building probably are a major factor for it being stopped currently. The existing helipad is 15 ft from the current walk-in entrance for the ER, and less than 100ft from the new 3 story patient wing and current ER parking. Hopefully, if the re-establish the helipad, it won't be setup like Putnam, where you need an ambulance to transfer the patient from ER to helicopter, I have done many of these "inter-parking lot" transfers with stat-fight, since the pad is on the other side of the building from the ER.
  13. Did someone say Murder Burgers!!!!! coming to Dutchess.. I'll vote for White Castle, I hate having to drive all the way to Nanuet or Yonkers.
  14. This project has more holes than swiss cheese. Over the past 15 years I have 'cleaned up' from the people that were doing 20+ over the posted speedlimit and failed to navigate this road. This road is far from 'minor artery'. If you widen the road 8 feet as planned, you might as well pull up a chair at the dinner table, because you will be inside several houses, not the front yard. I am all for improved pavement, better drainage and markings, but noway should this road be a 50mph zone!!!, people will never be able to exit thier driveway, and add to the exisiting hazard pulling out from the side roads like Tinkerhill and Bryant Pond Roads, that already have a track record of accidents.
  15. ABC = ambulatory before carry (i.e Can you walk down to the rig, then start walking)
  16. Chris, I realize, we can't fix STUPID!! But it makes it harder to explain to the officers and thier boss how they got there, with all the warning signs..
  17. GPS perhaps.. Relying on the 3in screen instead of the big one in front of you... GPS wont mention to you that the bridge is too low...
  18. Anyone know if DOT has considered putting height warning system on TSP, similar to the one where I684/287 and the Hutch meet, to warn drivers that there vehicle is too tall (or in this case) does not belong on the roadway.. it might jar the drivers brain cells to think again about going on the TSP..
  19. I have not seen this video, but learning how your vehicle handles in bad weather has it's merits (for training). Too many drivers (myself included) dont spend enough hours behind the wheel to fully know how a type III ambulance will handle in adverse conditions. As far as video goes, almost 100% of the videos posted on youtube and here, can and are taken out of context of the events surrounding the video. Without the supporting information, people will always jump to conclusions.
  20. GPS = 3 inch screen for navigation Windshield = Reality!! No matter what the GPS says, you still need look outside..
  21. RIP Lee, My condolences to the Pompei family for thier loss
  22. I may have missed something as an EMT, I have never heard of/seen a 'First Responder' form? Does anyone have a copy they can post, what is different? Sorry for going off-topic.
  23. I have seen several areas where they have painted the maltese cross on the pavement with an arrow pointing to the hydrant. I presume it helps in the event of inclement weather (hydrant covered in snow, etc.). Not sure if the FD took on this effort or the local town, but certainly they wouldn't go this extra step to mark where "Sparky lifts his leg" in someones front yard without checking first.
  24. I don't have the section number handy, But NYS used to allow EMTs to run Redlights and Siren, but it was left in the hands of the agency to authorize their use, since they were acting on behalf of them when responding. My department has had several members over the years ask for permission, but were denied as it creates a potenial liablity to the agency if they had an accident. Not sure if anything has changed in the laws recently that would change the above.
  25. From the way the neighbor was talking in the video, she didnt know it wasn't real.. I am guessing the FD should know if the area has a Hydrant and where? Wet/Dry, Public/Private. I would think the FD would be aware of it.. I am not with the FD, the district I am in does not have hydrants except dry ones that the FD has documented.