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  1. jack10562 liked a post in a topic by JJB531 in EMS Operations in Crime Scenes   
    EMS Operations in Crime Scenes
    Katonah-Bedford Hills Volunteer Ambulance Corps
    160 Bedford Road, Katonah, NY 10536
    January 25, 2012
    1930hrs - 2130hrs
    Course Overview
    This course is designed to provide awareness level training for EMS personnel on how to effectively and safely operate within the inner perimeter of a crime scene. The following topics will be covered:
    *Crime Scene Characteristics
    *Types of Evidence
    *Responding, Approaching,and Operating within a Crime Scene
    *EMS Priorities
    *Preservation of Evidence
    *Patient Management Considerations
    *EMS Documentation
    *Violence Against EMS Providers
    This course is presented by Police Officer/Paramedic Joseph Bucchignano. For more information or to register contact Karen Moore, Katonah-Bedford Hills Ambulance Corps, (914) 232-5872.
  2. jack10562 liked a post in a topic by EMTbravo in EMTBravo 2012 Fundraising Campaign-How You Can Help   
    We've kicked off our 2012 fundraising campaign. While we are able to get by month by month by funding the major expenses of the site through the sponsors/ads, as always, we need our members to invest in this site so we can continue bringing you the best site possible.
    Some of the things we are looking to do or begin work on with contributions in 2012:
    -Accounting software that helps to manage site advertisers, bill them properly and on time, and give them feedback on how their ad is doing.
    -Establish the EMTBravo brand properly
    -Have some capital to be able to design and produce EMTBravo T-shirts
    -Fees for a graphic designer for a 10 Year Anniversary Grafic..
    -Plan for our tenth anniversary
    -Research the possibility of a magazine and an educational seminar
    -Looking to develop a mobile platform for our Incident Alert feature, and seeing what is involved and whether we can properly come up with something that meets our strict criteria.
    -EMTBravo Cloud: Coming up with space that you can download reference material or other content to your mobile phone without having to store it on your phone.
    -Possible a forum software upgrade
    -Being able to better intergrate EMTBravo into other websites and vice-versa for sharing of information
    -Develop an EMTBravo Philanthropic feature, which will allow members to make donations to 10-13's the can't attend, etc.
    To make a contribution to your online community: http://www.emtbravo.net/index.php?app=donate ,visit by clicking on the "Donate" tab on top of the page, or the "Quick Donate" on the right sidebar.
    Any amount helps. You choose how much to give, and we'll work with what we get.
    Thanks for your time and consideration,
    Seth G.
    Executive Director, EMTBravo
    Please note all contributions are voluntary, and not directly solicited. Contributions are not tax deductible. Being an "Investor" DOES NOT entitle you to any special treatment, or let you disregard the rules. When you make a donation, your member group will be changed from "Member" to "Investor". The "Investor" icon is good for only a year. All ideas presented above depend on research and development, feasability, cost, and other considerations.
  3. BFD1054 liked a post in a topic by jack10562 in Conn. paramedic accused of rape inside ambulance   
    While I absolutely hope this is not true, it also would not be the first time someone cried wolf, for revenge, or any other number of reasons.
    Secondly, why is it always that the person accused in an allegation such as this gets publicly named, before there is even an investigation conducted???
    Even if he is innocent, this guy might as well have been convicted of a sex crime, for the damage already done.
    If he's guilty, lock him up.
  4. peterose313 liked a post in a topic by jack10562 in Best Quality Camera to buy?   
    You have to start out how much you are willing to spend. For instance a halfway decent low-end Digital SLR camera kit goes for $500, or you can take it up to over $2000, for a camera body with no lens.
  5. jack10562 liked a post in a topic by FFPCogs in Stay or Go   
    Not sure if this is the right heading for this topic but here goes.
    Here's a hypothetical that came up during a drill in which there was some "disagreement" between the American and British contingents here at work.
    OK so the scenario is thus:
    On a scene with limited manpower and no operational radios with one line in position and operating to contain a rapidly spreading fire in an adjacent area, you and a partner are the search team. You have found and are starting to remove an unconcientous but viable victim from the IDLH to the only available exit and safety, when it becomes apparent that niether of you have enough air to make it out while exerting yourselves to bring the victim, What do you do?
