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Posts posted by frost025

  1. Doesn't make any logical sense at all. How do you leave your village unprotected by your fire dept.and put the coverage on a neighboring yown,just to say hey look at us we went mutual aid to Yonkers.That's what it is all about and don't tell me different.The village mayor and board should be aware of this and stop the nonsense. If you had the manpower in the village to cover the manpower going to Yonkers it's a different story. But it doesn't sound like this went down.

  2. It's all bull.... Put the correct amount of manpower on the job to supply adequate coverage for the taxpayers and to also protect each other. Stop relying on other cities to come in and help the short staffed dept. Do their job.What does it take to make a change a firefighter losing his life because carelessness and the lack of knowledge in the mayor's office... NOT RIGHT....

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