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Everything posted by Tapout

  1. Clearly, B, this pilot was wrong to think he did not need approval to land. At the VERY least, for the sake of professional courtesy, he should have notified SOMEONE on the ground of his arrival and need to set down. Geez, some of these helicopter pilots need separate choppers and/or bambi buckets just to hold their gi-normous EGOS!!! Thank goodness our resident eye-in-the-sky is not one of THOSE types, huh! Yes, I'm actually laughing as I speak/type (my usual level of sarcasm must be measured on a richter scale) but regarding Chris, I actually know his bambi bucket only needs to hold water (and not his ego).
  2. I agree 9000%. This heroic firefighter might want to chat with his doctor about immunoglobulins (immune system boosters for those of us who've gotten stuck with cootie-infested needles) and getting on them forthwith. Ew. Seriously. Double-forthwith.
  3. Yes, but I'm sure she was happy and relieved both times to see YOU coming to her rescue. Same for you, HFD219... I'm sorry she died but I'm happy she had you with her when she did. I bet both your grandmas are hanging out together these days, bragging to everyone up there about their HERO grandsons!!!
  4. This "disconnect" phenomenon is funny because it has served me well over 17yrs in this business... I've coded adults, kids (one 2 1/2 yr old 14 times in 10 hours- then he died), even babies. But the minute I hear and feel that @#@$#%#$ing <pop!>, that same damn guilty "Oh sh@#- I killed another one!" feeling washes over me. Even when the CPR ended up with a save (with me always the lucky dog compressing and crunching away on those ribs) I STILL felt guilty! To this day, that pop sound is the glass of ice water in my face right in that moment of disconnecting and objectively doing what I have been trained to do. For those not rattled by that (and the thuddy feeling associated with it), I envy you.
  5. Even foofie BRONXVILLE'S new cars are black and white! The Crown Vic below with the plate readers on the trunk is especially sharp.
  6. Wow- stressful blast from the past! The 1st time was a frail little old lady brought into my ED with crushing CP and a pulse but not looking good. We and EMS pulled her over (all 90 lbs of her) to the stretcher and out she went. I started the compressions and almost immediately heard the most horrible sound- a dull pop. Kept compressing, though... and heard another louder, higher-pitched pop from the other side of her ribcage. A few more pops popped over the course of the 20minute code. She didn't make it and everyone explained to me it wasn't ME who killed her with over-zealous rib-cracking compressions, but still to this day, my gut ties up in knots thinking otherwise. Literally hundreds of codes later, I still get that same guilty zing in my stomach when I hear that pop... Congrats on the save, BTW. You'll have lots of those and lots you don't save. Regardless of the outcome, though, be proud of yourself for even trying.
  7. EMT Bravo family... PLEASE turn out for this meeting Wednesday 6:30pm at the County Courthouse in Carmel to OPPOSE the construction project along Peekskill Hollow Road. I'll only be there in spirit but I will have some, high-spirited and extremely vocal delegates to represent me and all the other PHR residents who do not want to get killed pulling out of our driveways. Good luck all and please fill me in on all the gory details Thursday morning!!!!! Gratefully, Tapout
  8. This is why politicians suck and we need a revolution... the more deeply I dig into this PHR project, the more crpp I find: layers upon layers upon layers of the exact sneaky and self-serving garbage that keeps honest and forthright people OUT OF POLITICS! Turns out the most out-spoken blogger on Lohud is none other than Dawn Powell, the chiropractor girlfriend of a Put Valley politician who currently is or previously was on the town payroll solely due to that relationship. "DrDPowell" is a doctor of chiropractic and not a lawyer, as she purports herself to be on the Lohud forums/blogs. Ugh. The rollovers will be landing in my living room rather than on my front yard in no time. http://dawnpowell.wordpress.com
  9. This meeting Wednesday sounds like it's going to be quite heated and contentious... apparently this "improvement plan" has been brewing awhile now, with little to NO public input whatsoever (by design, it sounds like). From a Lohud blog I didn't even know existed until today: http://www.lohud.com/apps/pbcs.dll/section...ckCurrentPage=2
  10. What is with LOHUD'S annoying and obsessive fascination with everyone's salaries? Just once I'd like to see the database of the salaries of everyone working for the Journal News.