    1) Leave the victim, make your way out and report their location to command upon exiting the structure so they can send in the next available search team to retrieve them.
    2) Continue on as far as you can go with the victim trying to manage your remaining air, while alerting command and others of trouble via your PASS
    3) Remain in place with the victim to conserve the air you do have and use your PASS to alert others of your plight
    4) Another option...explain.
    I know we shoudn't get into this position in the first place but for the puposes of this query please just stick to the scenario.
    I will refrain from putting forth my answer for the moment but anyone who knows me knows what it is.
    Thanks all
    Stay Safe
  6. jack10562 liked a post in a topic by ckroll in Stay or Go   
    That we should not get into this position bears repeating. Going into a dangerous situation without the resources to get the job done not professional. And depending on what kind of smoke it is, a little might kill you.
    When working through an 'I'd risk my life if I had to...' scenario like this..... well of course we will all say, yes we'd risk our lives to save another person [preferably an adorable 3 year old and not a felonious, disease encrusted, drug dealer]. But on some level, allowing ourselves the luxury of considering our own heroism encourages the behavior.
    Depending on how this scenario plays out, there are three dead people. Taking the approach that in the absence of adequate resources that the victim must be left behind may be useful in the long run. If we don't get to be the hero unless we are prepared, then maybe we will take the extra time to check the gear, switch out a low tank and to ask ourselves what will we do when this goes bad BEFORE we go into the building.
    That said, if it's low probability of death and the victim is viable and just darling, then I'd take the chance. If the probability of none of us making it out is high, then the drug dealer is on his own until I can get a fresh tank of air. And then I'd find another line of work because making a mistake in an office is a whole lot different from making a mistake on the fireground.
  7. jack10562 liked a post in a topic by firedude in 2011 Run Totals   
    According to their website, Eastchester VAC ran 2334 calls with 2397 patients treated/transported.
  8. jack10562 liked a post in a topic by RES24CUE in 2011 Run Totals   
    Golden's Bridge Fire Department
    2011 Total = 328 Calls (Including EMS)
  9. jack10562 liked a post in a topic by mllax14 in 2011 Run Totals   
    Yorktown Heights FD (Westchester County, NY) 779 Runs (No EMS)- Most runs in department history.
    Hyattsville Volunteer Fire Department Co. 1 (Prince Georges County, MD) 5,719 Runs for the Engine, Truck, Rescue Squad, and BLS Ambulance.
  10. jack10562 liked a post in a topic in 2011 Run Totals   
    Valhalla VAC: 668
  11. jack10562 liked a post in a topic by lt411 in 2011 Run Totals   
    Brewster Fire Rescue - (Putnam County) 2118 runs, both Fire and EMS
  12. jack10562 liked a post in a topic by nhfd241 in 2011 Run Totals   
    North Highlands 167 no EMS
  13. jack10562 liked a post in a topic by eric12401 in 2011 Run Totals   
    Lomontville FD (Ulster Co.): 68 calls (20 EMS calls)
  14. jack10562 liked a post in a topic by Ging599 in 2011 Run Totals   
    Carmel FD - 442 - No EMS
  15. jack10562 liked a post in a topic by IzzyEng4 in Conn. paramedic accused of rape inside ambulance   
    This is right in my back yard, literally. There are a lot of questions, doubt ect. that need to be answered. I know a lot of people, we all hope this is untrue, however there are a lot of questions being raised about this allegation right now. One red flag is the accuser waited two, three days according to the NH Register article in today's edition, nor said anything in the ER about it.Of course I'm not saying that if true she didn't do the right thing, there is the embarrassment factor as well as the anguish suffered with the alleged assault.
    Everything has to be looked at carefully by the investigators. Also the medic is well known and very good at his profession.
    I pray this isn't true and EVERYTHING was documented on the run form what was being done for treatment.
