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Posts posted by sjc317

  1. The one thing that I don't think is a great idea is when a department calls for a fast for a working fire and then puts them to work. I think thatafter a fast is on the scene and is established, they should remain as the fast. If you need more manpower, then go m/a for manpower and not another fast. There is no sence in putting them to work after they are there and then waiting for another fast to show up. Kinda defeaats the purpose.

    fireboyny, FF398, efermann and 4 others like this

  2. Bravo

    We found another way for those on the rescue (no pump)...

    Those who understand shooting skeet will get reverse.

    When shooting skeet, you yell "PULL", then a clay pigion is thrown into the air and you try to "SHOOT" it.


    For the Rescue Company you take out your Bridger Line Gun.


    and you "SHOOT" it then have someone "PULL" the rope, and the rope, brass rod and the cat should come right down.

  3. Excellent point!

    I agree...wholeheartedly.

    However - on my rig - it was ordered before me, so I am looking to make it useful now..other than holding the Federal, and being a good place to sit on sunny days as mentioned, which it totally is..LOL

    Also - our rig has no grille on the front of the cab, so blocking airflow is not a concern.

    It IS a "quint", but has no trash line. That would have been nice to have spec'ed..

    depending pn how deep the bumper is, have a box made for it and place heavy equipment ie saws in it