  11. Sage, what exactly is your point? I live on Peekskill Hollow Road. In the 6 yrs I have lived here, there have been SIX car crashes in front of my house, 4 of which were rollovers. Two of my neighbor's dogs have been killed at the ned of my driveway where it meets with Peekskill Hollow Road. I live in fear every MF-ing day that my young son will be clipped by a psycho thinking PHR is the Autobahn while he rides his bicycle in MY driveway. I want to get him a dog as a pet but can't for fear it'll get killed just like the neighbors' dogs have since we've lived here. I've been passed twice while pulling out of my driveway by lunatics coming around the bend toward my driveway in excess of 60 (in the 40mph zone designated for my road). So, does this make ME a NIMBY for opposing this PHR construction project? Put yourself in my shoes as a scared parent (and RN) sick of having to come out of my house in the wee hours to save the idiots upside down in their cars in front of my house. Then decide which side of this argument YOU want to be on. Not in my backyard??? How about in my FRONT yard, Sage? That's where all the MVA's end up and I'm officially SICK OF IT. Please, everyone in Put Valley, and everyone in the EMS, police and healthcare community, come together and support me and my family Wednesday night to OPPOSE this construction project. It's bad enough living where I do already. Please help me to stop it from becoming WORSE. Wednesday, May 6th at 6:30pm at the Courthouse in Carmel. I'll see you all there (again, please). Gratefully, A PHR Resident
  12. WNBC/Ch. 4 and WNYW/Ch. 5 have combined forces in the air through a new, official helicopter sharing agreement that means the end of Chopper 4 as viewers knew it. Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/t...chard_huff.html
  13. "Santa Clara High School is mourning the loss this week of a school nurse who likely helped save the life of the school's softball coach suffering from a heart attack just moments before collapsing herself. She later died. On Tuesday, 59-year-old Eileen Bowden gave John Rahbar CPR minutes after he collapsed with no pulse while collecting foul balls following a team practice. Bowden's actions kept Rahbar alive until paramedics arrived, but then Bowden collapsed." http://www.ktvu.com/news/19339312/detail.html She was also a police officer, as if being an RN wasn't already enough heroism for one person. At least she saved 1 more before going off to Heaven!
  14. Psssst. Hey! Wanna buy a helicopter? I know a guy who knows a guy who knows a guy... I can hook you up with one CHEAP... So, Chris192, any chance of increasing the size of the EMTBravo/County PD fleet by ONE???
  15. Hilarious!! The article went on to say channels 2 and 11 are considering doing the same, just to further confuse us all. Chopper 2-11 to chopper 4-5... are you in the vicinity? Chopper 4-5: I have no idea! Which one am I, again?! Dangit! LOL From the NY Daily News website... Read more: <a href="http://www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/tv/2009/05/01/2009-05-01_wnbcchannel_4_grounds_news_helicopter_over_economic_concernsby_richard_huff.h l#ixzz0EHeYbjIk&B" target="_blank">http://www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/tv/2009/05/01/2009-05-01_wnbcchannel_4_grounds_news_helicopter_over_economic_concernsby_richard_huff.h ml#ixzz0EHeYbjIk&B</a>
  16. I have nothing to add to this-- I just thought it so perfectly summed up this entire argument it needed to be repeated. Now, about those pink-tipped boots... where I get me a pair of those bad boys? I don't fight fires, but I could really have some fun ringing a bell or 2 sparring in them at my next karate class.
  17. See, people... this is why the County PD copter should have strafing capabilities. Anyone old enough to remember Blue Thunder coming up over the horizon, shooting at bad guys while looking reeeeally cool doing it, nosedown? Fire off a couple dozen rounds in front of and alongside this idiot or anyone else who attempts the same. Bet they'll never EVER do it again!!!