  16. jack10562 liked a post in a topic by JJB531 in Mount Vernon Police BRAT   
    Depends on which departments ESU you're talking about, but the overall job of a PD Emergency Service Unit is to provide police officers who have specialized training and equipment to assist patrol officers with situations they may encounter that patrol cops are either not trained or not equipped to handle. The services offered vary slightly by jurisdiction, but pretty much all Emergency Service Units provide traditional SWAT services. In addition to tactical work, ESU also provides technical rescue, vehicle extrication, dive/water rescue, helicopter operations, less lethal weapon deployment, management of violent/barricaded EDP's, animal control, evidence searches, auxiliary lighting, vehicle lockouts, securing premises, uprighting overturned vehicles, cutting/removal of trees from roadways, etc. The ESU truck is a rolling tool box that's full of solutions to any and all problems that patrol officers may encounter.
  17. jack10562 liked a post in a topic by PEMO3 in South Salem - Working Fire 1/3/2011 **DISCUSSION**   
    There is such a thing called "lessons learned" that comes from a post review of an incident. One of the benefits of hindsight being 20/20 is that we can look back and learn from both our mistakes and our successes. Regardless if you are a rookie or a seasoned veteran you should be willing to learn from every opportunity that avails itself. The day you take the attitude that you know all that you need to know and no one can teach you anything is the day you need to hang up your equipment and step way for your safety and the safety of those you work with. While some look at it as Monday morning quarterbacking, a true professional will look at the opportunity to evaluate could things have been done differently even if not necessarily better. Be it a trash can fire, house fire, MVA, cardiac arrest, or building collapse we should all be willing to explore what when right and what went wrong in the interest of lesson learned.
  18. jack10562 liked a post in a topic by EMTbravo in EMTBravo.COM Turns 9 Years Old   
    At 00:01 hrs on January 1st, 2012, EMTBravo.COM , the site that spawned these forums, and is now the portal to this site, EMTBravo.com was launched.
    EMTBravo.com went live at midnight on January 1st, 2003,as a very small personal site for me to share my photos and information that people used to tell and send me. The site's name was based on my AOL username, and I can not recollect how I came up with the screen name "EMTBravo", as I came up with it in the mid to late 90's. Although I pondered changing the name a few times, EMTBravo has become a brand name, of sorts.
    From the very point it was launched, the site- thanks to an awesome and incredible staff and membership, and the support of many- this site has grown to where it is today. I like to describe it as a "snowball effect".
    I'd like to thank everybody for all their support with their site, I really do enjoy being a part of it. I can't believe it's been 9 years already....where does the time go? From our amazing, hard working staff, to our members who generously donate, and advertisers who help fund us, to the members who share and contribute their knowledge,opininions and information on this forum.....I thank you again for making EMTBravo.COM what it is today.
    -Seth G.
    Executive Director
    The EMTBravo Group
    *Note: This forum was launched as an addition to EMTBravo.com on November 14th, 2003, and recently celebrated it's 8th year online.
  19. jack10562 liked a post in a topic by Steve in Rye Brook - Working House Fire, 01/04/2012   
    See Incident Alert

  20. peterose313 liked a post in a topic by jack10562 in Hollywood Arsonist Arrested   
    Glad they caught the sombich before someone got killed!~
  21. peterose313 liked a post in a topic by jack10562 in Hollywood Arsonist Arrested   
    Glad they caught the sombich before someone got killed!~
  22. peterose313 liked a post in a topic by jack10562 in Hollywood Arsonist Arrested   
    Glad they caught the sombich before someone got killed!~
  23. peterose313 liked a post in a topic by jack10562 in Hollywood Arsonist Arrested   
    Glad they caught the sombich before someone got killed!~
  24. jack10562 liked a post in a topic by KelliPVAC in 2011 Run Totals   
    Pleasantville VAC - 1188
  25. jack10562 liked a post in a topic by nfd2004 in May have messed up my chances with the FDNY? Help!   
    I thought this guy asked for ADVICE, not if we worked for the FDNY or not. I guess my expertise came in with giving ADVICE to many others to get on several career fire depts, INCLUDING the FDNY. Maybe you can go to www.ctfire-ems.com and look up what was written about a year or two ago on a thread called "I'm Proud of Them". It tells there, just some of the people that followed the ADVICE of myself and a few others. And by the way, I believe one of those now a career firefighter with the FDNY Special Ops.
    I'm sorry for just trying to help. I wasn't aware that he was only interested in responses from FDNY members. And by the way, I am a full supporter of the FDNY and the FDNY EMS. Read some of my hundreds of posts over the last few years on this and other web sites.