Mark Z

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Everything posted by Mark Z

  2. Probably more than you think! I would bet that given the isolation any medical issue could become an emergency simply due to time and travel distance. I would bet that this kind of unit would work well for them tho, I just wouldn't want it in the lower 48!
  3. I don't believe such a unit would be even remotely KKK complaint and wouldn't work for day to day use as a front line unit. I think those that suggested limited use in specific situations where accessibility of a standard ambulance would be an issue is where that type of unit would be useful. I wonder if it could be used as a replacement vehicle for a flycar in a pinch or additional vehicle in high traffic times when the vehicle underneath wasn't needed for other duties. My only concern with that would be some beancounter then suggesting that it could be a frontline unit for cost savings. Overall I don't think I want one in my town!
  4. Not comepletely, but if a house was on fire near where I parked my car I think I might notice unless I was dead asleep! Like I said, I am not going to really comment much more because I don't have the whole story and I also made the mistake of thinking both were parked by hydrants, which they were not, I thought the hydrant was hidden by the ladder jack untill I looked closer but I still won't say the ladder chauffer was wrong for what he did, the driver of the car was just in the wrong place at the wrong time! I don't think he has much to complain about if his car got damaged other than bad luck.
  5. Nice photos! The one from the hotel was awesome! Happy Belated Birthday BTW!
  6. Depends on why Wappingers did it! If the hydrant was legitmately blocked and they needed water, fine, I wasn't there so I can't and won't second guess the situation. FDNY does many things depts don't need to do elsewhere, I won't second guess them either! BTW, I bet that driver will pay alot more attention to hydrants in the future!
  7. Note to self: read full article before putting foot in mouth I came back and read the complete article and will be looking out for more on this team, I wish the People on this team the best of luck and look forward to seeing more on them.
  8. So does abaduck! Well said!
  9. Thanks, sent him a message of support!
  10. I wonder if there is a way to let this kid know that many people are supporting him. . . ??
  11. Fine then give him a talking to and tell me not to do it again! This kind of a situation does NOT warrant this kind of action that can effect his entire life! This is a minor infraction at best and did not need this kind of heavy-handed response.
  12. I feel sorry for the poor secretary who has to answer the phone! The total frustration in her voice over what she has had to deal with was obvious in her voice! I hope this kid gets his record cleared and gets his chance at the Point. I called this am, as an aside I carried a knife just about every day from about 14 on and on one ocassion loaned it to the Principal. He returned it! Hmmm, on second thought where is that knife??
  13. I am reading this at 2100 hrs and will call in the am, sent the link on to some friends as well!
  14. I took quite a bit of time to choose the word I did, I wanted to let you know that I felt you and Goose were wrong IMO and didn't want to use a more negative word simply because I didn't want to start a war of words! If you are out diving in this weather have fun! Stay Safe as well!!
  15. Give Them a break; I don't really care why his hand was there, it doesn't really matter. I worked at Foxwoods Casino as an EMT (not firefighter) for over three years and getting grabbed and kissed is mild compared to some of what happened or was suggested could happen while I was on duty. Those of you that suggested that they could say no, obviously have no clue how negatively that kind of response can be percieved and all the offended party will remember is the party-pooper they dealt with last night. Saying no sometimes just makes a situation that could be over in seconds drag on for minutes because some lady drunk doesn't want to take no for an answer. This is a simple no news situation getting all blown out of proportion by people who just don't have a clue about what can sometimes happen when you mix firefighters and drunk women. The compliance checks are probably a good idea and having the young guys do them is probably not all that terrible for them or the women! Goose, Oneeye, you guys are all wet! Hey Chief! I'll volunteer for that detail!!
  16. Thank you for saying or reminding me of what I forget all too often, why I do what I do. Maybe not for the highest of reasons or with the best results but hopefully the highest of ideals and principles, and love of my profession, paid or otherwise.
  17. Don't give the lady any ideas!
  18. Why do you expect the commercial real estate market to go into the toilet?? I am not saying your wrong, i'm asking why you say that.
  19. And of course the FDNY union is the bad guy for not drinking the Kool-aid! <img src="<#EMO_DIR#>/sad.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid="" border="0" alt="sad.gif" /> Nice guy this Scopetta! So in truth, the units may take longer with less information and without proper resources, and he's celebrating this??
  20. Xtremely Cool! It is a very well shot photo!
  21. Maybe because it just isn't that important and there are WAY TOO MANY more important things to discuss, improve or otherwise change than the use of blue lights by an emergency vehicle??
  22. I hope they charge this idiot with animal cruelty or something! Resisting arrest when you own that type of animal is going to illicit a response from the dog, it won't know any better. I hope the dog and the officer both end up fine.
  23. In a funny way, I don't blame them, what would have been said if something had gone wrong and someone was hurt/killed? Would we be so critical of them? Remember part of what we are here for is being ready for what might go wrong and not just for dealing whatever has already gone wrong. Also, with all the budget/staffing cuts that are going on, closing a firehouse to wash an elephant does seem like a silly thing to do. I also firmly believe that the city probably wanted the house closed but is covering it but by changing the story after the fact. As far as getting out-of-title-pay, I am not going to touch that topic!
  24. Naaah, I don't feel sorry for them because they are firefighters and live in TX!!! Seth, I didn't think that policy as I read it made alot of sense and I honestly believed that it would be changed before long. I have no desire to be the chief of AFD and take my hat off to anyone who can run a dept the size of AFD, but the policy was way too restrictive and I bet cost the chief some credibility with the rank and file in the dept and I don't think it served the citizens of Austin well either.
  25. Big surprise, the chief decided that the policy made no sense! I almost feel sorry for the firefighters in Austin, but they work as firefighters and live in or near Austin so I can't feel too sorry for em!