  18. Two FL Sheriff's deputies used a stun gun to subdue a domestic abuse suspect and National guard soldier, but the man was able to start shooting at them from the ground, killing both. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090426/ap_on_...puties_shooting So sad and tragic. My condolences to the families of the deputies. My heart breaks for their wives and all 6 children left without dads (5 for Lopez, 1 for York). RIP, gentlemen.
  19. Every single news outlet is obsessing over the swine flu outbreaks and the potential impending pandemic, but minimizing the spread of this bug is SO simple: Wash your hands a LOT, people. All the time, every time you touch anything in public or anyone you deal with as patient, prisoner, whatever. Wash with soap and warm water for the amount of time it takes you to sing "Happy Birthday." Not kidding-- 20 to 30 seconds minimum is necessary to kill cooties. OR carry a packet of sanitizer wipes with you and use them instead, but just as often. Keep lotion on you too- those wipes are alcohol-based and dry the cr** out of hands. Police/fire/healthcare providers and EMS in those towns with big immigrant populations (like Mt. Kisco, Brewster, etc.) need to be the most vigilant and careful right now so they don't pick up those bad cooties and bring them home to their families.
  20. http://www.lohud.com/article/20090425/NEWS01/904250336 Since I am neither in any form of fire service nor related to anyone who is, I am interested in the opinions of those who are regarding Up-Chuck's latest plan for Rockland fire services. I am also curious as to why not Westchester... any theories? Fire away (bad pun-sorry)- but don't shoot the messenger (me) for sharing this story and potentially provoking yet another controversy. In the past I have offered to fellow Bravo-ites stories and ideas and have been jumped on for doing so. I know people (cranky ones). Bashing me will undoubtedly get bambi buckets full of mad carnivorous fish dumped on your favorite car (hopefully a convertible) or perhaps in a backyard pool.
  21. ... For enough fish for chris192's wife to cook up and feed the entire NY Bravo readership? Now THAT would be worth your tax dollars, Barry! Oops, sorry, BNechis. Don't know you. Wouldn't know you're the afore-mentioned-but just totally guessed it-moniker.
  22. Hilarious! And actually a pretty darn good idea... I know Chris192's wife--- she apparently whips up a pretty mean lobster/clam/kielbasa/corn feast! Yum!
  23. Definitely eco-friendly...but I feel a little bad for all the displaced FISH scooped out of the reservoirs who find themselves flopping around while being cooked in a brushfire somewhere! LOL!
  24. By far, the best ED RN's I have ever worked with started out as medics and got into nursing as a 2nd but in many ways overlapping career path. So many of the skill sets and clinical expertise are the same... often the medic actually knows more than the RN, having seen, done and experienced more (so many more times) at the front line--- before all the fancy machines and monitors are available and all nicely set up and ready for attachment to the pt. But the combo of the 2 perspectives makes for an excellent ED RN - ready to get hands dirty, able to wing it and improvise when things don't work/break/explode, immune to crazy stress levels at least in the heat of it, etc. That all translates to much better outcomes for patients. To become an RN, you need 2 years of college to get an associates degree in nursing (and a community college ADN is just as good as a BSN from Yale), pass the NCLEX RN licensure exam, and then get a hospital job making $25-28 per hour base as a new grad. Work a few years and get into an ICU or ED and bump up your pay to $35+ per hour. Get a bachelor's degree in pretty much anything (even basketweaving) and your pay grade will go up yet again, often into the $40+ per hour range. Look, don't go piling on this pro-RN rabbit, all EMS and 1st responders out there. I'm not trying to lure any of your people away from the front lines. I'm just suggesting another FUTURE route if you still want to help people but also have mortgages and car payments to cover,and your backs are tired and broken from humping stretchers up flights of stairs for so many years.
  25. The complaints of these Mt. Kisco store owners are ridiculous. You know why? Because most of the items in their shops are expensive and not of the highest quality. Even the Asian grocer along the parade route charges literally double for produce as compared to the Asian grocer next to my office here in foofy high-priced Bronxville. These merchants are whining about the fact that business and revenues are down. They found a scapegoat to blame-- the parades and those who provide them to the town. The reality is that they need to lower their prices to entice more shoppers the other 363 days of the year when parades are NOT marching through their town.