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Everything posted by xfirefighter484x

  1. Date: 8-29-11 Time: 2nd Alarm @ 2044hrs Location: Listening Rock Farm, 78 Sinpatch Rd x S Sinpatch Rd & Hillside Dr Frequency: 453.900 (Dispatch Ch. 1); 453.925 (Response Ch. 2); 453.800 (Command Ch. 3) Units Operating: Wassaic, Amenia, Millerton, Millbrook, Sharon, NDP, DCSO, NYSP Weather Conditions: Cool and Clear Description Of Incident: AFA with working fire on arrival Reporters: Writer: xfirefighter484x 2044hrs - Update on initial alarm, now 2nd Alarm of Fire 2046hrs - Millerton and Millbrook each with tanker - Sharon CT with TL m/a 2048hrs - FD reporting fire out at this time 2048hrs - DCSO unit back in service, m/a held 2056hrs - Wassaic 69-71 o/s 2058hrs - 2K28 reporting all SP units clear
  2. Taken from a friend's FB posting: Now THERE'S a thought... Emergency Responders ONLY responding to ACTUAL Emergencies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Here is a Press Release from Dutchess Co: And from the Dutchess County Emergency Manager's Officer:
  3. No more discussion of the incident itself will take place here in this thread. This thread if for discussing the PICTURES taken. If people feel so inclined to discuss the incident itself, the operations, what was done, or not done, then they can take the initiative to start a discussion thread in the Dutchess County Local Forum! Any other critiques posted in this thread will be deleted by the Staff. THANK YOU FOR POSTING THE PICTURES MARK!!! Definitely nice to see what was going on, on the other side of the radio, and definitely NOT what any of us were thinking/expecting!
  4. And I'm sure DC911 was of some minor assistance with all the requests made, some out of the ordinary...
  5. Not at all what I was picturing either!! Glad everything worked out for parties involved, all that damage, and the patient RMA'ed if I heard right!! And Dan, that joke... Only one expression can describe...
  6. Didn't know you could get 1st, or 2nd degree burns from spray-tan...
  7. And I just wanted to clarify that my "tradition" comment was a generic one. I think it is sad that is how the fire service is, because I DO AGREE with the use of Foam/AFFF/CAFS!!!
  8. Well the amount of the 'foam blanket"/bubbles also depends on the amount of aeration incorporated into the final foam product!
  9. Maybe you were referring to it increasing the surface area with bubbles, because the surface tension is reduced?
  10. The Village gets a lot of work going mutual aid to a LOT of surrounding departments. That truck has seen a LOT of action, the guys are well trained, and awesome to work with!! Here is a couple of pictures for reference: All Above Image Credit to the Village of Fishkill FD Website, http://fishkillfd.org/ Credit For The Above Image to New Hackensack FD Website, http://www.nkfd.org/
  11. As was mentioned in a previous post, and kind alluded to in others, CAFS is just another tool/tactic, as is PPV. I have dealt with CAFS on a couple occasions, and have been thoroughly impressed every time. I really think that foam IN GENERAL is a VERY under-utilized. The fire service... 200+ years of tradition... unimpeded by progress.
  12. Here's a couple results from a quick Google search, hope this helps!! Wikipedia - US Flag Code http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/html/uscode04/usc_sup_01_4_10_1.html http://www.usa-flag-site.org/forum/remove-cover-hat-or-salute-2312.html http://www.ushistory.org/betsy/flagcode.htm http://www.usa-flag-site.org/forum/correct-way-carry-large-flag-parade-6151.html http://www.governor.wa.gov/flag/flagcode.pdf
  13. Definitely a good video! Phones blew up that night! Some other videos I found quickly, with different views. **WARNING** Some language is less than, well, ideal, but such is life...
  14. It is the NYS OFPC Site (under NYS DHSES), so if I were to venture a guess... I would guess NYS courses only. For County courses you would most likely have to contact your County Coordinator's office!
  15. http://www.dhses.ny.gov/ofpc/training/ http://www.dhses.ny.gov/ofpc/documents/forms/training-record-transcript-request.pdf
  16. The above is true. However, if you are enrolled in, and taking a refresher/challenge course, and during that time your EMT-B lapses, NYS DoH will still recognize your EMT-B as valid, as you have made a "timely application for re-certification": http://www.health.ny.gov/nysdoh/ems/certification/certification.htm http://www.health.ny.gov/nysdoh/ems/emtbr.htm http://www.health.ny.gov/nysdoh/ems/pdf/refmod1.pdf
  17. Yes, you are correct, but the man asked a simple question, what is so wrong with that?? Well it also comes down to needing it to be Blue like the rest of their equipment. Mark, maybe you can strike a deal for this apparatus that is already painted blue, and has a pump! It's not that old, although you may have a problem trying to get the department to sell it LOL!! Original Photo stolen by me, from TTFD website, all original credit to tarrytownfd.org :lol:
  18. Some nice shots Eli, also like the variety and area covered!!
  19. Read the posts in the Shoutbox, and check out the IA!
  20. Proper or not, such is the way of the Capitalistic economy.
  21. Thanks for thinking about the discussion and these findings!! Thanks for posting Kurt!!
  22. http://edocket.access.gpo.gov/cfr_2006/octqtr/pdf/47cfr90.425.pdf